In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

I fail to understand the fascination with the Mufti. Like many leaders in countries/regions ruled by the allies he sided with the enemy of the allies. Of course he wanted the Europeans out of Palestine, the Europeans were planning to transfer hundreds of thousands of Europeans (Jews) to Palestine and create a state in the country to the exclusion of the Palestinians.

There were leaders in other British colonies that supported the Germans, seeing a British defeat as the key to independence Subhas Chandra Bose, a president of the Indian National Congress, led the Indian National Army (INA) against the British. Bose met with Hitler and was trained in Germany.

We supported Stalin because he was an enemy of Germany. And Stalin was no saint.

I just don't find it unusual that a Palestinian leader would ally himself with the enemy of Britain, given what he believed the British planned for the Palestinians.

Unlike pro-German leaders like the Ukrainian general Pavlo Shandruk who had a hand in the murder of Jews in Ukraine and Poland and whose army fought with the Germans, the Mufti had a reason to fear the Europeans that would flood into Palestine, and what would happen to his people after a British victory.

You fail to see because you are an antisemite like he was.

The Mufti was a Nazi who wanted Jews and Christians killed because of their religion, and he managed to kill tens of thousands of Christians, and incited the Muslims to commit genocide upon the Jews not only in their own holy land, but all over the region.
Who has it as a command from their god to this day to "KILL ALL THE UNBELIEVERS" and refuse to even contemplate removing it or ignoring from their lives

What are you talking about?
About 30% of expelled Palestinians were Christians, and these Christian Palestinians were even more radical supporters of the liberation of their homeland, than their Muslim compatriots.

So the fight of Palestinians for the liberation of their country has nothing to do with Islam or any other religion, it is just the predictable reaction of people that were wronged.

Zionists were eager to transform the Palestinian conflict into the conflict between Islam and the so-called "Judeo-Christianity", and they had even some success with this fraud.

BTW, what about Judaism?
Did Jews reject the Old Testament or the hateful statements about non-Jews in their Talmud?
What about King's Torah that was published in Israel?

The prohibition 'Thou Shalt Not Murder' applies only "to a Jew who kills a Jew," write Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar. Non-Jews are "uncompassionate by nature" and attacks on them "curb their evil inclination," while babies and children of Israel's enemies may be killed since "it is clear that they will grow to harm us."


Radical Jews in Israel call for killing babies!
What else do you need?

That is radical Jews that are no better than Boko Harem and IS.
The personal views of two Jews are not the collective views of all the Jews
Yes they have rejected the parts of the Torah that have no place in modern society
So you are now saying that the Christians that only ever reached 10% of the population suddenly produced 3 times their numbers in 1948. A miracle perhaps ?

But none of this shows that islam does not have as a command that is still valid today to " KILL THE UNBELIEVERS "
We do know you exhibit Nazi Jew Hatred all the time, it is the why you exhibit Nazi Jew Hatred we cant answer

Why do people who hate Muslims and other perceived "enemies", and even rationalize their hate, constantly whine about hate that is generated by their own hate?

My hate ios generated by the hate pouring out of islam and neo Marxism. I saw the aftermath of such hate when a plane was brought down killing all those on board. I also saw the hate when thousands of innocent British schoolgirls where raped and racially abused in the name of islam and neo Marxists protected the rapists in return for votes. So is it any wonder so many people hate muslims and neo Marxists ?
I fail to understand the fascination with the Mufti. Like many leaders in countries/regions ruled by the allies he sided with the enemy of the allies. Of course he wanted the Europeans out of Palestine, the Europeans were planning to transfer hundreds of thousands of Europeans (Jews) to Palestine and create a state in the country to the exclusion of the Palestinians.

There were leaders in other British colonies that supported the Germans, seeing a British defeat as the key to independence Subhas Chandra Bose, a president of the Indian National Congress, led the Indian National Army (INA) against the British. Bose met with Hitler and was trained in Germany.

We supported Stalin because he was an enemy of Germany. And Stalin was no saint.

I just don't find it unusual that a Palestinian leader would ally himself with the enemy of Britain, given what he believed the British planned for the Palestinians.

