In Between Trials

Martin MacNeill Live Stream

Watch Martin MacNeill Live Stream |

I'm going to try and catch it today. I watched some of the highlights of it last night on HLN. It's interesting how Gypsy's parents haven't had contact with her since the murder charges came about.

I'm watching the video archive of yesterday's testimony. The judge allowed the state to play a video of the youngest daughter's first statement.

What ever happened to the right to face your accuser? :dunno:
Martin MacNeill Live Stream

Watch Martin MacNeill Live Stream |

I'm going to try and catch it today. I watched some of the highlights of it last night on HLN. It's interesting how Gypsy's parents haven't had contact with her since the murder charges came about.

I'm watching the video archive of yesterday's testimony. The judge allowed the state to play a video of the youngest daughter's first statement.

What ever happened to the right to face your accuser? :dunno:

What an informative interview. 1/2 hour of "I don't want to talk about that" over and over again. :cuckoo:
Another of his 'girlfriends' is on the stand. Was this man a ho or what!
Martin MacNeill Live Stream

Watch Martin MacNeill Live Stream |

I'm going to try and catch it today. I watched some of the highlights of it last night on HLN. It's interesting how Gypsy's parents haven't had contact with her since the murder charges came about.

I'm watching the video archive of yesterday's testimony. The judge allowed the state to play a video of the youngest daughter's first statement.

What ever happened to the right to face your accuser? :dunno:

She's 12 now, so the judge won't allow her to be seen. I can understand that. She also was surprised that something was mentioned on HLN about the then 6 yr old, in an interview a year later, didn't live with her father any more and didn't want to talk about why. I think that was before he was charged with anything. Really sad story for the kids that are involved in this. I think it was mentioned that she lives with one of her sisters.
MacNeill Trial - Interesting info came out with the 2nd mistress on the stand today. It seems he told her that he knew how to induce a heart attack in a way that wouldn't be detected during an autopsy. She also mentioned that he had a brother that died by drowning in a tub (ruled a suicide), but that MacNeill told her he held his brother underwater until he drowned. His brother lived at the grandmother's house (I think that's what I remember what was said.) and she wasn't home at the time this took place.
MacNeill Trial is back in session.
Todd Grey, the chief medical examiner is up.
There's gonna be a lot of unhappy people getting butthurt around here.

The head of the Department of Justice said he hasn't officially decided whether to file criminal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman, but the tone in his answers seemed to indicate it wouldn't happen, according to Channel 9's Greg Warmoth.

Attorney General Eric Holder said he's not sure how much longer the department will review the case after civil rights groups called for hate crime charges against Zimmerman, who fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford last year.

Criminal civil rights charges unlikely for George Zimmerman |

No Federal charges. No civil suit. No "Justice for Traydemark".

There's gonna be a lot of unhappy people getting butthurt around here.

The head of the Department of Justice said he hasn't officially decided whether to file criminal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman, but the tone in his answers seemed to indicate it wouldn't happen, according to Channel 9's Greg Warmoth.

Attorney General Eric Holder said he's not sure how much longer the department will review the case after civil rights groups called for hate crime charges against Zimmerman, who fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford last year.

Criminal civil rights charges unlikely for George Zimmerman |

No Federal charges. No civil suit. No "Justice for Traydemark".


That's because there never was anything to legally charge Z with. I just can't believe some people believe they are so 'special' that they can demand someone be charged with something when he never did anything wrong. What would have happened if TM survived, went through the trial, and was charged with assaulting Z? What if TM admitted to the sequence of what the facts told? I hate to say it, but I believe there would still be those that would cry racism, etc.
There's gonna be a lot of unhappy people getting butthurt around here.

The head of the Department of Justice said he hasn't officially decided whether to file criminal civil rights charges against George Zimmerman, but the tone in his answers seemed to indicate it wouldn't happen, according to Channel 9's Greg Warmoth.

Attorney General Eric Holder said he's not sure how much longer the department will review the case after civil rights groups called for hate crime charges against Zimmerman, who fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford last year.

Criminal civil rights charges unlikely for George Zimmerman |

No Federal charges. No civil suit. No "Justice for Traydemark".


That's because there never was anything to legally charge Z with. I just can't believe some people believe they are so 'special' that they can demand someone be charged with something when he never did anything wrong. What would have happened if TM survived, went through the trial, and was charged with assaulting Z? What if TM admitted to the sequence of what the facts told? I hate to say it, but I believe there would still be those that would cry racism, etc.

butthurt butthurt butthurt

anyone get a chance to see ted cruz talking to martins mom

at the SYG senate hearing

[ame=]Ted Cruz Tells Trayvon's Mother Why Stand Your Ground Laws Can't Possibly Be 'Racist' - YouTube[/ame]
Chubsey Ubbsey is desperately seeking another 15 minutes of fame.

George Zimmerman’s ugly divorce took a disturbing twist Wednesday when his estranged wife said he nailed a bullet-riddled bull’s-eye to a wall of her parents’ house.

Shellie Zimmerman turned the marksman’s alleged target over to cops in Lake Mary, Fla., complaining it was a menacing message for her from the 30-year-old former neighborhood watchman acquitted of murdering teenager Trayvon Martin.

Read more: George Zimmerman?s wife says he left bullet-riddled bull's-eye as threat - NY Daily News

Yeah, everyone knows George is the only one in the house who can buy a paper target. :eusa_whistle:

She's really reaching for the shitcan on this one, isn't she!
From everything I've heard so far in the MacNeill trial, that man may as well get it in his head that he is going to stay in prison. The inmates testifying as to what he has told them, especially #3, all sound very believable. Their stories as to what he's said are the same.

I just wish the jury could hear about the circumstances surrounding his brother's death. That'd be the nail in M's coffin.
From everything I've heard so far in the MacNeill trial, that man may as well get it in his head that he is going to stay in prison. The inmates testifying as to what he has told them, especially #3, all sound very believable. Their stories as to what he's said are the same.

I just wish the jury could hear about the circumstances surrounding his brother's death. That'd be the nail in M's coffin.

I think both he and his lawyers know it's over. Yesterday they said they were only calling 3 witnesses for their case. And the judge said the jury should get the case by tomorrow, 12:00 Utah time.
And they're going to get Dipsy Gypsy back on the stand.

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A mistress will make a return appearance Thursday at the murder trial of a Utah doctor charged in his wife’s largely unexplained death inside a bathtub.
But first, an inmate is set to finish his testimony claiming Martin MacNeill acknowledged drowning his wife.

Mistress returns to murder trial of Utah doctor | WildAboutTrial
And they're going to get Dipsy Gypsy back on the stand.

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A mistress will make a return appearance Thursday at the murder trial of a Utah doctor charged in his wife’s largely unexplained death inside a bathtub.
But first, an inmate is set to finish his testimony claiming Martin MacNeill acknowledged drowning his wife.

Mistress returns to murder trial of Utah doctor | WildAboutTrial

She's up now.

I'm getting time delayed by stupid nonsense, so I'm still on inmate 3

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