In Canada...

In Canada, opposition to homosexuality is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

In Canada, speaking against Islam is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

So, if you were to oppose Muslims cutting the heads off of homosexuals, would the be a "double hate crime?"

Can one of you of the anti-liberty left who support hate crime laws explain how this works?

Please post a link to the law you are referring to where mere opposition to a group is a crime.

:eusa_angel: Maybe not mere opposition but I'll show you crazy.

Want to see crazy? These are our liberal big cities..... Here's boo hoo...

Canadian comic and restaurant owner are fined $22,500 for lesbian jokes

By Brian Clark Howard
UPDATED: 20:17 GMT, 22 April 2011

Nobody is laughing now.

Canada's British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal has ordered amateur comedian Guy Earle and restaurant owner Salam Ishmail to pay $22,500 in damages to a woman who claims she suffered lewd lesbian insults during an open mic night.

The woman, Lorna Pardy, 32, told the court she was mistreated by Mr Earle, who served as emcee at Zesty’s Restaurant on Commercial Drive in Vancouver on May 22, 2007.

Comedian Guy Earle and Zesty's restaurant owner $22,500 for Lorna Pardy lesbian jokes in Vancouver Canada | Mail Online court ordered Mr Earle to pay Ms Pardy CA$15,000 (US$15,745) for lost wages and for injury to dignity, feelings and self respect. Mr Ishmail was ordered to pay her $7,500.

Ms Pardy, who works as an airport weather technician, said she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress as a result of the evening.

Ms Pardy told the court the she had gone to Zesty's that day to meet her girlfriend and another woman for drinks on the patio. She said that after a waitress told them the patio was closed, they moved to a table inside.

Post mother trucking stress disorder. Freaking give me a break.

Comedian Guy Earle and Zesty's restaurant owner $22,500 for Lorna Pardy lesbian jokes in Vancouver Canada | Mail Online
Please post a link to the law you are referring to where mere opposition to a group is a crime.

I get this feeling that the hate sites that program you drones censor a lot of issues...

{"We are very pleased that the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed the validity of our human rights legislation, recognizing it strikes the proper balance between freedom of expression and freedom from the fear that comes with hate-filled speech," said Arnot.
"We hope that our legislation serves as a model of best practice for other provinces to follow suit."

According to Saskatchewan HRC, prosecutions of cases similar to the Whatcott complaint are seldom pursued.

"The SHRC has prosecuted only five cases relating to the dissemination of hate in the last 32 years and considers prosecution a tool to be used sparingly and judiciously and only in the most extreme cases," Saskatchewan HRC said Wednesday.

As to the long-term effects of the Whatcott case, Hutchinson of EFC told CP that he believed the decision would influence the codes of Canadian provinces other than Saskatchewan.

"I expect to see those Canadian provinces and territories that don't currently have a hate speech provision in their human rights legislation add one that mirrors the wording approved by the Supreme Court in this decision," said Hutchinson.}

Canadian Supreme Court Upholds 'Hate Speech' Laws, Amends Process

I wonder what you would be like if you were capable of independent cognition?

Why am I not supprised that like the monkey at the local zoo, you can't resist the temptation to fling poo.

Where is the link to the law that mere opposition to a group is a crime?

But then again considering your proclivtity for posting hate-filled comments and rants I can see how you equate hate speech to mere opposition.

You should get some help for that.
In Canada, opposition to homosexuality is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

In Canada, speaking against Islam is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

So, if you were to oppose Muslims cutting the heads off of homosexuals, would the be a "double hate crime?"

Can one of you of the anti-liberty left who support hate crime laws explain how this works?

Please post a link to the law you are referring to where mere opposition to a group is a crime.

:eusa_angel: Maybe not mere opposition but I'll show you crazy.

Want to see crazy? These are our liberal big cities..... Here's boo hoo...

Canadian comic and restaurant owner are fined $22,500 for lesbian jokes

By Brian Clark Howard
UPDATED: 20:17 GMT, 22 April 2011

Nobody is laughing now.

Canada's British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal has ordered amateur comedian Guy Earle and restaurant owner Salam Ishmail to pay $22,500 in damages to a woman who claims she suffered lewd lesbian insults during an open mic night.

The woman, Lorna Pardy, 32, told the court she was mistreated by Mr Earle, who served as emcee at Zesty’s Restaurant on Commercial Drive in Vancouver on May 22, 2007.

Comedian Guy Earle and Zesty's restaurant owner $22,500 for Lorna Pardy lesbian jokes in Vancouver Canada | Mail Online court ordered Mr Earle to pay Ms Pardy CA$15,000 (US$15,745) for lost wages and for injury to dignity, feelings and self respect. Mr Ishmail was ordered to pay her $7,500.

Ms Pardy, who works as an airport weather technician, said she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress as a result of the evening.

Ms Pardy told the court the she had gone to Zesty's that day to meet her girlfriend and another woman for drinks on the patio. She said that after a waitress told them the patio was closed, they moved to a table inside.

Post mother trucking stress disorder. Freaking give me a break.

Comedian Guy Earle and Zesty's restaurant owner $22,500 for Lorna Pardy lesbian jokes in Vancouver Canada | Mail Online

Doesn't sound like it was "just lesbian jokes" to me. However I do think she was a willing particpant in the exchange and the PTSD line is crazy as is the fine.
Canada suffers from a "Bigger Brother" syndrome.

No. It's called "White Guilt". A very common disease found mostly in White politicians in the US, Canada, most of Europe and Australia.