Unlike pro-German leaders like the Ukrainian general Pavlo Shandruk who had a hand in the murder of Jews in Ukraine and Poland and whose army fought with the Germans, the Mufti had a reason to fear the Europeans that would flood into Palestine, and what would happen to his people after a British victory.


Zionists need a "bogy man" figure to frighten their children into submission, so they create the "Evil Grand Mufti of Jerusalem" myth. It helps them propagate their other great myth, that Nazism and Islam are somehow connected and all Muslims are really Nazis. Quite laughable really, but so long as it keeps the population afraid and docile, the ends justify the means.
No. Your beloved Mufti was an Islamic Nazi bastard that set about to kill all the Jews and Christians he could get his hands on.

The Muslims and Christians were allied against the European invaders. The Mufti had every right to want to kill European invaders that had every intention to evict or kill all the Christians and Muslims in Palestine in order to create an exclusive Jewish state on the land that the Christians and Muslims had inhabited for several generations. Do you think the Native Americans were wrong to want to kill the European invaders?
Bullshit. The land was ruled by Ottomans for 700 years and then the by the British after the Ottoman empire collapsed.

So you're condoning the genocide that the Nazi Mufti incited upon the native Jews and Christians of the Middle East? You are Jew hating scum. Case closed.

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

This was described by al-Husseini in his own memoirs:

Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish people in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: "The Jews are yours." (Ami Isseroff and Peter FitzGerald-Morris, "The Iraq Coup Attempt of 1941, the Mufti, and the Farhud")

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SS forces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.

David Dalin, Conservative/Right wing Jewish rabbi, who co-wrote "Icon of Evil" with John Rothman, a radio talk show host. the book was almost universally panned as badly written propaganda (aka Hasbara.)

Chuck Morse failed Conservative/Right wing politician and another talk show host, wrote, "The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism:Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini"

These, are "scholars"? Maybe a case can be made for that but their objectivity is highly suspect.

Oh, the 23rd SS division was called Nederland and was a Dutch unit, the "Kama" unit was called the 23rd Waffen Mountain Division, Kama. This unit only existed on paper and never fought as a unit. The 13th SS Division Handschar, was composed of Catholic Croats and Bosniaks along with Volksdeutsche and Bosniak Muslims, roughly a 40-60% split. Interestingly, Muslim elements mutinied in 1943 and were executed, 265 survivors were send to the Neungamme Concentration camp where they died. Yes the Nazis weren't particular who they sent to their camps. 21st SS Waffen Mountain Division Skanderbeg, again was composed of a mix of Germans, and Albanians both Christians and Muslims, it never attained more than brigade strength and was prone to desertion like the other units mentioned.

Despite having Muslim soldiers in their ranks, if you look at their histories you suddenly discover that the mufti had nothing to do with their formation, although he did promote recruitment, often with poor results.

There are archived official documents showing communications between the Mufti and Hitler and Himmler, you ignorant dumbass. The Mufti was listed officially as a Nazi by the U.S. State Dept. and for good reason. He even wrote letters to Black American Muslims inciting them to Jihad and revolt against Roosevelt and occupy and create their own Islamic state within one of the American states. The facts listed on the catholic website are a matter of history and not up for debate.

Are there really? Care to share them with us. I notice you've stopped pushing your "Tell the Children the Truth" website, too much rubbish there. Now you're pushing Catholic Answers, a site that looks like it wants to deflect attention from Pope Pius XII and base their article on the Dalin/Morse rubbish. :rolleyes:
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I fail to understand the fascination with the Mufti. Like many leaders in countries/regions ruled by the allies he sided with the enemy of the allies. Of course he wanted the Europeans out of Palestine, the Europeans were planning to transfer hundreds of thousands of Europeans (Jews) to Palestine and create a state in the country to the exclusion of the Palestinians.

There were leaders in other British colonies that supported the Germans, seeing a British defeat as the key to independence Subhas Chandra Bose, a president of the Indian National Congress, led the Indian National Army (INA) against the British. Bose met with Hitler and was trained in Germany.

We supported Stalin because he was an enemy of Germany. And Stalin was no saint.

