In an Instant - on TV - Minn Bridge Collapse.

94% of the engineers who worked on the bridge weren't Republicans....
Just saying
Do we really want people building our bridges who care about how the steel feels but can't run any numbers on it?
So you are saying don't build any bridges at all? The Republicans are too fucking stupid to be engineers? You think going back to gravel roads is a "good thing"?
Red States going back to gravel roads - Google Search
Uh huh.
Oh look.... more mindless partisan bigotry from rdean.
Did you know Republicans cut taxes on the wealthy while declaring war? Has this ever happened in the history of this country? And that happened during Bush's first term. Obama wasn't sworn in until 2009. Bush tax cuts cost over three trillion when the country needed it to send troops and weapons overseas. GOP not Obama.
Trillions were spent on Iraq. GOP not Obama.
Oh look.... more mindless partisan bigotry from rdean.
Obama's been President almost 7 years, had a vetoproof majority in Congress, but the bridges are Bush's fault?

It's like listening to North Koreans
Well, if the OP were not an outright lie then maybe he might have something.

Alas, it is nothing more than partisan hatred and outright falsehoods that make up an RDean post.

Tell us when outlays to transportation infrastructure started decreasing?
U.S. infrastructure spending has plummeted since 2008 - The Washington Post


As RDean would say: oops....

This is, though, a limited picture that does not display what the underlying reasons are for real changes and the CBO does a decent job in expounding what is actually going on here:

What you find on page 9 is far more with discussion than the idiocy that has been discussed in this thread thus far: even when there are INCREASING expenditures in recent years the rate of material and upkeep increases has outpaced it meaning that it is an actual decrease in the total value. That is a serious problem.

There is also another chart on page 11 that explains why painting this as a partisan issue in the federal government is idiotic - it is not the feds that pay the lions share of infrastructure but the states. I wonder why states would decrease such spending over the last several years? Must be tough to answer a question like that - well at least for dean.
On TV right now, they are playing a doc about the Minn Bridge Collapse on ABC.

Interviews of people who lived through it.

What do you think about Republicans blocking American infrastructure investment but willing to spend trillions on Iraq? About blocking American infrastructure investment, but willing to lose trillions in tax money from the super wealthy? About the GOP's total disregard for the safety of American citizens?

When are you going to blame Republicans for cancer or continental drift?
OK USMB. Explain to me why the Republicans in the posts above are such tards. Please. It's easy to go look up how that very small stimulus was spent:

Here s How Obama Spent 792 Billion On Fiscal Stimulus - Business Insider

They are such stupid fucks. Can anyone explain how they got that way? Or were they always lazy tards?

Here is even more detail:

The Stimulus Plan A Detailed List of Spending - ProPublica

And what did Obama do trying to get GOP support? Made 1/3rd of the bill fucking tax cuts:

Stewart claims that the stimulus bill is one-third tax cuts PolitiFact

Fucking worthless GOP tax cuts. Every time the GOP gives America tax cuts, most of the cuts go to the very rich and our deficit grows like wild fire. It's the promise of a few bucks. America falls for it again and again and the GOP sells the same rotten deal again and again. Such dirty people. Enemies of this country.

Almost all the money went to public sector employee unions.
Obama is President, he's not a Republican

Dems had a veto proof majority they could have fixed every bridge in the country, why didn't they?

that question always seems to go unanswered
Not really. You can't do everything in the two weeks before Teddy Kennedy died. The real question is why Republicans did nothing but create deficits for the nearly 5 years they had both houses, the presidency and even the Supreme Court. They used reconciliation three times. What did they use it on? That's the question the GOP doesn't want answered.


two weeks you pulled that out of your ass

On TV right now, they are playing a doc about the Minn Bridge Collapse on ABC.

Interviews of people who lived through it.

What do you think about Republicans blocking American infrastructure investment but willing to spend trillions on Iraq? About blocking American infrastructure investment, but willing to lose trillions in tax money from the super wealthy? About the GOP's total disregard for the safety of American citizens?

The Right Wing will say the Left Wing set it up for Failure.

On many issues they block common sense regulation, for profits, and then bad things happen. Then they say the Left Wing set it up to make themselves look good.

I know a Libertarian Fireman who can't figure out why he is poor. ( supply and demand)

blocked for profits


really now

94% of the engineers who worked on the bridge weren't Republicans....

Just saying

Do we really want people building our bridges who care about how the steel feels but can't run any numbers on it?

Frank said: 94% of the engineers who worked on the bridge weren't Republicans....

See? Imagine if our bridge builders were uneducated Republicans. They wouldn't fall down after 50 years, it would only take one 30 mph wind or 300 lbs.
Obama is President, he's not a Republican

Dems had a veto proof majority they could have fixed every bridge in the country, why didn't they?

that question always seems to go unanswered
Not really. You can't do everything in the two weeks before Teddy Kennedy died. The real question is why Republicans did nothing but create deficits for the nearly 5 years they had both houses, the presidency and even the Supreme Court. They used reconciliation three times. What did they use it on? That's the question the GOP doesn't want answered.


two weeks you pulled that out of your ass

OK, I admit it. It was a couple more weeks than two. Republicans had almost 5 years and you can't name a single success.
Last I heard Barry Hussein was still president.
The damage caused by Republicans under Bush can't be fixed in just a few years. There was just too much of it.
And the GOP is so angry at America for having elected a black president, they are determined to make this country suffer. They are teaching this country a lesson. That the GOP would rather America be destroyed than let this country have another black president.
Last I heard Barry Hussein was still president.
The damage caused by Republicans under Bush can't be fixed in just a few years. There was just too much of it.
And the GOP is so angry at America for having elected a black president, they are determined to make this country suffer. They are teaching this country a lesson. That the GOP would rather America be destroyed than let this country have another black president.
Oh look... more mindless partisan bigotry.
Last I heard Barry Hussein was still president.
The damage caused by Republicans under Bush can't be fixed in just a few years. There was just too much of it.
And the GOP is so angry at America for having elected a black president, they are determined to make this country suffer. They are teaching this country a lesson. That the GOP would rather America be destroyed than let this country have another black president.

And so chimes in the delusional dipshit.
Typical how you sheep say nothing about the over 100 billion a year collected in taxes and fees that are supposed to be going solely to infrastructure but never seem to get there.

Where do you suppose all that money goes??
On TV right now, they are playing a doc about the Minn Bridge Collapse on ABC.

Interviews of people who lived through is.

What do you think about Republicans blocking American infrastructure investment but willing to spend trillions on Iraq? About blocking American infrastructure investment, but willing to lose trillions in tax money from the super wealthy? About the GOP's total disregard for the safety of American citizens?
Oh look.. more mindless partisan bigotry from rdean.


Who blocks money being spent on US infrastructure?

The right.

We gave Barry Obumbler nearly a $1,000,000,000,000.... and he pissed it away as payola to Dem donators.
Public employee unions sucked up the lions share of Obama's shovel ready stimulus money to line their own pockets, Obama says meh I guess there weren't any shovel ready jobs, and this fool liberal is lecturing the right on infrastructure spending? You have to give it to these liberals they got some stones.
Typical how you sheep say nothing about the over 100 billion a year collected in taxes and fees that are supposed to be going solely to infrastructure but never seem to get there.

Where do you suppose all that money goes??

Do you think they care. They have to beat you over the head over one of their scaremongering frankensteins. They could take all of your money and you wouldn't be giving enough. Hell, their great welfare society is now 22 trillion in with record additional recipients each year. This is epic success to them.

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