In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

Muslims love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat. Makes 'em get all giggly.

That is hate speech. You are convinced that Muslims "love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat"? Or are you just trying to create hate between Christians and Muslims?

He's simply stating an obvious fact, that Islamists are cutting off the heads of Christians while yelling "God is great". You won't admit to it because you're busy vomiting hatred and lies towards Jews 24/7. You have been a total failure at creating hatred between Christians and Jews.

He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

...Islamists are Muslims, being supported ideologically by other Muslims, are they not?

No, they are not.

Then what are they, as imams collect money from mosque attendees to be sent to islamist groups to wage war.
That is hate speech. You are convinced that Muslims "love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat"? Or are you just trying to create hate between Christians and Muslims?

He's simply stating an obvious fact, that Islamists are cutting off the heads of Christians while yelling "God is great". You won't admit to it because you're busy vomiting hatred and lies towards Jews 24/7. You have been a total failure at creating hatred between Christians and Jews.

He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

Every time you manipulate one of your reports to attack the Jews with, every time you claim that the Jews are war criminals. Every time you compare Jews to Nazis, every time you call the Jew murderers/

By the way they are the same thing as Erdogan stated not that long ago
Monte called the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, a man with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews and tens of thousands of Christians "a patriot". Only Jew hating scum would do that.

Or someone who has read more objective tracts about the Mufti than those from far-right nut jobs and Zionists with agendas.

And believe the ramblings of far left nut jobs and islamonazis
That is hate speech. You are convinced that Muslims "love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat"? Or are you just trying to create hate between Christians and Muslims?

He's simply stating an obvious fact, that Islamists are cutting off the heads of Christians while yelling "God is great". You won't admit to it because you're busy vomiting hatred and lies towards Jews 24/7. You have been a total failure at creating hatred between Christians and Jews.

He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

When have you not? You aren't fooling anybody but yourself. You are an antisemite.

Islamists are Muslims, being supported ideologically by other Muslims, are they not?

I suggest you stop calling people that you disagree with antisemites, it makes you appear to be a nutcase. Plus, it is libel.

Zionists extremists calling for the extermination of the Palestinians are Jews. Should I consider that all Jews want to exterminate the Palestinians?

"Right-wing Israeli politician calls for Gazans to be ’concentrated in camps’ – and then all resistance ‘exterminated’"

Israel-Gaza conflict Right-wing Israeli politician calls for Gazans to be concentrated in camps and then all resistance exterminated - Middle East - World - The Independent

When they start calling you names, that's when you know you are on the right track and they've got nothing left to argue with.

So that is why you call us hasbara and Zionists because you have nothing left to argue with, explains a lot.
He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

Every time you manipulate one of your reports to attack the Jews with, every time you claim that the Jews are war criminals. Every time you compare Jews to Nazis, every time you call the Jew murderers/

By the way they are the same thing as Erdogan stated not that long ago
Monte called the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, a man with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews and tens of thousands of Christians "a patriot". Only Jew hating scum would do that.

The Mufti was allied with the Christian Palestinians. Christians killed millions of Christians on both sides. WW2 was not a religious war.

Ben Gurion directed the killing tens of thousands Christian and Muslim civilians, yet he is considered an Israeli patriot. Many times patriots are not nice people. Andrew Jackson was responsible for the killing of probably 100s of thousands of native americans. He is considered a patriot by many.

"Andrew Jackson recommended that troops systematically kill Indian women and children after massacres in order to complete the extermination.'

Read more atIndian-Killer Andrew Jackson Deserves Top Spot on List of Worst U.S. Presidents -

Well you anti American asshole, that's a really nice website you got there, and I'm sure you share that with your fellow anti American buddies all the time, but can you show us when and where "Ben Gurion directed the killing of tens of thousands of Christians and Muslim civilians"?

It's just one outrageous Jew hating lie after another with you antisemtic pigs isn't it?

When they start calling you names, that's when you know you are on the right track and they've got nothing left to argue with.

I rest my case.

Rest, good

What case? You chatter
Muslims love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat. Makes 'em get all giggly.

That is hate speech. You are convinced that Muslims "love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat"? Or are you just trying to create hate between Christians and Muslims?

He's simply stating an obvious fact, that Islamists are cutting off the heads of Christians while yelling "God is great". You won't admit to it because you're busy vomiting hatred and lies towards Jews 24/7. You have been a total failure at creating hatred between Christians and Jews.

He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

...Islamists are Muslims, being supported ideologically by other Muslims, are they not?

No, they are not.

Hah! Actually Islamists are carrying out Islam in its truest and purest form.