I just don't find it unusual that a Palestinian leader would ally himself with the enemy of Britain, given what he believed the British planned for the Palestinians.

Unlike pro-German leaders like the Ukrainian general Pavlo Shandruk who had a hand in the murder of Jews in Ukraine and Poland and whose army fought with the Germans, the Mufti had a reason to fear the Europeans that would flood into Palestine, and what would happen to his people after a British victory.


Zionists need a "bogy man" figure to frighten their children into submission, so they create the "Evil Grand Mufti of Jerusalem" myth. It helps them propagate their other great myth, that Nazism and Islam are somehow connected and all Muslims are really Nazis. Quite laughable really, but so long as it keeps the population afraid and docile, the ends justify the means.

Neo Marxist rubbish, did you get told this before or after you sang the Red Flag
The false prophet mohammed when he invented islam and told the muslims to "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"

Well, Christians and Jews are "people of the book" in the Koran, speak they are believers.

Unbelievers were the pagans that actively fought against Islam.

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in Islam, and Christians have a special status in all Muslim countries, ant there are still big Christian communities in all Muslim countries. About 30% of Palestinians were Christians, and they are fighting together with their Muslim compatriots against the Zionist occupants.

Zionists tried a lot of false-flag operation, they instigate hate between Muslims and Christians, because they profit from this hate. Some of their false-flag-operations (like the attack on the USS-Liberty and the Lavon-Affaire) did not work out, like they were planned, but American presidents did not mind the killing of Americans by Zionists, because they are just puppets, installed by Zionists in the USA.

What to Judaism, it is intolerant not only to the pagans, but also to all non-Jews (Goyim).

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in the Koran, everybody knows that.
But some Jewish holy books instigate hate against these persons, that are regarded as holy persons in Islam and Christianity.

According to the most prominent Israeli religious teacher (many Israeli politicians called him the greatest authority of the Jewish religious law) the non-Jews are just animals, they were created to serve the Jews, like a donkey was crated to serve his master.

And this hater called for killing the perceived enemies of Israel:

Ovadia Yosef (Hebrew: עובדיה יוסף‎; Arabic: عبد الله يوسف‎‘Abdullah Youssef)[2] (September 24, 1918– October 7, 2013)[3] was a Talmudic scholar, an authority on Jewish religious law (halakha), and the longtime spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party.

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: ... Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."[13]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

... "all the nasty people who hate Israel, like Abu Mazen (Abbas), vanish from our world... May God strike them down with the plague along with all the nasty Palestinians who persecute Israel."[76]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Can you imagine any religious and political leader in any Muslim or Christian country saying such hateful things about Jews?

BTW, this hater represented the Shas party, which was elected in the Israeli parliament, and after his death millions of Israelis went to the streets to express their sympathy for this hater.

It was the biggest funeral since the creation of Israel!!!

Can you imagine any Christians leader, saying that "Jews were crated to serve Christians, like a donkey was created to serve his master"; and getting in a Christians country such a big funeral, like this Jewish hater got in Israel?

Can you name any official Muslim governments and politicians that believe that non-Muslims are animals, crated to serve the Muslims??
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The false prophet mohammed when he invented islam and told the muslims to "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"

Well, Christians and Jews are "people of the book" in the Koran, speak they are believers.

Unbelievers were the pagans that actively fought against Islam.

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in Islam, and Christians have a special status in all Muslim countries, ant there are still big Christian communities in all Muslim countries. About 30% of Palestinians were Christians, and they are fighting together with their Muslim compatriots against the Zionist occupants.

Zionists tried a lot of false-flag operation, they instigate hate between Muslims and Christians, because they profit from this hate. Some of their false-flag-operations (like the attack on the USS-Liberty and the Lavon-Affaire) did not work out, like they were planned, but American presidents did not mind the killing of Americans by Zionists, because they are just puppets, installed by Zionists in the USA.

What to Judaism, it is intolerant not only to the pagans, but also to all non-Jews (Goyim).

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in the Koran, everybody knows that.
But some Jewish holy books instigate hate against these persons, that are regarded as holy persons in Islam and Christianity.

