In present times, is there a difference between a prostitute, pornstar and a normal woman?

All caps? Wow. You must REALLY mean it. And I don’t give a rats ass about your sexuality. But when you bring it up over and over, I will comment on it. Most women prefer a man who will pursue them. If you want to be passive, you usually lose (or pay cash).

I am curious about what it is you call “passive sexuality”. Since your definition of “cuck” is wrong.

Selective replying. That's a sign of a coward and sexually submissive cuck.
All caps? Wow. You must REALLY mean it. And I don’t give a rats ass about your sexuality. But when you bring it up over and over, I will comment on it. Most women prefer a man who will pursue them. If you want to be passive, you usually lose (or pay cash).

I am curious about what it is you call “passive sexuality”. Since your definition of “cuck” is wrong.

Selective replying. That's a sign of a coward and sexually submissive cuck.

It is pointless to respond again and again to the same points.

I’d say dodging direct questions is a sign of something too.

BTW, the definition of “cuckold” is a man whose wife is unfaithful. I have discussed anything resembling that.

Now, if you are wanting to claim that “cuck” means submissive, you are wrong. But it seems that “passive” is pretty close to submissive.

Let me know when you will actually answer my question. Unless we both know what you mean by “passive sexuality” discussion is not possible.
After browsing through an incel messageboard, it seems to me that a lot of incels use the phrase "passive sexuality" to describe their sexuality. I'm not sure what they mean by that, but apparently the incels with passive sexuality feel that they are being unfairly discriminated against by women, and that's why they can't get laid.
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Let me know when you will actually answer my question. Unless we both know what you mean by “passive sexuality” discussion is not possible. A lot of incels the phrase "passive sexuality" to describe their sexuality. I'm not sure what they mean by that.

Incel is an oxymoron you retarded idiot. I haven't seen or read any incel forums or any forum passive sexuality was used by others, etc till now those things you visited must have been created by shitty CIA to build a narrative and counter the threat to their wickedness and cruelties.

I have answered what I meant by passive sexuality earlier.
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My analogy still fits. You make disparaging remarks about the women I have sex with is proof of that. You don’t know them.

If you are on the net at this time of the day, it shows what kind of women you know and have had sex with.

What? Lol. Now who is off-topic?

That I am online now shows nothing. I am at work. My job is a supervisory one. The crew is working. I am online on my phone and my tablet. My primary partner is at work too. But I will see her at home tonight.

But what does you being online now shows? Since we are on at the same time.

Isn't it early morning or something in America? What are you doing up at this time?

If you are engaging on online discussions while working, you are not really an efficient worker.

It's around 11PM here in India.

You are sexually passive. Do women know that? How many women know that you are passive?
Let me know when you will actually answer my question. Unless we both know what you mean by “passive sexuality” discussion is not possible. A lot of incels the phrase "passive sexuality" to describe their sexuality. I'm not sure what they mean by that.

Incel is an oxymoron you retarded idiot. I haven't seen or read any incel forums or any forum passive sexuality was used by others, etc till now those things you visited must have been created by shitty CIA to build a narrative and counter the threat to wickedness and cruelties.

I have answered what I meant by passive sexuality earlier.

Now it's the CIA's fault you can't get laid? Maybe they put something in your curry?

I'm not going to watch that video. You product of shitbag, these are needs which every human being has, fortunately for girls and women, the culture(not industry) created by men and boys caters to their passive sexuality. What the fuck has stopped these bitches from creating similar industry! Don't these bitches find boys and men sexy, where they want to create videos and pics in similar way?

You are sexually passive. Do women know that? How many women know that you are passive?

What the fuck has that got to do with anything? Do you see women and girls creating a similar situation, as in porn, fashion or entertainment industry for boys and men?

I'm not going to watch that video. You product of shitbag, these are needs which every human being has, fortunately for girls and women, the culture(not industry) created by men and boys caters to their passive sexuality. What the fuck has stopped these bitches from creating similar industry! Don't these bitches find boys and men sexy, where they want to create videos and pics in similar way?

You are sexually passive. Do women know that? How many women know that you are passive?

What the fuck has that got to do with anything? Do you see women and girls creating a similar situation, as in porn, fashion or entertainment industry for boys and men?

It's not your fault...
That proves nothing except that someone can get used to something over time.

That's proves men are not visual you idiot!
Not at simply proves, as intelligent people already know, that people get accustomed to (get used to for not very smart people) things over time. If that were not true, why do people want new surroundings, new movies, new books, etc. over time.
Not at simply proves, as intelligent people already know, that people get accustomed to (get used to for not very smart people) things over time. If that were not true, why do people want new surroundings, new movies, new books, etc. over time.

