Well... earlier, you defined "gay" as someone who is exclusively sexually attracted to the same gender. Now, you want to include people who might be bisexual... or people who might be asexual and just like to have a good time with whomever. Unless you become intimate with them, there is no way for you to really know what turns them on.... maybe they're "faking it?" Maybe they're still trying to figure out their sexuality? Or maybe what you perceive as a date really wasn't a date? I've "gone out with the boys" to pick up women... if you were my next door neighbor, would you assume I am gay because you saw me dressed up and getting in the car with another guy?
I continue to define gay as someone exclusively attracted to the same gender. You claimed there are no indicators that a person is gay other than them telling you so or being intimate with them. I provided an example of that being untrue. I added bisexual because being gay isn't the only possibility for dating someone of the same gender.
As far as 'faking it', well, fuck. Anyone could be faking anything about their beliefs or thoughts. That is not exclusive to sexuality. Someone could be 'faking it' regarding their religion or politics or preference in sports. By that standard, you can never know if someone is gay. Ever.
Sure, it's possible someone might be mistaken about what is a date. As someone known for complaining that other people focus on minutia, you certainly do it a lot! If, over time and multiple dates/partners, a person seems to choose exclusively the same gender for romantic encounters, it's certainly an indication they may be gay. If a man talks about dating other men, having boyfriends, and never does so about women, it's a good indication they may be gay. Obviously the further removed from a person's life you are, the more difficult it is to make these kinds of determinations. Why does it have to be just a neighbor who sees a person getting in the car? You seem, again, to be trying to fit this into your narrative, in this case with gossip.
Well, we just covered how you could be mistaken about "dating" and your other assertion is hearsay or gossip... you're going by what a third party tells you about someone. Then, if that's not bad enough, you go on to justify stereotyping people and applying a label based on your stereotypes. Do you honestly not see anything wrong with that?
I will say it again... the ONLY WAY you can KNOW if someone is truly exclusively attracted to same gender is if they intimate this to you themselves. Otherwise, you are assuming.
Pretty much everyone uses stereotypes. I'm not justifying their use, that they are used is just reality. Beyond that, depending on how they are used or what they are used for, they aren't necessarily bad.
More, I specifically said there are 'less accurate' indicators of a person's sexual preference. I didn't say those should be used exclusively or that anyone should be judged as a person based on such indicators.
The only way to KNOW if someone is truly exclusively attracted to the same gender is to be that person.
But the fact that someone told you that someone else was sexually attracted exclusively to same gender is HEARSAY! GOSSIP! IT'S COMING FROM A THIRD PARTY! What part of this are you failing to comprehend?
Again, I wonder what your definition of gossip is. If I know someone is gay because they have told me, or I am in a homosexual relationship with them, is it automatically gossip to tell that to someone else? Should what someone I trust tells me be automatically dismissed, and is that true only when it comes to sexual orientation?
What the fuck man? Because it IS... that's why! No one knows what turns you on except YOU! Jeesh! You can fucking be married to someone for 50 years and your partner doesn't know what ACTUALLY turns you on! That's something that resides in your own mind. You might not care for anyone to know you get turned on by midgets in drag! That might be information you wish to remain private and not divulge to anyone else.
You cut off my quote before it went on to clarify how sexual desire might not be private.
Your religious beliefs, your political ideology, you have already described as not being private and intimate, yet they are also things that no one else knows except you. You can be married to someone for 50 years and your partner doesn't know what you ACTUALLY believe about god. You can be married to someone for 50 years and your partner doesn't know what you ACTUALLY think about how government should be run. That's something that resides in your own mind.
Your inconsistency, or perhaps it is hypocrisy, on this subject is clear.
But you're STILL missing the point that the information is coming from a third party who is NOT the individual in question and they may have no idea what they're talking about. Maybe they heard it from someone else who heard it from someone else? Can you not comprehend this or something? What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't understand that personal private information is not something you can assume based on what other people tell you?
You keep harping on this third party thing. Do you not trust anyone? If a woman tells me her husband is straight, should I dismiss that because the husband isn't telling me himself? Yes, we can be lied to. Yes, people might be mistaken about things. I'm not making any claims to total accuracy, knowledge beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt. I think we've already pretty much agreed that such a thing is impossible anyway, since a person could always be 'faking it' about their orientation. So what the hell is your point? The only thing I can see is that, for whatever reason, you don't want to admit that your two options for knowing a person are gay are either not the only ways, or that there are really no ways to know another person is gay since you cannot tell what they may be lying about.
And again, do you feel the same way about any other thing a person might think or feel? If my father tells me his wife is a Buddhist, should I ignore that because it's hearsay? She hasn't told me herself, I'm getting it from a third party, so clearly it is unreliable, right?
Was it you who was talking earlier about hitting on a female Marine and after being rejected you found out that "most all of them are lesbians?" How the fuck do you know that? Based on some goddamn stereotype? Is THAT how you judge EVERYONE?
I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. I've never said anything remotely like that. Are you arguing with me, or just arguing against whatever crap happens to pop into your head?
We've gone over the fact that one person can never be truly certain about what another person thinks or feels. Strangely, you only seem to apply that to sexual orientation, and you do it inconsistently. This in a thread which you start by asking what it means to be gay, where you don't want to discuss what it means to be gay.