According to the most prominent Israeli religious teacher (many Israeli politicians called him the greatest authority of the Jewish religious law) the non-Jews are just animals, they were created to serve the Jews, like a donkey was crated to serve his master.

And this hater called for killing the perceived enemies of Israel:

Ovadia Yosef (Hebrew: עובדיה יוסף‎; Arabic: عبد الله يوسف‎‘Abdullah Youssef)[2] (September 24, 1918– October 7, 2013)[3] was a Talmudic scholar, an authority on Jewish religious law (halakha), and the longtime spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party.

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: ... Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."[13]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

... "all the nasty people who hate Israel, like Abu Mazen (Abbas), vanish from our world... May God strike them down with the plague along with all the nasty Palestinians who persecute Israel."[76]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Can you imagine any religious and political leader in any Muslim or Christian country saying such hateful things about Jews?

BTW, this hater represented the Shas party, which was elected in the Israeli parliament, and after his death millions of Israelis went to the streets to express their sympathy for this hater.

It was the biggest funeral since the creation of Israel!!!

Can you imagine any Christians leader, saying that "Jews were crated to serve Christians, like a donkey was created to serve his master"; and getting in a Christians country such a big funeral, like this Jewish hater got in Israel?

Can you name any official Muslim governments and politicians that believe that non-Muslims are animals, crated to serve the Muslims??
We have heard so much of this very, very old Rabbi on tbis forum, but those who bring up this Rabbi never bring up the Muslim preachers who say that all the Christians and Jews should be killed. Perhaps Art can tell us why these Muslim preachers are never mentioned. Could it be that the Jews haters like Art are playing the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" game? Ir it amazing how we let preachers like this into America and they probably have some in Germany too, but Art overlooks them.

Muslim Imam in Tennessee PREACHES Jews Christians are Filthy Their Lives Property can be Taken in Jihad by Muslims in America John Hawkins Right Wing News
The false prophet mohammed when he invented islam and told the muslims to "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"

Well, Christians and Jews are "people of the book" in the Koran, speak they are believers.

Unbelievers were the pagans that actively fought against Islam.

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in Islam, and Christians have a special status in all Muslim countries, ant there are still big Christian communities in all Muslim countries. About 30% of Palestinians were Christians, and they are fighting together with their Muslim compatriots against the Zionist occupants.

Zionists tried a lot of false-flag operation, they instigate hate between Muslims and Christians, because they profit from this hate. Some of their false-flag-operations (like the attack on the USS-Liberty and the Lavon-Affaire) did not work out, like they were planned, but American presidents did not mind the killing of Americans by Zionists, because they are just puppets, installed by Zionists in the USA.

What to Judaism, it is intolerant not only to the pagans, but also to all non-Jews (Goyim).

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in the Koran, everybody knows that.
But some Jewish holy books instigate hate against these persons, that are regarded as holy persons in Islam and Christianity.

According to the most prominent Israeli religious teacher (many Israeli politicians called him the greatest authority of the Jewish religious law) the non-Jews are just animals, they were created to serve the Jews, like a donkey was crated to serve his master.

And this hater called for killing the perceived enemies of Israel:

Ovadia Yosef (Hebrew: עובדיה יוסף‎; Arabic: عبد الله يوسف‎‘Abdullah Youssef)[2] (September 24, 1918– October 7, 2013)[3] was a Talmudic scholar, an authority on Jewish religious law (halakha), and the longtime spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party.

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: ... Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."[13]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

... "all the nasty people who hate Israel, like Abu Mazen (Abbas), vanish from our world... May God strike them down with the plague along with all the nasty Palestinians who persecute Israel."[76]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Can you imagine any religious and political leader in any Muslim or Christian country saying such hateful things about Jews?

BTW, this hater represented the Shas party, which was elected in the Israeli parliament, and after his death millions of Israelis went to the streets to express their sympathy for this hater.

It was the biggest funeral since the creation of Israel!!!

Can you imagine any Christians leader, saying that "Jews were crated to serve Christians, like a donkey was created to serve his master"; and getting in a Christians country such a big funeral, like this Jewish hater got in Israel?

