In 1971 phone call, Reagan called African diplomats “monkeys” who are “still uncomfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon laughed, but Reagan's daughter cried

..blacks graduate at lower levels and are more violent---commit violent crimes at higher levels/etc
..a problem of racism is a myth
..there's no problem of racism
Blacks and other minorities are not graded fairly in school, and the accusations of violent crime are often wildly exaggerated. They're not the only ones who face these problems, either. Some of us are deemed as social undesirables, adjudicated as mental defectives, or otherwise classified as personæ non gratæ, imprisoned without cause, drugged against our will, and singled out for harassment and discrimination with false criminal and civil charges in court.
no they are NOT exaggerated!!!!!.. is NOT the MSM bullshit--but FACTS--from unbiased credible sources:
etc many links

...blacks are accepted to colleges because of their skin color!

..''not graded fairly''?????!!!! how they heck did you get that???!!!!!! the black teachers CHEATED for the students

you, like many others, provide NO evidence of your babbling
"don't ask me about civil rights, if i had a gun, i would shoot every n*** in DC!" - President Reagan's aide Bob Sacamano
there's a reason Jackie Robinson called Reagan's presidency "a tragedy", my friends
"I say that Ronald Reagan is a punk, a sissy & a coward & I challenge him to a duel." --Eldridge Cleaver

challenged him to a Duel and said he'd beat him to death with a marshmallow
Reagan opposed the Civil Rights, the Voting Rights, and the Fair Housing Act.

As awful as Trump is, Republican racism did not begin with Trump.

this is a direct Reagan quote:

" If an individual wants to discriminate against N***s in selling or renting his house, he has a right to do so.”
Reagan called MLK's Poor People's Campaign "a hoax", much like Trump does with climate change today. Reagan even blamed MLK's assassination on MLK himself, claiming that blacks felt betrayed by MLK and thus arranged his slaying
there are also recordings of Reagan calling black people "jungle bunnies" while he was talkin to Nixon
In 8 years Reagan appointed 6 blacks to the Federal Bench. He was a stone cold racist
Reagan launched welfare reform based on controversial figure, Linda Taylor, in Chicago. She was racially ambiguous; she claimed White, Hawaiian, & Black heritage. She may have been Filipina. She was accused of impersonating a nurse & kidnapping a baby.

Reagan lopped 400K off the welfare rolls in California

i admit that as a white man i can understand racism intellectually but never the way a Black person could. i may have been naive when i was a teen about the nature of hatred, it can always be lurking in a human’s heart, just waiting for someone of bad faith to rekindle it.
The OP doesn't realize why apartheid is sensible system. He is a typical liberal who thinks Americans should be forced to live by people that are different from them.

You are correct

America no longer tolerates racists.
You are encouraged to live elsewhere

haha...what you really mean is a few savage boogers, some retarded college kids, white guilt whackos and Nike no longer tolerates racism...right?
BLM and the Leftists have revived racism in America....THANK YOU FOR THAT. Our founders intended this nation to be a 'racist nation'.
The head of the Civil Rights Division under Reagan was William Bradford Reynolds who basically halted civil rights enforcement.

Reagan did not appoint any African Americans to his administration's most important 400 jobs

racism is the biggest blemish on Reagan's presidency, other than Iran Contra
Coretta Scott King called Reagan's budget cuts "a shameful and cowardly assault on the children of america"!

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