in Big Pharma news, the corrupt Sackler Family will settle amid Trump administration lawsuit and keep it's billions in profits

Trump sure pissed them off when he made drug prices universal.....ooooo the big pharma didn't like that at all.......
"the rich are never going to vote Republican again in our lifetimes—no matter how many illegal aliens we let in or babies we abort."

the Sackler family got their start selling cocaine, morphine and heroin-based "medications"
Big Pharma is an evil empire, like Soviet Russia, where money trumps health

they even hide the cure for cancer, believe me, i know!
More corruption from Pelosi's district? Why not blame the President?
Big Pharma donates millions of dollars to each GOP Senator, but also donates to Dems like Cory Booker
The Jewish devils simply took advantage of the White man's system. Physicians were not forced to prescribe the opiates they sold.

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