Can you name any official Muslim governments and politicians that believe that non-Muslims are animals, crated to serve the Muslims??

Read the Koran in its abrogated form and see for yourself how the mentally unstable mohammed altered the meaning of many of the verses to that of violence and murder.
Taking the words of one person that have been manipulated by haters shows that you are no better than the haters and will do anything including LIE to demonise the JEWS
For every one Jew that allegedly says such things I CAN FIND 10 MILLION MUSLIMS SAYING SIMILAR THINGS, AND ON CAMERA
The false prophet mohammed when he invented islam and told the muslims to "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"

Well, Christians and Jews are "people of the book" in the Koran, speak they are believers.

Unbelievers were the pagans that actively fought against Islam.

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in Islam, and Christians have a special status in all Muslim countries, ant there are still big Christian communities in all Muslim countries. About 30% of Palestinians were Christians, and they are fighting together with their Muslim compatriots against the Zionist occupants.

Zionists tried a lot of false-flag operation, they instigate hate between Muslims and Christians, because they profit from this hate. Some of their false-flag-operations (like the attack on the USS-Liberty and the Lavon-Affaire) did not work out, like they were planned, but American presidents did not mind the killing of Americans by Zionists, because they are just puppets, installed by Zionists in the USA.

What to Judaism, it is intolerant not only to the pagans, but also to all non-Jews (Goyim).

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in the Koran, everybody knows that.
But some Jewish holy books instigate hate against these persons, that are regarded as holy persons in Islam and Christianity.

According to the most prominent Israeli religious teacher (many Israeli politicians called him the greatest authority of the Jewish religious law) the non-Jews are just animals, they were created to serve the Jews, like a donkey was crated to serve his master.

And this hater called for killing the perceived enemies of Israel:

Ovadia Yosef (Hebrew: עובדיה יוסף‎; Arabic: عبد الله يوسف‎‘Abdullah Youssef)[2] (September 24, 1918– October 7, 2013)[3] was a Talmudic scholar, an authority on Jewish religious law (halakha), and the longtime spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party.

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: ... Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."[13]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

... "all the nasty people who hate Israel, like Abu Mazen (Abbas), vanish from our world... May God strike them down with the plague along with all the nasty Palestinians who persecute Israel."[76]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Can you imagine any religious and political leader in any Muslim or Christian country saying such hateful things about Jews?

BTW, this hater represented the Shas party, which was elected in the Israeli parliament, and after his death millions of Israelis went to the streets to express their sympathy for this hater.

It was the biggest funeral since the creation of Israel!!!

Can you imagine any Christians leader, saying that "Jews were crated to serve Christians, like a donkey was created to serve his master"; and getting in a Christians country such a big funeral, like this Jewish hater got in Israel?

Can you name any official Muslim governments and politicians that believe that non-Muslims are animals, crated to serve the Muslims??
We have heard so much of this very, very old Rabbi on tbis forum, but those who bring up this Rabbi never bring up the Muslim preachers who say that all the Christians and Jews should be killed. Perhaps Art can tell us why these Muslim preachers are never mentioned. Could it be that the Jews haters like Art are playing the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" game? Ir it amazing how we let preachers like this into America and they probably have some in Germany too, but Art overlooks them.

Muslim Imam in Tennessee PREACHES Jews Christians are Filthy Their Lives Property can be Taken in Jihad by Muslims in America John Hawkins Right Wing News

There are 6 million muslims that believe and repeat those words in palestine alone
I don't want anybody to hate anybody...
Bullshit! Hate is your friend. You make love to your hate. Without hate, you wouldn't have anything to say.

That describes you perfectly
Big mouth low IQ is too stupid to realize that he's describing himself.

Ruddy accusing others of low IQ is entertaining.

Sorry, he gets gold you get silver. Better luck next time troll.

Muslims are killing Christians in today's world. Wake up!!
You're killing me with your Islamophobia.

I don't know if you watch the news but I do, and for some reason it's not making news BIG TIME, though I don't know why. Christians have been driven out by ISIS in Iraq, Syria and Libya. They have been taken down in orange jump-suits to riverbanks and beheaded. They have been crucified. There should be rallies and demonstrations all around the world, but no one seems to care. Now I know how the Holocaust could have happened.

