in a world of UFO & spy balloons, humanity needs a savior who guide us forward! well, let me tell you how we're gonna do some shakin' up & some fixin'


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i am your savior. don't worry, humanity! i know more about the system and how the world works and secrets of the world than anybody in the history of the world. i know about the system. it's a system. a no good corrupt system. and i will expose it all and show you the way forward on this thread. stay tuned!

i am your savior. don't worry, humanity! i know more about the system and how the world works and secrets of the world than anybody in the history of the world

i am your savior. don't worry, humanity! i know more about the system and how the world works and secrets of the world than anybody in the history of the world. i know about the system. it's a system. a no good corrupt system. and i will expose it all and show you the way forward on this thread. stay tuned!

What country did you tell me you were located in?
i am your savior. don't worry, humanity! i know more about the system and how the world works and secrets of the world than anybody in the history of the world. i know about the system. it's a system. a no good corrupt system. and i will expose it all and show you the way forward on this thread. stay tuned!

I dont get it,, what are you saving us from??
We are all in it together. We are our own saviours, as it's not an individual effort, all have to be on board and accepting of the change for the good. As it's a collective consciousness that will make the change, not a singular one.
No point in an individual making changes when half the population disagrees with the action of the said saviour.
i am your savior. don't worry, humanity! i know more about the system and how the world works and secrets of the world than anybody in the history of the world. i know about the system. it's a system. a no good corrupt system. and i will expose it all and show you the way forward on this thread. stay tuned!

UFOs & spy balloons = Pentagon's toys ==> Culture of Addiction(militarism)

Corrupt Pentagon may want some more BLACK BUDGET! Yeah, DoD is actually addicted to wars & dishonest gain! Can you become those 4-star generals' savior? lol. :)

Here are 12 Signs of America’s Collapse:

#1 Corrupt Economic System
#2 Culture of Addiction
#3 Worship of Entertainment
#4 No Knowledge of Truth
#5 Pride & Arrogance
#6 Sin for Pleasure & Sport
#7 Relativism Abounds
#8 Self-righteousness
#9 Unsuitable Heroes
#10 Corrupt Political & Judicial Systems
#11 Social Strife
#12 Unfit Leadership

The world did see the fall of USSR. And the world could finally see the images of US's sunset years in the near future. Amen!

1) Pentagon fails audit, keeping unbroken 5-year failure streak –
2) 12 Warning Signs of America's Collapse—Judgment at Hand? –
I dont get it,, what are you saving us from??

I guess he is trying to save you from yourselves .
However , History suggests that is a wildly absurd hope .
So , put your Faith in Jesus , however , crackpot .
He will not help but you might at least disappear down the plug hole still grinning stupidly .
i am your savior. don't worry, humanity! i know more about the system and how the world works and secrets of the world than anybody in the history of the world. i know about the system. it's a system. a no good corrupt system. and i will expose it all and show you the way forward on this thread. stay tuned!


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