In new Budget, Biden to Lower US Debt by $3T, After Trump had Record 4 yr Debt

Every goddamn American President since WWII have run a deficit. Both Republican and Democrat. Even Slick Willy with his Hocus Pocus accounting. I didn't hear you stupid Moon Bats bitch when The Worthless Negro ran up $10 trillion in debtwith absolutely nothing to show for it.

This inbred idiot Banker bragging about Potatohead having a $1.4 trillion deficit this year is some kind of special stupid. Like world class stupidity.
Republicans have caused the vast majority of our debt

Reagan Bush, and Trump destroyed America's balance sheet with mega spending

The GOP owns this debt and Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in 4 short years. Notta good look

Biden to Lower US Debt by $3T​

Liar. The debt will be higher after his budget than before.


He also has a minimum tax on billionaires which says all billionaires will pay at least 25% on their income

Anyone with a billion in income already pays much more than 25%.

No they don't retard.

Go do some homework

Its so funny to watch you try and act smart when you are dumb and clueless

Go look it up, you have some homework to do
When Trump took over as president the US had a low $587B annual deficit. That number is a lie, because you've been corrected many times before. And dumbshit wants to ignore the Republicans had the majority in the House and Senate.

and in 4 short years Trump 5x that to $3.1T and Trump had 25% of total US debt in his 4 short years. Dumbshit wants to ignore that COVID occurred and the Democrats controlled the House.

Meanwhile Biden has lowered the $3.1T annual Trump deficit to just $1.3 T, and he looks to lower it more !!! Dumbshit wants to ignore Biden's deficit is the very highest, excluding the years we were under covid's spell, 2020-2021.

Banker is a liar and deceitful proven over and over again. Imagine if he really had control of your money. Knowing he's a leftist adds a lot of validation.
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Biden to Lower US Debt by $3T​

Liar. The debt will be higher after his budget than before.


He also has a minimum tax on billionaires which says all billionaires will pay at least 25% on their income

Anyone with a billion in income already pays much more than 25%.

Wow, you continue to disappoint,

When Trump took over as president the US had a low $587B annual deficit. That number is a lie, because you've been corrected many times before. And dumbshit wants to ignore the Republicans had the majority in the House and Senate.

and in 4 short years Trump 5x that to $3.1T and Trump had 25% of total US debt in his 4 short years. Dumbshit wants to ignore that COVID occurred and the Democrats controlled the House.

Meanwhile Biden has lowered the $3.1T annual Trump deficit to just $1.3 T, and he looks to lower it more !!! Dumbshit wants to ignore Biden's deficit is the very highest, excluding the years we were under covid's spell, 2020-2021.

Banker is a proven liar and he's deceptive. Imagine if he really had control of your money.

The Banker can't mentally be more than 12.
When Trump took over as president the US had a low $587B annual deficit. That number is a lie, because you've been corrected many times before. And dumbshit wants to ignore the Republicans had the majority in the House and Senate.

and in 4 short years Trump 5x that to $3.1T and Trump had 25% of total US debt in his 4 short years. Dumbshit wants to ignore that COVID occurred and the Democrats controlled the House.

Meanwhile Biden has lowered the $3.1T annual Trump deficit to just $1.3 T, and he looks to lower it more !!! Dumbshit wants to ignore Biden's deficit is the very highest, excluding the years we were under covid's spell, 2020-2021.

Banker is a proven liar and he's deceptive. Imagine if he really had control of your money.
Trump blew up the deficit before covid hit. Running it to $1+T for 2020 before covid hit, then he took it to another level begging the FED for more stimulus and begging Congress for more spending

The GOP owns our debt as their policies caused it.

The Banker can't mentally be more than 12.

I suspect he's in his twenties, and his brain hasn't developed fully similar all leftists. In Banker's case it's well underdeveloped. 12 is a good representation.
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When Trump took over as president the US had a low $587B annual deficit. That number is a lie, because you've been corrected many times before. And dumbshit wants to ignore the Republicans had the majority in the House and Senate.

and in 4 short years Trump 5x that to $3.1T and Trump had 25% of total US debt in his 4 short years. Dumbshit wants to ignore that COVID occurred and the Democrats controlled the House.

Meanwhile Biden has lowered the $3.1T annual Trump deficit to just $1.3 T, and he looks to lower it more !!! Dumbshit wants to ignore Biden's deficit is the very highest, excluding the years we were under covid's spell, 2020-2021.

Banker is a proven liar and he's deceptive. Imagine if he really had control of your money.
You know, I am starting to believe that Trump colluded with China to unleash Covid SO YOU FAWKERS WOULD HAVE A DAMN EXCUSE. Trump spent money like a drunken damn sailor, corruption went through the roof, and you can't blame it on the Democrats, Trump signed the damn bills and he wanted more.

And I will tell you right now, you WISH I had control of your money. Hundreds of clients, millions of dollars under management, and they ain't lost JACK SHIT over the last twenty years. Slow and steady wins the race. I spend zero on marketing, referrals only, and those mostly come from parents referring their children to me.

Biden to Lower US Debt by $3T​

Liar. The debt will be higher after his budget than before.


He also has a minimum tax on billionaires which says all billionaires will pay at least 25% on their income

Anyone with a billion in income already pays much more than 25%.


I think he is also counting taxes on unrealized capital gains. A very loony leftoid idea. Indeed, a leftoid wet dream.
Trump blew up the deficit before covid hit. Running it to $1+T for 2020 before covid hit, then he took it to another level begging the FED for more stimulus and begging Congress for more spending

The GOP owns our debt as their policies caused it.

Øbama laughs.

Thanks to the Trump tax cuts the Feds realized nearly $5000 billion in income in the last FY.
The 2021 deficit was lower than the 2020 deficit, so it seems they did.
How could the deficit NOT increase drastically when the entire economy was shut down?


In new Budget, Biden to Lower US Debt by $3T, After Trump had Record 4 yr Debt​

Uh huh, and I hold title to the Brooklyn Bridge. I’m selling it cheap. Gullible fuck.
Biden's budget has zero chance of being passed, it's all for show. Dems roll out the same old 'tax the rich' rhetoric while never taxing the rich.
Dems seriously suck at taxing the rich, why hasn't it happened?

1970 Dems propose taxing the rich
1980 Dems propose taxing the rich
1990 Dems propose taxing the rich
2000 Dems propose taxing the rich
2010 Dems propose taxing the rich
2020 Dems propose taxing the rich
2023 Dems propose taxing the rich
Biden's budget has zero chance of being passed, it's all for show. Dems roll out the same old 'tax the rich' rhetoric while never taxing the rich.

Mom and pop small businesses ARE the rich.

I mean, if you compare them to the low income Leftist voters enslaved by the massive behemoth that is the federal Government.

Just the way the Commies want to keep it.

Government by the rich, grifting the poor, and crushing every stripe of the middle class.

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