I fail to see what this has to do with the Palestinians, particularly the Palestinian Christians.

Well, Art brought up the subject because he keeps saying that Jesus is a revered prophet in Islam but not in Judaism, thereby implying that Muslims love Christians. So you can ask Art about his flawed view of comparative religion. Whether his views has to do directly with the I/P conflict or not, I cannot sit by and watch his ridiculous comments about how much Muslims love Christians, and not comment on today's situation.

Muslims are killing Christians in today's world. Wake up!!
You're killing me with your Islamophobia.

I don't know if you watch the news but I do, and for some reason it's not making news BIG TIME, though I don't know why. Christians have been driven out by ISIS in Iraq, Syria and Libya. They have been taken down in orange jump-suits to riverbanks and beheaded. They have been crucified. There should be rallies and demonstrations all around the world, but no one seems to care. Now I know how the Holocaust could have happened.

I fail to see what this has to do with the Palestinians, particularly the Palestinian Christians.

Well, Art brought up the subject because he keeps saying that Jesus is a revered prophet in Islam but not in Judaism, thereby implying that Muslims love Christians. So you can ask Art about his flawed view of comparative religion. Whether his views has to do directly with the I/P conflict or not, I cannot sit by and watch his ridiculous comments about how much Muslims love Christians, and not comment on today's situation.
Muslims love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat. Makes 'em get all giggly.
The false prophet mohammed when he invented islam and told the muslims to "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"

Well, Christians and Jews are "people of the book" in the Koran, speak they are believers.

Unbelievers were the pagans that actively fought against Islam.

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in Islam, and Christians have a special status in all Muslim countries, ant there are still big Christian communities in all Muslim countries. About 30% of Palestinians were Christians, and they are fighting together with their Muslim compatriots against the Zionist occupants.

Zionists tried a lot of false-flag operation, they instigate hate between Muslims and Christians, because they profit from this hate. Some of their false-flag-operations (like the attack on the USS-Liberty and the Lavon-Affaire) did not work out, like they were planned, but American presidents did not mind the killing of Americans by Zionists, because they are just puppets, installed by Zionists in the USA.

What to Judaism, it is intolerant not only to the pagans, but also to all non-Jews (Goyim).

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in the Koran, everybody knows that.
But some Jewish holy books instigate hate against these persons, that are regarded as holy persons in Islam and Christianity.

According to the most prominent Israeli religious teacher (many Israeli politicians called him the greatest authority of the Jewish religious law) the non-Jews are just animals, they were created to serve the Jews, like a donkey was crated to serve his master.

And this hater called for killing the perceived enemies of Israel:

Ovadia Yosef (Hebrew: עובדיה יוסף‎; Arabic: عبد الله يوسف‎‘Abdullah Youssef)[2] (September 24, 1918– October 7, 2013)[3] was a Talmudic scholar, an authority on Jewish religious law (halakha), and the longtime spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party.

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: ... Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."[13]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

... "all the nasty people who hate Israel, like Abu Mazen (Abbas), vanish from our world... May God strike them down with the plague along with all the nasty Palestinians who persecute Israel."[76]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Can you imagine any religious and political leader in any Muslim or Christian country saying such hateful things about Jews?

BTW, this hater represented the Shas party, which was elected in the Israeli parliament, and after his death millions of Israelis went to the streets to express their sympathy for this hater.

It was the biggest funeral since the creation of Israel!!!

Can you imagine any Christians leader, saying that "Jews were crated to serve Christians, like a donkey was created to serve his master"; and getting in a Christians country such a big funeral, like this Jewish hater got in Israel?

Can you name any official Muslim governments and politicians that believe that non-Muslims are animals, crated to serve the Muslims??

Muslims believe the crucifiction of Jesus was faked by fellow Jews in order to save his life. Ha ha ha. What a fucking neo Nazi shmuck you are.
The false prophet mohammed when he invented islam and told the muslims to "KILL THE UNBELIEVERS"

Well, Christians and Jews are "people of the book" in the Koran, speak they are believers.

