In Braggs' New York

No shit, who doesn't know the Justice System wasn't made for black folks. How many black men are sitting in prison or spent countless years in prison for crimes they didn't commit.

Can somebody post DA Bragg's record since you keep speaking on it.
Yes, posting details of his record would be good. Someone will probably do that here.
When a criminal commits a violent act, surely you are for that criminal being prosecuted? Regardless of his color?
Chill. Trump is not going to jail. If he doesn't beat this, they'll offer him a deal to keep him out of jail.
Trump is going to jail ... he's scared as shit ... and you can't stand the idea that Trump is going, not maybe, not might, but his orange jumpsuit is being made at Rikers as we speak in the jumbo dumbo size to fit ... he'll have to get used to that stainless steel toilet and no hamburger and fries ... lots of meatloaves And SOS he'll love that mess ,,,
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Trump is going to jail ... he's scared as shit ... and you can't stand the idea that Trump is going, not maybe, not might, but his orange jumpsuit is being made at Rikers as we speak in the jumbo dumbo size to fit ... he'll have to get used to that stainless steel toilet and no hamburger and fries ... lots of meatloaves And SOS he'll love that mess ,,,

Why would I not stand that idea?
Black democrats are like the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Truly some astonishingly stupid people
and your toothless bunch of red states Republicans aren't any better actually the blacks are smart enough to understand if you vote for a Republican you will get your health care taken away and your social security ... your toothless bunch will say hey what happen to me health cares, me and Betty Joe we use to haves it... must be them liberals fucking with the gubment again... you repub-lie-tards are a special kind of stupid ...
Saying comically stupid shit like this is not a good look. I'm not sure if you're dumb enough to believe that spoon fed tripe or if you're just a liar
You need to listen to your republicans in this matter . Disantis remove Medicare let the private sector run it … like the private sector has been good for anybody … there are so many republicans trying their damndest to take away Medicare and your social security… it is you who need to pull your head out of your ass ..
You need to listen to your republicans in this matter . Disantis remove Medicare let the private sector run it … like the private sector has been good for anybody … there are so many republicans trying their damndest to take away Medicare and your social security… it is you who need to pull your head out of your ass ..
So it's gullibility eh. I was hoping you were just lying. Sadly you're one of the millions of lemmings that believe such nonsensical tripe.

And BTW the private sector vastly out performes government controlled retirements 😆. People actually become millionaires investing privately where as the only millionaires made via government programs are the politicians who are LYING TO YOU
So it's gullibility eh. I was hoping you were just lying. Sadly you're one of the millions of lemmings that believe such nonsensical tripe.

And BTW the private sector vastly out performes government controlled retirements 😆. People actually become millionaires investing privately where as the only millionaires made via government programs are the politicians who are LYING TO YOU
do you ever listen to what your party leaders are saying really are you this stupid too not know what they have said ... no wonder this country keeps getting fucked up by you Republicans you don't even listen

In response to his remark, a number of Republican lawmakers were heard saying "no," House Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene shouted "liar" and Speaker Kevin McCarthy could be seen shaking his head.

"Let me give you—anybody who doubts it contact my office. I'll give you a copy of the proposal," Biden said.

The president appeared to be referencing a plan released last year by Senator Rick Scott of Florida, then chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which would introduce a five-year sunset clause for all federal legislation. Thus, Medicare and Social Security would have to be regularly renewed in order to remain law.

Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell later insisted the plan "will not be part" of his party's legislative agenda.

After Biden's address had finished former President Donald Trump gave a surprisingly rosy appraisal of his performance, saying he should get "credit for trying" and "ended up the evening far stronger than he began" on his Truth Social website.

Newsweek has compiled a list of prominent Republicans who have previously either explicitly, or implicitly, called for cuts to Medicare or Social Security payments.

Mitch McConnell

Speaking in October 2018, McConnell called "entitlements," a term usually deployed to describe welfare payments like Medicare and Social Security, "the real drivers of the debt," adding they need to be adjusted "to the demographics of America in the future."

McConnell also described the GOP's failure on the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, as "the one disappointment of this Congress from a Republican point of view."

Ron Johnson

In August, Republican Senator Ron Johnson suggested Medicare and Social Security should cease being federal entitlement programs, and instead require approval every year as "discretionary spending."

"If you qualify for the entitlement, you just get it no matter what the cost," he said. "And our problem in this country is that more than 70 percent of our federal budget, of our federal spending, is all mandatory spending. It's on automatic pilot. It never, you just don't do proper oversight. You don't get in there and fix the programs going bankrupt."

In response, House Majority leader Chuck Schumer said: "The junior senator from Wisconsin wants to put Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block."

Speaking to The Washington Post, Johnson's office later denied he wanted to end Medicare or Social Security.

Lindsey Graham

In June, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham argued "entitlement reform" was needed to stop the U.S. from becoming like Greece, during a debate with Vermont's Bernie Sanders.

