Transexual takeover: California law includes jail time for using wrong pronoun for transgenders

Whoa...wait. Youre saying that accepting that a boy feels like a girl means youre grooming them to be molested? How do you get there from here?

How is that different from what they had pushed into their minds before we discovered people among us that felt like women even though biologically they were men?

I draw the line at pushing these things into childrens minds, if someone when they get to 18 years of age want to have a sex change operation or whatever then that's their business they're an adult.
"I draw the line at pushing these things into childrens minds"

Ha, well, looks like you're going to have to be a good Daddy and home school (and home everything else), because these people exist. All over the place.

This is the future leftist freaks like Fort Fun wants for your children.


The Agenda is to normalise paedophilia, we already have had the articles in mainstream publications suggesting that paedophiles are just misunderstood etc.

The slippery slope is to lead to that fucking children, predominately fucking little boys up their buttocks and getting little boys to suck dick is to be considered normal OR you are an Intolerant Bigot.

This Agenda isn't going to end well for these demented fucked up perverts or for The Useful Idiots who help them push this Agenda.

Whoa...wait. Youre saying that accepting that a boy feels like a girl means youre grooming them to be molested? How do you get there from here?

The Agenda is to normalise paedophilia, we already have had the articles in mainstream publications suggesting that paedophiles are just misunderstood etc.


Opinion | Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime


'Paedophiles need help, not condemnation - I should know' - BBC Three


'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'


Salon: Pedophilia Is The New Normal

Sorry Gollum, white guys hauling around a truckload of fake, brain-stem outrage are not protected under the law. Maybe you can demonstrate that they need protection? Your adorable flag suggests they are powerful enough not to need it, amiright?

Western civilization is under assault and it's probably too late to save it. Somewhere deep down you know I am right. When white people are finally a minority in the nations our ancestors built, the brown and black folks immigrated to replace us will start dying one by one like flies and they'll have nobody left to blame.
Western civilization is alive and well and improving, thanks to true classical liberalism, which eschews your ideology.

LOL holy shit you totally in denial.
That's deep, man.
Transvestite is the right word to call them.

plural noun: transvestites
  1. a person, typically a man, who derives pleasure from dressing in clothes primarily associated with the opposite sex.

Right. I worked it out the same way: to say "transgender" affirms the answer to the question at issue, implying that it is possible to change sex. It isn't, so I am not using that word. They are transvestites, and certainly frauds and very likely psychotic.

I'm not going along with this creepy nonsense and that's that.
It is called respecting other people.

Why do some people feel they can verbally assault people?

They are bullies if they do, true: but no one should be forced to say black is white and up is down, either. This transvestite thing is basically fraudulent and no one needs to cooperate with it if they don't want to. One shouldn't be verbally assaultive, but it's okay to say I'm not going to pretend to believe something is real that is plainly fraudulent.
So your complaint really is you dont want to be forced to think about complex and layered issues?

I don't agree with promoting Psychological Illnesses as The New Normal and being in full denial of Biology 101.
Biology is in constant flux. Youre best bet is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. some advise given to me by a millionaire and trust me it works.

"Youre best bet is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable."

I'm independently wealthy so I don't have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
You must not have worked for it. People that worked for it intuitively know what i mean.

I'm not ashamed to say that no I haven't worked for it, my family have been independently wealthy since the 15th Century. That doesn't mean we don't volunteer to do what we consider a family duty, which is serve in our nations military, every Generation of my family has served in the military.
Well. Lucy Darling!
Buy me a house? Pretty please? :lol:
PC Trumptards believe in firing people for not singing their anthem!
View attachment 152913
'Transsexual Takeover': California Law Includes Jail Time for Using Wrong Pronoun for Transgenders
California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Wednesday a "bill of rights" that backers say will help protect LGBT seniors from discrimination or mistreatment in long-term care facilities by strengthening protections against discrimination.

Imagine going to prison for this bs. Imagine having your entire future destroyed and with a record for this.
Imagine if you were in the military and had no idea about this law, and you lost your entire career over this.

This Gov. is beyond a nut job lunatic. His state is going to turn into a cess pit of nothing but shit water and sewage.
If you cant call people what they want to be called you should go to prison. One of the basic skills of a person that works in a long term care facility is making the patients feel as comfortable as possible during their time left on this planet. If you cant do that your silly ass needs to be in prison. I support this law.

