In 2024 Should Draft Dodgers Be On Any Major Political Party Ticket?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
We hear lots about patriotism these days. We are coming into a decade where Baby Boomers are being pushed aside when they refuse to step aside gracefully. Joe Biden has dome the American dialogue a great service. Biden should be the last of his generation to serve in the Oval Office. It's time.

Dodging and deferring: Trump wasn’t the only POTUS to avoid the draft.​

But he's the only candidate for President that has dodged the draft. Shouldn't he step aside and allow the next generation it's time?​

We hear lots about patriotism these days. We are coming into a decade where Baby Boomers are being pushed aside when they refuse to step aside gracefully. Joe Biden has dome the American dialogue a great service. Biden should be the last of his generation to serve in the Oval Office. It's time.

Dodging and deferring: Trump wasn’t the only POTUS to avoid the draft.​

But he's the only candidate for President that has dodged the draft. Shouldn't he step aside and allow the next generation it's time?​

Who in their right mind would serve under the Potato or Cameltoe?
How convenient huh? You're so transparent
You believe convenience is terrible?

It's time for the old men of the Baby Boomer generation to let go and allow the next generation to take over.

Old men like Trump will not be around to suffer anything they muck up. Heck, Trump is like what -- 80 years old, suffering some obvious cognitive issues?
Mr. Trump comes from a male family line in America that started with Gramps being thrown out of his own home country for refusing to serve -- mandatory service. Gramps taught his male spawn well -- don't be a sucker fight other people's wars. And for 4 generations of Trump's that family motto has held.

In 2024 I Don't Believe Any Vietnam Era Draft Dodgers Should Be On Any Major Political Party Ticket​

Who in their right mind would serve under the Potato or Cameltoe?

the same "losers" who served under trump

i served under nixon ford reagan and the senior bush. no matter the policy that job is the same. you don't have to agree with 'em. my duty was to the constitution.

i'll have to check on recruitment/retention figures in recent years.

another way to increase recruitment is to create a recession. who would want to serve when the money and women are here unless times were too bad to get a better job?
Mr. Trump comes from a male family line in America that started with Gramps being thrown out of his own home country for refusing to serve -- mandatory service. Gramps taught his male spawn well -- don't be a sucker fight other people's wars. And for 4 generations of Trump's that family motto has held.

In 2024 I Don't Believe Any Vietnam Era Draft Dodgers Should Be On Any Major Political Party Ticket​

all were pardoned by mr carter. i do think that it is fair to remember the slight when determining who gets your vote.
all were pardoned by mr carter. i do think that it is fair to remember the slight when determining who gets your vote.
Nope. Carter pardoned those ... lists who actually was pardoned and for exactly what

On January 21, 1977, President Carter issued a pardon proclamation for certain violations of the Military Selective Service Act. The pardon relates to draft-evasion acts or omissions during the Vietnam War-era. You can obtain a certificate if you were pardoned.

On January 21, 1977, President Carter issued a pardon proclamation for certain violations of the Military Selective Service Act. The pardon relates to draft-evasion acts or omissions during the Vietnam War-era. You can obtain a certificate if you were pardoned.

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