In Braggs' New York

The charges were dropped, cretin...

Should have never been filed in the first place. He just further exposed Democrats’ disdain for Americans’ rights to use a firearm to protect themselves. It’s okay for Liberal elite to be protected by firearms but that’s it.
Translation: Trump should get away with crime because...theft.
False translation.

If Trump did Allegedly “commit” a crime, he should not be treated differently by the local prosecutor than any other person in his jurisdiction who gets charged with an alleged crime.
False translation.

If Trump did Allegedly “commit” a crime, he should not be treated differently by the local prosecutor than any other person in his jurisdiction who gets charged with an alleged crime.
Records show the soros funded "Color of Change PAC" that funded Bragg just after Soros gave them the money. Then there's the two soros family members that both contributed to Bragg. So this boils down to semantics.
Soros still funded Bragg, without having his name on the dotted line.

So Soros didn't give anything to Bragg. He gave to a PAC. And even the PAC didn't give a dime to Bragg. They spent money sending out mailers promoting him.
Suppose George Soros did contribute to Bragg's campaign. So what? What's the point?

People on the Right should be jumping with joy over this prosecution, just as they should have been over the $5 000 000 reparations call in San Francisco, over the New York City Council's honoring of the Soviet spy Ethel Rosenberg, over "Drag Queen Story Hour", over Defunding the Police .... all of these things alienate the people in the broad center, bring us more people, energize our base. All we have to do is to take advantage of them.

This is relevant:
Trump's Indictment Is a Blunder of Historic Proportions

Trump's Indictment Is a Blunder of Historic Proportions

ON 4/3/23
There is little doubt that news of former President Donald Trump's indictment and pending arraignment will be met with jubilation on the Left. The reality, however, is that the Left and the Right—the United States as a whole—will suffer the consequences of this blunder of historic proportions. New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg's decision to bring charges will be a moment that historians, and society more broadly, will look back upon as a societal turning point.

The immediate reaction to the first criminal indictment of a former U.S. president has largely focused on the legalities, with charges related to the hush money allegedly paid to former porn star Stormy Daniels. If this is true—and with the indictment still under seal, we don't yet know—it makes the situation worse not merely for Alvin Bragg, but for the entire country.

After all, Bragg is a DA best known for not seeking prison sentences for many crimes, while downgrading others. In Bragg's world, armed robbery, burglary, and drug dealing are, by the wave of a woke wand, misdemeanor offenses. Felony assault in New York is up 15%. Major crime in New York City jumped 22% in 2022. Last year, a convicted sex offender who put a man in a coma walked free. But for Bragg and the Gotham establishment that have made these absurdities possible, alleged improprieties concerning campaign finance are felonious to the point of being worth risking national discord to prosecute.

The media has largely framed this story with a trope about how Bragg's decision to prosecute shows that "no one is above the law." This framing is false. The son of the sitting president, who has filmed himself committing what appear to be serious crimes, has apparently illegally owned a gun, and has allegedly taken enormous sums from Chinese Communist Party-tied companies, is not merely a free man—he is celebrated, shielded, and further enriched. When the media says no one is above the law, the corollary left out is, "so long as you are on the right side of the political divide.

For nearly 10 years, the media, security state, intelligence community, and professional bureaucracy have bent every law, flouted every norm, and concocted conspiracies so ludicrous as to defy belief—all in an effort to prosecute Donald Trump. In their zeal, they have corrupted myriad institutions and destroyed Americans' trust in them. What Bragg's decision demonstrates is the astounding length to which these actors are willing to go to achieve their singular anti-Trump goal. They are the Captain Ahab of America's national ship, maniacally pursuing their white whale even if—indeed, especially if—it costs the rest of us everything.

I say this not as a Trump supporter, which I am not. (I have not voted for Trump, and I will not vote for him.) I say this as an American who, living abroad, sees from afar tragic events unfolding that can be avoided. But the present realities are too harsh to simply ignore.

Half the country is enraged by what they feel is a system now overtly tilted against them. They had their businesses shut down during the COVID-19 lockdowns by authorities who urged others to go out and protest en masse in support of Black Lives Matter (BLM). They watch as the media relentlessly ridicules them, their lifestyles, their beliefs, and their faith. They are told that racism is the worst form of evil by the very same people who, in the same breath, blame white people for all the world's ills. And now, they're seeing their livelihoods inflated away by people who assured them that inflation was "transitory," and that more government spending is the remedy.

America is in trouble. First, we suffered a biological disaster with the COVID-19 pandemic, which was mishandled in every possible way, including the calamity of shutting down the nation's economy. With people home, afraid, angry, and glued to an incendiary media, the biological disaster then spread to a social disaster, in the form of the BLM riots. The reckless federal spending of the COVID era has now caught up with us, as a supercharged economic disaster is unfolding right before our eyes.