Believe me; if it's crap it is still highly believable about your nut job left. lmao

View attachment 152913
'Transsexual Takeover': California Law Includes Jail Time for Using Wrong Pronoun for Transgenders
California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Wednesday a "bill of rights" that backers say will help protect LGBT seniors from discrimination or mistreatment in long-term care facilities by strengthening protections against discrimination.

Imagine going to prison for this bs. Imagine having your entire future destroyed and with a record for this.
Imagine if you were in the military and had no idea about this law, and you lost your entire career over this.

This Gov. is beyond a nut job lunatic. His state is going to turn into a cess pit of nothing but shit water and sewage.
If you cant call people what they want to be called you should go to prison. One of the basic skills of a person that works in a long term care facility is making the patients feel as comfortable as possible during their time left on this planet. If you cant do that your silly ass needs to be in prison. I support this law.

The lack of intelligence levels for most leftist are so severe you all can't figure it out that eventually they come after you too.

Strip away the speech of one, and soon it becomes everyone.

Democrats leftards aren't that smart though.

Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for the quotation:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

The quotation stems from Niemöller's
Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."
I dont think you get it. If someone came to me and explained they didnt want to be labeled as a man i would honor that. It would bother me at. Who gives a shit what I call them if it makes them happy?

The problem is when people are threatened with being put into prison for not Conforming To The State Sanctioned Dogma of Political Correctness.


It is comparable to forcing an atheist to pray to Jesus or face jail time because I'm offended if you don't.
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If you cant call people what they want to be called you should go to prison. One of the basic skills of a person that works in a long term care facility is making the patients feel as comfortable as possible during their time left on this planet. If you cant do that your silly ass needs to be in prison. I support this law.

"a long term care facility"

That's where Leftist Maniacs belong, locked up in long term care facilities away from the normal sane populations.

Leftism is a mental illness.
You do realize they arent talking about a mental asylum? They are talking about old peoples homes. Let me guess. You probably think white people are superior dont you? :laugh:

"You do realize they arent talking about a mental asylum?"

Yes I do, but I'm meaning Leftist Maniacs should be put into secure institutions for a variety of reasons, a few being that if you think biological men can have periods and than biological women have a penis then you are mentally ill and shouldn't be among the general populations.
I hear ya, dude.

"I hear ya, dude."

I'm not a dude.
You're not going to put me in prison if I call you dudette, are you?
And there you have it. Look at the posts on this page. You know, you people are demonstrating why they are now becoming a protected group. Ironic, eh? By being hamhanded, reactionary, violent, judgmental jerks, the whole lot of you managed to bring about special privilege under law for them. haha, take your medicine.
^^^ reactionary and judgemental ^^^
And there you have it. Look at the posts on this page. You know, you people are demonstrating why they are now becoming a protected group. Ironic, eh? By being hamhanded, reactionary, violent, judgmental jerks, the whole lot of you managed to bring about special privilege under law for them. haha, take your medicine.

Your co-worker Robert chops his dick off, starts wearing dresses and demands everyone call him Melinda. Fellow employees who think that's all just a bit...odd... are reactionary, violent jerks and are subject to a prison sentence for the crime of noticing.
I know a women named Melinda.

Everyone calls her Mel.

Man are they in for some serious jail time.
And there you have it. Look at the posts on this page. You know, you people are demonstrating why they are now becoming a protected group. Ironic, eh? By being hamhanded, reactionary, violent, judgmental jerks, the whole lot of you managed to bring about special privilege under law for them. haha, take your medicine.
^^^ reactionary and judgemental ^^^
No, the laws designed to protect them had to be put in place because of these reactionary, judgmental peolle. That's a fact.
View attachment 152913
'Transsexual Takeover': California Law Includes Jail Time for Using Wrong Pronoun for Transgenders
California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Wednesday a "bill of rights" that backers say will help protect LGBT seniors from discrimination or mistreatment in long-term care facilities by strengthening protections against discrimination.

Imagine going to prison for this bs. Imagine having your entire future destroyed and with a record for this.
Imagine if you were in the military and had no idea about this law, and you lost your entire career over this.

This Gov. is beyond a nut job lunatic. His state is going to turn into a cess pit of nothing but shit water and sewage.
Crazy cali can do whatever they want, obviously outsiders are not welcome, glad I don’t live there. :cuckoo:
Maybe the folks who are guilty of gender appropriation should be thrown in jail.

As a minority in this male dominated society I have not given permission for my gender to be appropriated in this most egregious form of cultural appropriation. It is extremely insensitive for a male to wear Prada, which I cannot afford to do, and have a better hair day than me. It is stereotypical and offensive...because it takes more than clothes to make the woman. ;)

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