Unbelievers were the pagans that actively fought against Islam.

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in Islam, and Christians have a special status in all Muslim countries, ant there are still big Christian communities in all Muslim countries. About 30% of Palestinians were Christians, and they are fighting together with their Muslim compatriots against the Zionist occupants.

Zionists tried a lot of false-flag operation, they instigate hate between Muslims and Christians, because they profit from this hate. Some of their false-flag-operations (like the attack on the USS-Liberty and the Lavon-Affaire) did not work out, like they were planned, but American presidents did not mind the killing of Americans by Zionists, because they are just puppets, installed by Zionists in the USA.

What to Judaism, it is intolerant not only to the pagans, but also to all non-Jews (Goyim).

Jesus Christ and his mother Mary are holy prophets in the Koran, everybody knows that.
But some Jewish holy books instigate hate against these persons, that are regarded as holy persons in Islam and Christianity.

According to the most prominent Israeli religious teacher (many Israeli politicians called him the greatest authority of the Jewish religious law) the non-Jews are just animals, they were created to serve the Jews, like a donkey was crated to serve his master.

And this hater called for killing the perceived enemies of Israel:

Ovadia Yosef (Hebrew: עובדיה יוסף‎; Arabic: عبد الله يوسف‎‘Abdullah Youssef)[2] (September 24, 1918– October 7, 2013)[3] was a Talmudic scholar, an authority on Jewish religious law (halakha), and the longtime spiritual leader of Israel's ultra-orthodox Shas party.

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In an October 2010 sermon, Yosef stated that "The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews". He said that Gentiles served a divine purpose: "Why are Gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why Gentiles were created."[72]

In the same article in The Jerusalem Post, according to the journalist who interviewed him, Yosef compared Gentiles to donkeys whose life has the sole purpose to serve the master: ... Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."[13]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

... "all the nasty people who hate Israel, like Abu Mazen (Abbas), vanish from our world... May God strike them down with the plague along with all the nasty Palestinians who persecute Israel."[76]

Ovadia Yosef - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Can you imagine any religious and political leader in any Muslim or Christian country saying such hateful things about Jews?

BTW, this hater represented the Shas party, which was elected in the Israeli parliament, and after his death millions of Israelis went to the streets to express their sympathy for this hater.

It was the biggest funeral since the creation of Israel!!!

Can you imagine any Christians leader, saying that "Jews were crated to serve Christians, like a donkey was created to serve his master"; and getting in a Christians country such a big funeral, like this Jewish hater got in Israel?

Can you name any official Muslim governments and politicians that believe that non-Muslims are animals, crated to serve the Muslims??

Read the Koran in its abrogated form and see for yourself how the mentally unstable mohammed altered the meaning of many of the verses to that of violence and murder.
Taking the words of one person that have been manipulated by haters shows that you are no better than the haters and will do anything including LIE to demonise the JEWS
For every one Jew that allegedly says such things I CAN FIND 10 MILLION MUSLIMS SAYING SIMILAR THINGS, AND ON CAMERA


Muslims are killing Christians in today's world. Wake up!!
You're killing me with your Islamophobia.

I don't know if you watch the news but I do, and for some reason it's not making news BIG TIME, though I don't know why. Christians have been driven out by ISIS in Iraq, Syria and Libya. They have been taken down in orange jump-suits to riverbanks and beheaded. They have been crucified. There should be rallies and demonstrations all around the world, but no one seems to care. Now I know how the Holocaust could have happened.

I fail to see what this has to do with the Palestinians, particularly the Palestinian Christians.

Well, Art brought up the subject because he keeps saying that Jesus is a revered prophet in Islam but not in Judaism, thereby implying that Muslims love Christians. So you can ask Art about his flawed view of comparative religion. Whether his views has to do directly with the I/P conflict or not, I cannot sit by and watch his ridiculous comments about how much Muslims love Christians, and not comment on today's situation.
Muslims love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat. Makes 'em get all giggly.

That is hate speech. You are convinced that Muslims "love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat"? Or are you just trying to create hate between Christians and Muslims?

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