Too bad you don't like the true face of Islam exposed, Achmed.
Much like you don't like the face of Zionism exposed. The difference between a maniac like you and a normal person is that you support the killing non-Jews when the Jews are doing the killing but scream bloody murder when Jews are killed. Normal people abhor the killing of people in general, by any people in general. Get the difference psychopath.
Jew hating propogandist troll who considers the genocidal Nazi Mufti a patriot, calling others a maniac. Ha ha ha.

Zionism is beautiful, not perfect, but nevertheless a good righteous cause.
Last edited:
That is hate speech. You are convinced that Muslims "love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat"? Or are you just trying to create hate between Christians and Muslims?

He's simply stating an obvious fact, that Islamists are cutting off the heads of Christians while yelling "God is great". You won't admit to it because you're busy vomiting hatred and lies towards Jews 24/7. You have been a total failure at creating hatred between Christians and Jews.

He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

Every time you manipulate one of your reports to attack the Jews with, every time you claim that the Jews are war criminals. Every time you compare Jews to Nazis, every time you call the Jew murderers/

By the way they are the same thing as Erdogan stated not that long ago
Monte called the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, a man with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews and tens of thousands of Christians "a patriot". Only Jew hating scum would do that.

Or someone who has read more objective tracts about the Mufti than those from far-right nut jobs and Zionists with agendas.

There are no objective tracts, the Mufti was Hitler's man in the Middle East.
Monte called the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, a man with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews and tens of thousands of Christians "a patriot". Only Jew hating scum would do that.
Mufti wasn't a Nazi, he was just against the British.

Hah? Did you graduate from elementary school? Mufti was certified as a Nazi by the U.S. Dept of state and the allies.

Got a link to that or are you just making it up?

Ha ha ha. You want a link? Look dumbass, who the Mufti was isn't even debatable. Stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off. One of many:
Much like you don't like the face of Zionism exposed. The difference between a maniac like you and a normal person is that you support the killing non-Jews when the Jews are doing the killing but scream bloody murder when Jews are killed. Normal people abhor the killing of people in general, by any people in general. Get the difference psychopath.

And what is the true face of Zionism then freddy boy ?
Jew hating propogandist troll who considers the genocidal Nazi Mufti a patriot, calling others a maniac. Ha ha ha.

Zionism is beautiful, not perfect, but nevertheless a good righteous cause.

I only state fact, not propaganda. You are the propagandist.

Zionism is not a righteous cause for its victims and it is righteous only to its adherents, much like any exclusivist or nationalistic ideology, Nazism and Fascism included.
That is hate speech. You are convinced that Muslims "love to see the blood spurt from a slashed Christian throat"? Or are you just trying to create hate between Christians and Muslims?

He's simply stating an obvious fact, that Islamists are cutting off the heads of Christians while yelling "God is great". You won't admit to it because you're busy vomiting hatred and lies towards Jews 24/7. You have been a total failure at creating hatred between Christians and Jews.

He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

...Islamists are Muslims, being supported ideologically by other Muslims, are they not?

No, they are not.

Hah! Actually Islamists are carrying out Islam in its truest and purest form.

Too bad you don't like the true face of Islam exposed, Achmed.

Not a Muslim so I couldn't care less. What I don't like is poor scholarship combined with myopic bigotry which results in a wildly distorted view of both religion and history; in fact just like most of the dross you post day in, day out.
He's simply stating an obvious fact, that Islamists are cutting off the heads of Christians while yelling "God is great". You won't admit to it because you're busy vomiting hatred and lies towards Jews 24/7. You have been a total failure at creating hatred between Christians and Jews.

He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

Every time you manipulate one of your reports to attack the Jews with, every time you claim that the Jews are war criminals. Every time you compare Jews to Nazis, every time you call the Jew murderers/

By the way they are the same thing as Erdogan stated not that long ago
Monte called the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, a man with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews and tens of thousands of Christians "a patriot". Only Jew hating scum would do that.

Or someone who has read more objective tracts about the Mufti than those from far-right nut jobs and Zionists with agendas.

There are no objective tracts, the Mufti was Hitler's man in the Middle East.

If, as you say, there are no objective tracts, the you're just stating your own unsubstantiated subjective opinion.
Jew hating propogandist troll who considers the genocidal Nazi Mufti a patriot, calling others a maniac. Ha ha ha.

Zionism is beautiful, not perfect, but nevertheless a good righteous cause.

I only state fact, not propaganda. You are the propagandist.

Zionism is not a righteous cause for its victims and it is righteous only to its adherents, much like any exclusivist or nationalistic ideology, Nazism and Fascism included.

