In case you need more reason to not support DeSantis, Soros is now rooting for him, Soros says DeSantis will beat 'pitiful figure' Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Speaks volumes that Soros wants DeSantis to be the nominee. PS: How does he know Trump will “lose”? Is there already a plan to steal 2024 from Trump?

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George Soros supported Joe Biden's campaign and contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars ($500,000), and dumped millions into democrat groups leading up to the 2020 election. Did you use this same criteria with Biden and Democrats?
Speaks volumes that Soros wants DeSantis to be the nominee. PS: How does he know Trump will “lose”? Is there already a plan to steal 2024 from Trump?

That reminds me of all of Hillary haters rooting for that dumbass Negro Obama to win out in the Moon Bat Primaries. Even Rush Limbaugh was pulling for him.

Unfortunately we got what we wished for.
Speaks volumes that Soros wants DeSantis to be the nominee. PS: How does he know Trump will “lose”? Is there already a plan to steal 2024 from Trump?

You call it "stealing" but the rest of us just call it WINNING.
You know, like we did in 2020 and again in 2022 when we trounced Trump's anticipated "red wave."
Don't you understand a person like Trump can NEVER concede defeat.
Whenever he loses at something he's always going to squeal and claim the winner "cheated" and that his "rightful" victory was stolen from him.
He's most likely been a tantrum throwing poor sport from the very beginning....all the way back to his "Chutes and Ladders" and classroom Bingo days.
We've all known the type. The snot-nosed playground tyrant that NOBODY wants to play with because it's just not worth the drama of being called a "cheater" everytime you beat them fair and square at something.
Yeah.....he's one of those.
Just the old man version.
I intend to vote for DeSantis in the Primaries if he runs and for whoever the Republican candidate for President is in the Presidential Election. However, If a RINO like Romney is running as the Republican candidate I just will vote for the Libertarian candidate. I will not vote for Trump if he runs on a Third Party ticket.

DeSantis is my governor and in my opinion the best damn Governor Florida has had in the last half a century that I have lived here.
Speaks volumes that Soros wants DeSantis to be the nominee. PS: How does he know Trump will “lose”? Is there already a plan to steal 2024 from Trump?
Of course there is!

However, ol' Kiss of Death Soros is maybe not the ideal supporter DeSantis wants.
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he doesn’t carry all of Trump’s baggage—e.g., two impeachments, a litany of sexual-misconduct accusations, and inciting the first major attack on the U.S. Capitol since 1814—and his credentials are arguably more ideologically conservative than Trump’s, but he still demonstrates the same populist rage and nationalistic spirit that propelled Trump to the White House
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A case can be made that Donald Trump and his complete contempt for the rule of law is uniquely dangerous, so anyone who is not Donald Trump is marginally less horrific

But is that going to be the standard for Republican primary voters—less horrific than Trump?
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DeSantis’s shrewdness is what’s scaring liberals; he shares many of Trump’s most reactionary viewpoints and spiteful political instincts, but he’s not some bull in a china shop and could be more effective at turning “America First” policies into law. In April, MSNBC ran a column titled, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is a far more dangerous politician than Donald Trump,” while New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait wrote this month that DeSantis “would kill democracy slowly and methodically.” The latter piece prompted a rebuttal from National Review columnist Dan McLaughlin, who claimed that liberal pundits would actually prefer to have “Trump in power again” than see an effective DeSantis presidency. That is why, he argues, writers like Chait are attempting to “seamlessly transfer” criticism of Trump’s attacks on democracy onto DeSantis. Jonah Goldberg, who lambasted some of DeSantis’s “grotesque” attempts to please the party’s base, made a similar argument. “DeSantis is within the general norms of American politics in a way that Trump is not,” he said. “Those who say he would be worse than Trump are showing that they are scared of him on a political level.”
A case can be made that Donald Trump and his complete contempt for the rule of law is uniquely dangerous, so anyone who is not Donald Trump is marginally less horrific
But is that going to be the standard for Republican primary voters—less horrific than Trump?
How about millions of times better than Joe Biden or Kamala Harris? That works for me.
Connor Friedersdorf argued that DeSantis and Trump are completely different. DeSantis’s flaws fell within “normal parameters,” while Trump was uniquely frightening.

Bill Maher said much the same thing last year in an argument on his HBO show Real Time with progressive commentator Krystal Ball. She asked him if he really thought DeSantis would be “way better” than Trump, and Maher cut off another guest to say, “I’d like to answer that. Yes, yes, I do.” Explaining his answer, Maher insisted that DeSantis hadn’t shown “contempt for democratic processes.”
Does any politically astute person really think Soros is really rooting for DeSantis when he says he can beat Trump? Maybe it's some sort of double whammy in the lefty mind but Soros is doing what he does best by using propaganda to try to split the republican party. Notice that Soros won't go near the Biden mess.
Speaks volumes that Soros wants DeSantis to be the nominee. PS: How does he know Trump will “lose”? Is there already a plan to steal 2024 from Trump?

This is a perfect example of how a conspiracy theory nut job's mind works and comes to illogical conclusions. Just because someone says Person X will lose an election does not mean there is a plan in place to steal an election. Get help.
Connor Friedersdorf argued that DeSantis and Trump are completely different. DeSantis’s flaws fell within “normal parameters,” while Trump was uniquely frightening.

Bill Maher said much the same thing last year in an argument on his HBO show Real Time with progressive commentator Krystal Ball. She asked him if he really thought DeSantis would be “way better” than Trump, and Maher cut off another guest to say, “I’d like to answer that. Yes, yes, I do.” Explaining his answer, Maher insisted that DeSantis hadn’t shown “contempt for democratic processes.”
The main difference is that Trump doesnt care about the actual policies he enacts while DeSantis does. Today in fact DeSantis was blaming people upholding the law he created regarding books in schools for removing books and says it a leftist plan to make him look bad. Only a stupid person would believe that.
Speaks volumes that Soros wants DeSantis to be the nominee. PS: How does he know Trump will “lose”? Is there already a plan to steal 2024 from Trump?

'Hey, George Soros likes DeSantis', says disinformation-spreading/defending, pro- Socialist/Fascist snowflakes.




Raise your hand if you are going to believe what anti-American, American Internal Destruction-funding Socialist George Soros ... or snowflakes ...says...

For God's sake and your own, do your own research on candidates and make up your own mind. Don't let douche bags like Soros seriously effect your decision.

Don't be a guli-bull or a mindless sheep.

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