In Between Trials

The inmate (#3 I think) that kept calling her DIPSY was right on target. LOL

She ain't the brightest crayon to every come from a box of neon colors.
I wonder if Dipsy's 'deal' with the state will be yanked out from under her now that it's been proven she's lied to the state. Her ass needs to be locked up too!
Judge just mentioned that Dipshit could be held criminally liable for lying under oath. A little too late, don't cha think? She's already been proven to be a liar.
What gets me is that she kept all the letters he sent her, the state has copies of all she sent him, and she's completely taken off guard that anyone would dare make her read parts of them out loud to prove how much she's been lying all along.

I guess she thought she was smarter than the law, like so many others.
She's truly a dipshit. The name Dipsy fits her well.

They're on morning break right now, so you're getting caught up. :)
they're back in.

jury is still out. judge called dipsy and her lawyers up. told her she could use the 5th amendment. he told her she can be held criminally liable for what she's saying under oath. he asked if she intended to plead the 5th, she said NO.
She's pretty much lying under oath and knows it. WTH!!!
Judge is giving jury instructions in the MacNeill trial.

I say they come back by the end of the day with a verdict.
I stopped listening to the closing arguments. Something about the voice of the defense attorney is creepy to me. There's nothing he could say in his closing anyway that would change my mind of MacNeill being GUILTY after the trial evidence I heard.
Closing arguments. Spencer is using O'Mara's "Burden of Proof" chart tactic. :rofl:

yep. I had to turn it off when he went to it earlier. His voice and lawyer 'style' just doesn't grab my attention.
Spencer keeps grinning and smirking at the jury when he's talking about Alexis.

This will definitely not go well for "Doc".
The state is doing their rebuttal already? WOOTWOOT!

I wonder if the judge will give it to the jury today or wait until next week.
I say 6 hours tops for a verdict.

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