Zionism, the right for Jews to re-establish a homeland in their spiritual and ancestral homeland. After 2000 years it has happened, and that's beautiful. And they are here to stay. The fact that Muslims want to be the rulers of every square inch of this planet is irrelevant. Keep eating your soiled underwear in anger.
He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

Every time you manipulate one of your reports to attack the Jews with, every time you claim that the Jews are war criminals. Every time you compare Jews to Nazis, every time you call the Jew murderers/

By the way they are the same thing as Erdogan stated not that long ago
Monte called the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, a man with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews and tens of thousands of Christians "a patriot". Only Jew hating scum would do that.

Or someone who has read more objective tracts about the Mufti than those from far-right nut jobs and Zionists with agendas.

There are no objective tracts, the Mufti was Hitler's man in the Middle East.

If, as you say, there are no objective tracts, the you're just stating your own unsubstantiated subjective opinion.

Yes, to you Islamic Nazis, there are objective tracts and Hitler was also misunderstood. But please keep braying, Achmed.
He's simply stating an obvious fact, that Islamists are cutting off the heads of Christians while yelling "God is great". You won't admit to it because you're busy vomiting hatred and lies towards Jews 24/7. You have been a total failure at creating hatred between Christians and Jews.

He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

...Islamists are Muslims, being supported ideologically by other Muslims, are they not?

No, they are not.

Hah! Actually Islamists are carrying out Islam in its truest and purest form.

Too bad you don't like the true face of Islam exposed, Achmed.

Not a Muslim so I couldn't care less. What I don't like is poor scholarship combined with myopic bigotry which results in a wildly distorted view of both religion and history; in fact just like most of the dross you post day in, day out.

Sounds more like you are a Muslim and you do care.
Monte called the Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, a man with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews and tens of thousands of Christians "a patriot". Only Jew hating scum would do that.
Mufti wasn't a Nazi, he was just against the British.

Hah? Did you graduate from elementary school? Mufti was certified as a Nazi by the U.S. Dept of state and the allies.

Got a link to that or are you just making it up?

Ha ha ha. You want a link? Look dumbass, who the Mufti was isn't even debatable. Stop running around like a chicken with its head cut off. One of many:

Nothing in your link demonstrates "the Mufti was certified as a Nazi by the U.S. Dept of state and the allies." What else have you got?
Jew hating propogandist troll who considers the genocidal Nazi Mufti a patriot, calling others a maniac. Ha ha ha.

Zionism is beautiful, not perfect, but nevertheless a good righteous cause.

I only state fact, not propaganda. You are the propagandist.

Zionism is not a righteous cause for its victims and it is righteous only to its adherents, much like any exclusivist or nationalistic ideology, Nazism and Fascism included.

Zionism, the right for Jews to re-establish a homeland in their spiritual and ancestral homeland. After 2000 years it has happened, and that's beautiful. And they are here to stay. The fact that Muslims want to be the rulers of every square inch of this planet is irrelevant. Keep eating your soiled underwear in anger.

There is nothing beautiful about having Britain facilitate the dispossession and eviction of the indigenous Christians and Muslims by fellow Europeans. In fact, it would be a crime against humanity today, about as ugly as it can get. Nothing beautiful about it. And, demographics will rule the day. No anger, just perplexed that the Jews of Israel decided not to compromise to safeguard their future in the Middle East in a secular, democratic state with equality for all the inhabitants.
He said "Muslins" not Islamists. When have I ever "vomited hatred and lies towards Jews". You are just making things up as usual.

...Islamists are Muslims, being supported ideologically by other Muslims, are they not?

No, they are not.

Hah! Actually Islamists are carrying out Islam in its truest and purest form.

Too bad you don't like the true face of Islam exposed, Achmed.

Not a Muslim so I couldn't care less. What I don't like is poor scholarship combined with myopic bigotry which results in a wildly distorted view of both religion and history; in fact just like most of the dross you post day in, day out.

Sounds more like you are a Muslim and you do care.

Still not a Muslim, still couldn't care less.
Hah? Did you graduate from elementary school? Mufti was certified as a Nazi by the U.S. Dept of state and the allies.
We should start calling you Roufti, because you're such a dumbass. Roufti and Mufti. Kind of like Ben and Jerry. I only recently started looking into this dude because you keep whinning about him. And what I've found so far, is that it's true, he did collaborate with the Nazis, but he wasn't one himself. He only did it, because they both had a common enemy in the British. He wasn't in to Nazi doctrine or ideology. Which makes sense. Because practically everything you say, is just made up bullshit.

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