In 1971 phone call, Reagan called African diplomats “monkeys” who are “still uncomfortable wearing shoes.” Nixon laughed, but Reagan's daughter cried

Reagan never fathomed how the american experience was a nightmare for blacks. like Trump, he venerates a mythical country where racism doesn't exist

Reagan is dead. Who gives a shit?
Reagan had the worst civil rights record in history...until Trump came along

because ignorant folks like you ignored Reagan's racism, and didn't heed the warning, it gave us the rise of Trump, and the erosion of black lives asunder
Joseph Biden is a racist. No matter what he votes on and what he doesn't vote on. To many comments. By your rules.
Reagan never fathomed how the american experience was a nightmare for blacks. like Trump, he venerates a mythical country where racism doesn't exist

Reagan is dead. Who gives a shit?
Reagan would have agreed with me “if they don’t like living in America they can f**k off back to Africa!”
Reagan never fathomed how the american experience was a nightmare for blacks. like Trump, he venerates a mythical country where racism doesn't exist

Yeah I made a thread about this a long time ago and the trolls who worship this mass murderer,the Reaganut zombies,like crusader retard,like the cowards they are,they try and dismiss it as being voicemorphing too immature unlike his daughter to deal with reality it is the real
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most ominously, Reagan gave us the war on drugs...which gave us the current prison industrial complex
You nailed it,and the Reaganut zombies like crusader retard can only whine and cry in defeat like the monkey trolls they
Reagan never fathomed how the american experience was a nightmare for blacks. like Trump, he venerates a mythical country where racism doesn't exist

Reagan is dead. Who gives a shit?
Reagan had the worst civil rights record in history...until Trump came along

because ignorant folks like you ignored Reagan's racism, and didn't heed the warning, it gave us the rise of Trump, and the erosion of black lives asunder
Joseph Biden is a racist. No matter what he votes on and what he doesn't vote on. To many comments. By your rules.
You nailed it,so very true.
Remember that both Nixon and Reagan served in the Great Jim Crow Military that was deployed by liberal FDR during WW2.
People need to have some common sense. I don't know about "discrimination" as such, but it would not have been a bright idea to send a black man to Nazi Germany in those days, outside of some "special forces" context. The men we sent were for the most part white and wore the same buzz cuts as the skinhead Germans. We had to blend in with the enemy.
They were really virtually unfamiliar with black people due to previous liberal policies
You mean the Germans? Japanese? Italians? We had Japanese-American and Italian-American citizens in the U.S. military as well. Those cultures were extremely racist, ethnocentric, and xenophobic, as well.

Our recruiters and commanders had to choose where to send U.S. personnel of various races to fight the war on all those fronts. Not always "fair" but war is war.
Remember that both Nixon and Reagan served in the Great Jim Crow Military that was deployed by liberal FDR during WW2.
People need to have some common sense. I don't know about "discrimination" as such, but it would not have been a bright idea to send a black man to Nazi Germany in those days, outside of some "special forces" context. The men we sent were for the most part white and wore the same buzz cuts as the skinhead Germans. We had to blend in with the enemy.
They were really virtually unfamiliar with black people due to previous liberal policies
You mean the Germans? Japanese? Italians? We had Japanese-American and Italian-American citizens in the U.S. military as well. Those cultures were extremely racist, ethnocentric, and xenophobic, as well.

Our recruiters and commanders had to choose where to send U.S. personnel of various races to fight the war on all those fronts. Not always "fair" but war is war.

I spoke with my old man, Polish-American. I asked him about black guys in the military during WW2. He never saw any.

Of course they were there, in uniform, but he never saw them as they were completely segregated from the honky men due to FDR's policies.
I doubt that you will find anyone that says there is "no" racism in the United States, however, the same can be said of any location on the planet. Racism exists everywhere. The difference, as opposed to many other nations, is that we have laws that forbid discrimination based upon race when it comes to hiring and anyone can live anywhere they wish in the United States, if they have the funds to purchase a residence in the area they want. You will find Asians who don't like whites and Asians that don't like blacks and Hispanics that don't like blacks and whites. Sorry, but it's a fact of life.
What isn't true, is that "all" whites hate blacks. That's a pile of crap. There is no occupation in which you won't find blacks working, including the presidency, twice. There is NO glass ceiling for blacks. The only thing keeping blacks down in the inner-cities, are programs implemented by the Democrats to keep blacks scrambling for scraps given them and not advancing.
Demand better quality schools and insist that the public educational system "stop dumbing down the materials that are taught." You should consider that the, "bigotry of low expectations." Point out to the youths, that no matter what nation they could travel to, Kenya, Tanzania, Denmark, South Korea, to succeed, their populace must not only become proficient in the language of their nation, but also study and work hard in an attempt to achieve their dreams. Because many black students "ignored" the taunts from their counterparts that they were, "trying to be white," they succeeded in attaining their dream occupations, whether it be fighter pilot, astronaut, physicist, software engineer, military officer, doctor, nurse, police officer, firefighter, lawyer, judge, senator, president, or if their goal was a great trade occupation, a welder, electrician, plumber, automobile mechanic, aircraft mechanic, et cetera.
If all whites were racist as some claim and as the white population for generations has been the majority, those occupations wouldn't have blacks in them. For if true, we suck at being racist.
Barack Obama, was elected president twice. If blacks alone voted for him, he wouldn't have been president. It took all of our races to help elect him.
Racism exists everywhere

What isn't true, is that "all" whites hate blacks
The mass incarceration of black men on false and trumped-up criminal charges is the real racism problem which the DEMOCRATs refuse to deal with. They've been bribed by dishonest contractors of America's notoriously corrupt Prison-Industrial Complex.
Reagan never fathomed how the american experience was a nightmare for blacks. like Trump, he venerates a mythical country where racism doesn't exist

..blacks graduate at lower levels and are more violent---commit violent crimes at higher levels/etc
..a problem of racism is a myth
..there's no problem of racism---is there racism/racists? yes--and the blacks are more racist...but there is not a major problem of racism

..blacks say the same thing/WORSE of whites
here, this is just ONE of the most recent examples

...the problem is blacks committing crime at high levels and graduating at low levels
..if there is so much racism--WHERE is it?????!!!!!!!
Reagan never fathomed how the american experience was a nightmare for blacks. like Trump, he venerates a mythical country where racism doesn't exist

Yeah I made a thread about this a long time ago and the trolls who worship this mass murderer,the Reaganut zombies,like crusader retard,like the cowards they are,they try and dismiss it as being voicemorphing too immature unlike his daughter to deal with reality it is the real
mass murderer??? who?
..blacks graduate at lower levels and are more violent---commit violent crimes at higher levels/etc
..a problem of racism is a myth
..there's no problem of racism
Blacks and other minorities are not graded fairly in school, and the accusations of violent crime are often wildly exaggerated. They're not the only ones who face these problems, either. Some of us are deemed as social undesirables, adjudicated as mental defectives, or otherwise classified as personæ non gratæ, imprisoned without cause, drugged against our will, and singled out for harassment and discrimination with false criminal and civil charges in court.

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