In Defense Of OWS


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
[ame=]#OWS Protester Nails It! Federal Reserve : Fractional Banking : FIAT Currency : Wars - YouTube[/ame]
Wait a minute!

That guy sounds alot like a Ron Paul supporter.

Could it be that OWS is a bipartisan popular movement by many different demographics that are all tired of the corruption, cronyism, and most importantly debt based currency?
Wait a minute!

That guy sounds alot like a Ron Paul supporter.

Could it be that OWS is a bipartisan popular movement by many different demographics that are all tired of the corruption, cronyism, and most importantly debt based currency?

Well don't get your hopes up to HIGH for this group--because here is another OWS protester that says he HATES Ron Paul. (I would give this group a lot more credit of having a brain if they did like Ron Paul)--but most of them are way too far left to do that.

Just listen to these OWS protesters--

[url=]Occupy DC invades Newseum, hates on Ron Paul & Alex Jones - YouTube[/URL]
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Reminds me a lot of the 60s anti-war protests on the college campuses and in many U.S. cities.

The next step will be violence, like we saw during the 1960s race riots.

Isn't ANARCHY in the name of "freedom of speech" a wonderful thing, especially when it has the full support of the Democrat Party?
[ame=]Scott McKenzie - If You're Going To San Francisco - YouTube[/ame]

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