Symptoms include:
-Urge to pass laws that make it a "hate crime" to "insult" any Non-White race or religion
-Support of either illegal immigration, more legal immigration or both
-Supports near unlimited funding of social benefits to non-whites
-Constant ignorance to serious crimes committed by non-whites, no matter how barbaric
-Acceptance of the excuse "My culture says it's okay and i didn't know your country considered it illegal" from non-whites when dealing with cases such as rape, child sexual assault or "honor killings"
Please post a link to the law you are referring to where mere opposition to a group is a crime.

:eusa_angel: Maybe not mere opposition but I'll show you crazy.

Want to see crazy? These are our liberal big cities..... Here's boo hoo...

Canadian comic and restaurant owner are fined $22,500 for lesbian jokes

By Brian Clark Howard
UPDATED: 20:17 GMT, 22 April 2011

Nobody is laughing now.

Canada's British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal has ordered amateur comedian Guy Earle and restaurant owner Salam Ishmail to pay $22,500 in damages to a woman who claims she suffered lewd lesbian insults during an open mic night.

The woman, Lorna Pardy, 32, told the court she was mistreated by Mr Earle, who served as emcee at Zesty’s Restaurant on Commercial Drive in Vancouver on May 22, 2007.

Comedian Guy Earle and Zesty's restaurant owner $22,500 for Lorna Pardy lesbian jokes in Vancouver Canada | Mail Online court ordered Mr Earle to pay Ms Pardy CA$15,000 (US$15,745) for lost wages and for injury to dignity, feelings and self respect. Mr Ishmail was ordered to pay her $7,500.

Ms Pardy, who works as an airport weather technician, said she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress as a result of the evening.

Ms Pardy told the court the she had gone to Zesty's that day to meet her girlfriend and another woman for drinks on the patio. She said that after a waitress told them the patio was closed, they moved to a table inside.

Post mother trucking stress disorder. Freaking give me a break.

Comedian Guy Earle and Zesty's restaurant owner $22,500 for Lorna Pardy lesbian jokes in Vancouver Canada | Mail Online

Doesn't sound like it was "just lesbian jokes" to me. However I do think she was a willing particpant in the exchange and the PTSD line is crazy as is the fine.

Best part of this insanity. It was a gay club.

Canada suffers from a "Bigger Brother" syndrome.

No. It's called "White Guilt". A very common disease found mostly in White politicians in the US, Canada, most of Europe and Australia.

Symptoms include:
-Urge to pass laws that make it a "hate crime" to "insult" any Non-White race or religion
-Support of either illegal immigration, more legal immigration or both
-Supports near unlimited funding of social benefits to non-whites
-Constant ignorance to serious crimes committed by non-whites, no matter how barbaric
-Acceptance of the excuse "My culture says it's okay and i didn't know your country considered it illegal" from non-whites when dealing with cases such as rape, child sexual assault or "honor killings"

We had this great mayor in Toronto, Mel Lastmen who went ballistic when some of his staff members were trying to name the Christmas tree the "holiday tree".

He said it was like trying to claim the menorah was a candelabra. He was so righteous. :eusa_angel:I loved this guy because he stopped all that bullshit from white supposedly christians who were trying to pull all this crap.

Ever want to see a so called "white christian liberal " want to take Immodium AD?

Tell them how Jesus is loved by Islam. You'll see them paler faster and run for Depends when they realize all of a sudden out of the blue that Jesus is so revered by Islam.

That Jesus is a "biggie" in Islam. White liberal Christians make the grand caca when they learn about that.
Canada suffers from a "Bigger Brother" syndrome.

No. It's called "White Guilt". A very common disease found mostly in White politicians in the US, Canada, most of Europe and Australia.

Symptoms include:
-Urge to pass laws that make it a "hate crime" to "insult" any Non-White race or religion
-Support of either illegal immigration, more legal immigration or both
-Supports near unlimited funding of social benefits to non-whites
-Constant ignorance to serious crimes committed by non-whites, no matter how barbaric
-Acceptance of the excuse "My culture says it's okay and i didn't know your country considered it illegal" from non-whites when dealing with cases such as rape, child sexual assault or "honor killings"

We had this great mayor in Toronto, Mel Lastmen who went ballistic when some of his staff members were trying to name the Christmas tree the "holiday tree".

He said it was like trying to claim the menorah was a candelabra. He was so righteous. :eusa_angel:I loved this guy because he stopped all that bullshit from white supposedly christians who were trying to pull all this crap.

Ever want to see a so called "white christian liberal " want to take Immodium AD?

Tell them how Jesus is loved by Islam. You'll see them paler faster and run for Depends when they realize all of a sudden out of the blue that Jesus is so revered by Islam.

That Jesus is a "biggie" in Islam. White liberal Christians make the grand caca when they learn about that.
A menorah IS a cadelabra.
Does Canada's constitution guarantee the right to free speech?

No it doesn’t. And yes, hate speech can get you thrown in jail. But the only two cases I know of where that happened was a Saskatchewan highshool teacher who persisted in teaching his class that the Holocaust was a hoax. The other was Ernst Zundel who handed out leaflets and published books denying the Holocaust.

Both men were ordered to cease and desist. Both persisted.
In Canada, opposition to homosexuality is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

In Canada, speaking against Islam is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

So, if you were to oppose Muslims cutting the heads off of homosexuals, would the be a "double hate crime?"

Can one of you of the anti-liberty left who support hate crime laws explain how this works?
Is speaking out against lewd sex acts in front of kids (gay pride parades) also a hate crime? Just trying to clarify Canadian law here..

Also, is it a crime for Canadian officials to witness or know of such sex acts where children are invited to watch, and do nothing to stop those offenses against children? Will there be arrests of law enforcement in the areas where the pride parades are held, for failure to protect?

If those acts occurred at a schoolyard at recess the next day, would Canadian officials act to arrest the perps?

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