In extreme moments, disaster tends to cluster, as Lionel Shriver—the great novelist who, in her 2016 novel The Mandibles, predicted the major economic instability we're now witnessing—noted in a recent podcast. This is how catastrophe erupts: Botched public and official responses to a disaster do the exact opposite of what is necessary, setting off a cascade of further disasters. When things are bad, bad people make them worse.

And now, with this fateful decision by a New York DA, the political disaster that could have been kept on the horizon has been brought to shore. This may well be the one that capsizes the country into utter catastrophe. The terrible irony is that, with the country sunk, those who ushered in these tragedies will still cling to their belief that it was all worth it.

Ashley Rindsberg is a media expert, investigative journalist, and author of The Gray Lady Winked: How the New York Times' Misreporting, Distortions and Fabrications Radically Alter History.
So Soros didn't give anything to Bragg. He gave to a PAC. And even the PAC didn't give a dime to Bragg. They spent money sending out mailers promoting him.

Basing your supposed facts on semantics. Ok, go for it. But it's still semantics.
Call it what you want, Soros didn't give Bragg any money.

I'm calling it what it is, Semantics. And that's all it is. Money went from Soros to Braggs, via a PAC. Start and finish is still the same.

It's the same as Trump paying off Stormy, via his attorney. Same shit, different shovel. And you know it.

Cue the "It doesn't matter if Soros funded Braggs or not" excuse in 3....2....1
I don't see the issue here. George Soros is known to support many leftist causes in the US. We can probably assume he does this legally. So what? The remaining Koch brother supports rightist causes, again, we can assume he does this with an eye to the law.

What's interesting is where Mr Soros and Mr Koch have joined together to support a cause. Does everyone know what it is?

Citizens United (organization)

View attachment 772684
Wikipedia › wiki › Citizens_United_(org...

Citizens United is a conservative 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization in the United States founded in 1988. In 2010, the organization won a U.S. Supreme Court ...

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), was a landmark decision of the Supreme Court of the United States regarding campaign finance laws and free speech under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It was argued in 2009 and decided in 2010. The court held 5-4 that the free speech clause of the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting independent expenditures for political campaigns by corporations, including nonprofit corporations, labor unions, and other associations.

Teabaggers whine.
That was the single most brain dead SCOTUS decision of the century.

Hopefully our Supreme Morons find a brain cell at some point.

A parking garage attendant spots someone engaged in theft. The thief pulls out a gun and shoots the unarmed attendant twice. Fighting for his life the wounded man wrestles the gun away from the thief and shoots him.

Alvin Bragg is quick to mete out justice. The garage attendant is charged with attempted murder. No charges against the armed thief.
Bragg didn't write the Law and a grand jury indicted Trump.
Bragg didn't write the Law and a grand jury indicted Trump.
Sure, but the DA made a decision to go after Trump, and not after, say, Hunter Biden.

He has a record of going very easy on violent criminals, getting felonies reduced to misdemeanors.
Like all DA's he's not some neutral enforcer of the law, but has a political agenda.

When an acquaintance of mine, a Black militant who was a thorn in the side of the police, was given 30 years in prison for giving a marijuana cigarette to an undercover policeman, it was all legal. The DA didn't make the law, and a grand jury indicted him, and a jury found him guilty. All according to the law.
False translation.

If Trump did Allegedly “commit” a crime, he should not be treated differently by the local prosecutor than any other person in his jurisdiction who gets charged with an alleged crime.
It's getting charged in the first place which is the issue, which is a decision. (Just as this DA's multiple decisons to lower the charge against violent (Black) criminals from felonies to misdemeanors were decisions.)

Authoritarian states often stay within the law, by simply selectively prosecuting their opponents. And this looks like exactly that.

And here's the real danger: remember that my side have the legal apparatus in their hands in many states. So what this has done is to lower the bar for selective prosecution. When liberal/progressive DA's dropped the charges against summer 2020 rioters, or lowered them to misdemeanors, that was more or less within the accepted rules. (In the Red State of Texas, a man who beat his five-year-old daughter's rapist to death will probably not even be charged. Technically, that's stepping outside a strict application of the rule of law, but it will probably be overlooked.)

But positively going after your political enemies is something else. (This was, of course, absolutely commonplace in the South not too long ago: the law's protection didn't extend to Blacks if white violence against them was the issue, and it was also used against Black militants and radical leftists of all colors.)

A commitment to the Rule of Law was not really very strong among the base of the Right in the first place. Now it will become much weaker, and this may be reflected in the future behavior of Republican DA's, grand juries, and judges.

President Trump looked a bit pissed off.

This politicized prosecution is disgraceful.

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