Graham made a similar argument nearly a decade earlier in December 2012, when he called for "real structural reforms to save Medicare and Social Security from bankruptcy and prevent our country from becoming Greece."

Marco Rubio

Speaking to two Politico journalists in 2017, Florida Senator Marco Rubio called for "structural changes" in U.S. welfare provisions.

"We have to do two things," he said. "We have to generate economic growth which generates revenue while reducing spending. That will mean instituting structural changes to Social Security and Medicare for the future.

prove it where people in the private sector are becoming millionaires... banking the private sector regulation were removed by the Republicans nearly causing another great Depression... there are no government plans that have ever failed until the Republicans went in ad started removing parts of the plan that made it work ...protecting banks are a good thing to look at ... there is nothing that the private sector has done that reduced the cost of a government program ... they have cost us as much as double to triple the amounts in cost to the consumer and government ... yeah your 1% are getting millions all right on the backs of the middle class and the poor ...
do you ever listen to what your party leaders are saying really are you this stupid too not know what they have said ... no wonder this country keeps getting fucked up by you Republicans you don't even listen

In response to his remark, a number of Republican lawmakers were heard saying "no," House Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene shouted "liar" and Speaker Kevin McCarthy could be seen shaking his head.

"Let me give you—anybody who doubts it contact my office. I'll give you a copy of the proposal," Biden said.

The president appeared to be referencing a plan released last year by Senator Rick Scott of Florida, then chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which would introduce a five-year sunset clause for all federal legislation. Thus, Medicare and Social Security would have to be regularly renewed in order to remain law.

Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell later insisted the plan "will not be part" of his party's legislative agenda.

After Biden's address had finished former President Donald Trump gave a surprisingly rosy appraisal of his performance, saying he should get "credit for trying" and "ended up the evening far stronger than he began" on his Truth Social website.

Newsweek has compiled a list of prominent Republicans who have previously either explicitly, or implicitly, called for cuts to Medicare or Social Security payments.

Mitch McConnell

Speaking in October 2018, McConnell called "entitlements," a term usually deployed to describe welfare payments like Medicare and Social Security, "the real drivers of the debt," adding they need to be adjusted "to the demographics of America in the future."

McConnell also described the GOP's failure on the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, as "the one disappointment of this Congress from a Republican point of view."

Ron Johnson

In August, Republican Senator Ron Johnson suggested Medicare and Social Security should cease being federal entitlement programs, and instead require approval every year as "discretionary spending."

"If you qualify for the entitlement, you just get it no matter what the cost," he said. "And our problem in this country is that more than 70 percent of our federal budget, of our federal spending, is all mandatory spending. It's on automatic pilot. It never, you just don't do proper oversight. You don't get in there and fix the programs going bankrupt."

In response, House Majority leader Chuck Schumer said: "The junior senator from Wisconsin wants to put Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block."

Speaking to The Washington Post, Johnson's office later denied he wanted to end Medicare or Social Security.

Lindsey Graham

In June, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham argued "entitlement reform" was needed to stop the U.S. from becoming like Greece, during a debate with Vermont's Bernie Sanders.

Graham made a similar argument nearly a decade earlier in December 2012, when he called for "real structural reforms to save Medicare and Social Security from bankruptcy and prevent our country from becoming Greece."

Marco Rubio

Speaking to two Politico journalists in 2017, Florida Senator Marco Rubio called for "structural changes" in U.S. welfare provisions.

"We have to do two things," he said. "We have to generate economic growth which generates revenue while reducing spending. That will mean instituting structural changes to Social Security and Medicare for the future.

prove it where people in the private sector are becoming millionaires... banking the private sector regulation were removed by the Republicans nearly causing another great Depression... there are no government plans that have ever failed until the Republicans went in ad started removing parts of the plan that made it work ...protecting banks are a good thing to look at ... there is nothing that the private sector has done that reduced the cost of a government program ... they have cost us as much as double to triple the amounts in cost to the consumer and government ... yeah your 1% are getting millions all right on the backs of the middle class and the poor ...
CNN reports....

By the way is your ignore feature BROKEN?

Fuck off pussy
that's all they know how to do ... if they aren't making shit up about Braggs they are making shit up about Joe Biden ... if they aren't making shit up about joe they are trying to make shit up about hunter ... hey BOZO republicans its Ilegal to give any information the jury see's Jim Jordon is over his head ... Huntrer doesn't work for the government ... he can put anything on his laptop he wants as long as it's legal... the FBI has looked at his laptop ... anything that has been claiming by you moron republicans, they have turned into a bunch of nothing burgers ...
Trump is going to jail !!! Trump is going to jail !!! Trump is going to jail !!! BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This clown really believes this crap. Can you say single diget IQ? The evidence is part of the delusion

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