In memoriam, a final look at Barack Hussein Obama's Real Legacy

feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!

Simple question . Is the USA better off than it was 8 years ago?

The honest answer .... yes!
Without question we are much worse off. Lost rights and 10 trillion more debt to name a couple biggies.
feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!

Simple question . Is the USA better off than it was 8 years ago?

The honest answer .... yes!
Without question we are much worse off. Lost rights and 10 trillion more debt to name a couple biggies.

What rights did you lose ? You gained rights .

Where did the 10 trill come from ? Congress wholes the purse strings .
The destruction of race relations.
View attachment 113756

He brought race relations into the conversation.

I know you want the good old days were the spics, chinks , and blacks sat quietly and just suffered the abuse .
feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!

Simple question . Is the USA better off than it was 8 years ago?

The honest answer .... yes!
Without question we are much worse off. Lost rights and 10 trillion more debt to name a couple biggies.

What rights did you lose ? You gained rights .

Where did the 10 trill come from ? Congress wholes the purse strings .
I can chose to not pay $2,000 a month for healthcare?

I lost lots of rights, Timmy boy.
Yeah what a fucking shame to make an issue of the Blunderer in Chief destroying a Navy SEAL's life.

Stop it. He also had Seal team 6 wiped out on some plane over Afghan 3 months after bin Laden. Don't make me think about what a disaster this was.
feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!

Simple question . Is the USA better off than it was 8 years ago?

The honest answer .... yes!
Without question we are much worse off. Lost rights and 10 trillion more debt to name a couple biggies.

What rights did you lose ? You gained rights .

Where did the 10 trill come from ? Congress wholes the purse strings .
Funny how liberals are uninformed so the truth often surprises them.

The American police state rolls on, but liberals are blind to it. They think it's wonderful. They are like the proverbial frog in the pot.
feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!

Simple question . Is the USA better off than it was 8 years ago?

The honest answer .... yes!
Without question we are much worse off. Lost rights and 10 trillion more debt to name a couple biggies.

What rights did you lose ? You gained rights .

Where did the 10 trill come from ? Congress wholes the purse strings .
Funny how liberals are uninformed so the truth often surprises them.

The American police state rolls on, but liberals are blind to it. They think it's wonderful. They are like the proverbial frog in the pot.
Funny how liberals are uninformed so the truth often surprises them.
When you want a good laugh tell them Hillary lost. They are stuck in an alternate universe.
Spending nearly $3.7T, yet below shows total "intake" for 2015? WTH? Van Jones lol!

Yeah what a fucking shame to make an issue of the Blunderer in Chief destroying a Navy SEAL's life.

Stop it. He also had Seal team 6 wiped out on some plane over Afghan 3 months after bin Laden. Don't make me think about what a disaster this was.


Its' been out there. It happened. why? how? I don't know. don't like to think about it.

The Chinook was shot down by Afghan militants, and all 38 on board perished. Among the dead were 30 Americans, including 22 Navy SEALS, seven Afghan soldiers and one Afghan translator. Their bodies were later recovered, but the helicopter’s black box was not. Pentagon officials have said that it could not be recovered, citing a flash flood that happened soon after the assault.
feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!

feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!


well done. Another one taking every number from the bottom of the housing crash. Dead Cat Bounce much? And it took $10T + TARP +++ to get there. Doing nothing would have been faster and better.
feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt
Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)
Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers
Open borders
Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)
Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!

Simple question . Is the USA better off than it was 8 years ago?

The honest answer .... yes!
Without question we are much worse off. Lost rights and 10 trillion more debt to name a couple biggies.

What rights did you lose ? You gained rights .

Where did the 10 trill come from ? Congress wholes the purse strings .
I can chose to not pay $2,000 a month for healthcare?

I lost lots of rights, Timmy boy.

That was the rate before Obamacare !

Every time somthing changes in healthcare , Obamas is to blame . Even when the ACA has nothing to do with it.
Yeah what a fucking shame to make an issue of the Blunderer in Chief destroying a Navy SEAL's life.

Stop it. He also had Seal team 6 wiped out on some plane over Afghan 3 months after bin Laden. Don't make me think about what a disaster this was.

Petty Officer Owens was with SEAL team 6 and Donald Trump's blunder killed him. Whatever you are alleging 3 months after bin Laden probably didn't happen.
Simple question . Is the USA better off than it was 8 years ago?

The honest answer .... yes!
Sure it is, now that Trump is president

Thanks for asking
Petty Officer Owens was with SEAL team 6 and Donald Trump's blunder killed him. Whatever you are alleging 3 months after bin Laden probably didn't happen.

I even find evidence of it discussed on this board before my time. I will let the experts handle this. I heard about it on the Obama.
feel free to chime in if you see anything I have left out...

10 TRILLION in new debt

Bullshit - Obama's policies add up to about 2 Trillion, most of which was tax-cuts.

Obamacare(if you like your doctor...)

...which is getting more popular by the day. There is a good reason Republicans abruptly stopped voting to repeal ACA as soon as their vote actually began to count.

Race-baiting (Cambridge Police, his son Trayvon, Ferguson, #BLM, etc)
Toxic racial rhetoric which sparked an epidemic of assassinations of law enforcement officers[/quote]

right winger hysterics laced with dog-whistles, history will note that our first black president spent little time on racial issues.

Open borders

Looney toons fantasy. Borders remained fully intact and more people than ever were deported under Obama.

Iran deal ($150 Billion & Iran is on track to be nuclear capable)

Speculative assertions while reality is that this deal was good enough for Trump and Republicans not even make a peep about it since the electioneering was over.

Swapped 5 deadly terrorists for a deserter/traitor
Refugees from ME countries who can't be vetted
Islam apologist & radical Islamic extremism DENIER
Anti-Israel (worst relations w/Israel EVER)
Anti-Christian (The Crusades, Barry? Really, bro?)
Anti-white (how many lectures to us?)
Chose Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton as his chief adviser on race relations
Two terrible Attorneys General (First Holder, and even worse, Lynch)
Two terrible Secretaries of State (Clinton, Kerry)
Two terrible Supreme Court justices (Sotomayor, Kagan)
Labor Participation Rate worst ever (95 million not working)
Lowest home ownership rate in 51 years
Touting "McJobs" while ignoring the exodus of good jobs (Trump already fixing)
Apology Tours (Thank God we've seen the last of those)

Other than that, the community agitator did a great job!

Mostly a load of outright bullshit and baseless opinion getting passed off as fact.

Home ownership down after fucking historic REAL ESTATE COLLAPSE? Wow that Obama is an asshole lol. But this "51 years" is bullshit, it's down to what it was in the 90s.

"Not working" will always expand long term due to simple population growth, just as "working" will. LFPR was well predicted to decline through 2040 just based on demographics of aging population that spends more time in school.

Under Obama we've seen solid 15 million jobs created since the end of recession (which is 4 times more than last two Republican presidents COMBINED), this while median income returned to it's pre-recession peaks, so your McJobs assertion is pure bullshit.
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Yet 90 independent historians now rate him at #12 as greatest president.
You basically let others form your opinions for you, huh? Most historians I have listened to are leftists. Only a complete nut views Obama as anything but a pathetic failure. He was in over his head from day 1.

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