In California - Knowingly spread HIV no longer felony, but Jail for using wrong gender pronoun

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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
What a totally screwed up place liberals are making for themselves.......California is going to have the highest death rates and highest poverty rates of any state soon. They already are the homeless mecca.

First Sanctuary state this......

No longer a Felony to WILLFULLY spread HIV in California
Report: Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California

New California law allows jail time for using wrong gender pronoun, sponsor denies that would happen
New California law allows jail time for using wrong gender pronoun, sponsor denies that would happen

These people that support this insanity are out of their minds.

They fight to protect ILLEGAL CRIMINAL IMMIGRANTS...and do things like this.

And just imagine, liberals, leftists, 'Progressives' and Socialists at THIS forum will JUMP to defend this insanity.

We need Federal Laws to prevent the Mentally Deranaged from holding public office.
And ANYONE who says that would include Donald Trump is an perfect example of the sickness I'm exposing here. Donald Trump has done NOTHING like these fools are doing in California.

I feel bad for all those there who see this as the sickness it is ruining their once beautiful state. Liberals/Socialists/Progressives/libturds/leftist.....whatever their mental incompetence pushes them to call themselves today......are nothing but a disease on society.

They caused the collapse of Rome and are now busy ensuring the collapse of the modern world.
Disgust with them in general is rising...but will it be too late?

(and they think it's "funny")

With super corrupt jackasses like Jerry Brown, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bloomberg and Chuck Schumer on their team, they have absolutely no place to say negative things about our current President. Zilch.
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The world is messed up in some places. Ass backwards as it were. Pardon my poor Canadian French.
California is a shit hole. Beautiful drives along the coast, but for the most of country, absolutely useless.
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