Men don't see women's scalp but they don't crave for it. The fact is men are not any more visual than women, it is because of conditioning by pervert women and girls that men ogle breasts, etc and this ogling makes them enjoy their passive sexuality. It is the reason for porn, entertainment industry. Why similar thing created by girls and women for boys and men?

Whereas similar thing doesn't exist boys and men.
It's not your fault...

Fault is a component but the larger issue is satisfaction of needs. Don't I have a right to satisfy my passive sexuality? Don't I have a right to enjoy my beauty? (This is rhetorical question, no need to answer it.)
It's obvious you hate women, were you abused as a kid?

What has hatred of women got to do with homosexuality? Do all homosexuals hate women and girls? Girls and women are clearly practicing a cruelty by creating an adverse, cruel and evil situation for my passive sexuality and making it impossible to satisfy it.

It is true I was subjected to an abusive childhood by female caretakers but that doesn't change the fact that girls and women are not creating a porn industry similar to what men created, where I can satisfy my passive sexuality, is cruelty. I'm justified in hating my abusers.

How the fuck do you bitches and sons of bitches behave like this? You are good-for-nothing lowlives who have no say in this. Just stay in your corners.
Your displeasure should not be aimed at your brothers, and certainly not your sisters. If you must be upset at a target, it is nature, which made you as you are.
Yet, being a human, you have virtually infinite choice in expressing the self nature dealt you. If you do this constructively and with consideration for others, a percentage of women will notice and be attracted.
For some reason I could never understand, women are attracted to men. It may be the way they are attracted to stray dogs and injured animals; they want to help. It may be part of mothering or something. That is why strikingly beautiful women are often seen with abysmally ugly guys. Why, some really gorgeous women have even been attracted to me! Therefore, no one should lose hope.
What could be perceived in your posts is a tendency to misogyny. Be alert to that; it is a red flag very quickly perceived by our sisters. It doesn't matter if you don't see this in yourself. Look at the other posts and you see the general view that what you are presenting is not conducive to friendships and personal relationships.
You can take this as free advice, as a cost-free poll. And, what do companies and politicians do when poll tell them what they don't want to hear? They change something and take another poll.
Your displeasure should not be aimed at your brothers, and certainly not your sisters. If you must be upset at a target, it is nature, which made you as you are.
Yet, being a human, you have virtually infinite choice in expressing the self nature dealt you. If you do this constructively and with consideration for others, a percentage of women will notice and be attracted.
For some reason I could never understand, women are attracted to men. It may be the way they are attracted to stray dogs and injured animals; they want to help. It may be part of mothering or something. That is why strikingly beautiful women are often seen with abysmally ugly guys. Why, some really gorgeous women have even been attracted to me! Therefore, no one should lose hope.
What could be perceived in your posts is a tendency to misogyny. Be alert to that; it is a red flag very quickly perceived by our sisters. It doesn't matter if you don't see this in yourself. Look at the other posts and you see the general view that what you are presenting is not conducive to friendships and personal relationships.
You can take this as free advice, as a cost-free poll. And, what do companies and politicians do when poll tell them what they don't want to hear? They change something and take another poll.

I'm not in state to respond politely to that text. It has unnecessary contempt for boys and men's attractiveness. You as a heterosexual man might not find other men attractive and beautiful, you may even find boys and men are ugly and repulsive that is natural but not acceptable. But shouldn't girls and women find boys and men sexually attractive and beautiful? Despite there is no similar celebrating and glorification by girls and women.

But you notice the fact that there is no culture by girls and women like porn, fashion and entertainment, where men and boys have possibility of enjoying passive sexuality as there is for girls and women created by boys and men.
Look asshole, you don’t get to decide what other people post. So deal with it. You brought up passive sexuality. So don’t get pissy when it is discussed.

The problem is not that it is impossible to satisfy your needs. The problem is that you want to be passive and have someone else satisfy those needs. That’s not how it works.

You have a need for food too. But you cannot he passive and expect someone else to feed you.

And you keep using the word “submissive”. I am not submissive. I am independent and far more dominant than submissive. Perhaps a dictionary would help you. I have posted absolutely nothing to suggest I am submissive.

You see scumbag you don't get post irrelevant things in thread and expect me to be polite. So what if I brought up passive sexuality, it is a critical component of this thread and I'm personally affected by it, so what's the problem, you are a coward and you don't want people to bring it up, that's not how the world works.

Yes, the problem is that it is impossible for me to satisfy my needs because of the adverse, wicked and cruel situation created by women and society. Those bitches perfectly able to do it, because they keep boys and men in sexually frustrated state, and they keep panting for it.

Hunger for food is different than a need for passive sexuality.

You are submissive because of sexually submissive position you are taking in this thread.

Kid if you want a different sex partner switch hands.
my excuse is, to help ward off Alzheimer's.

Be careful man, you'll go blind ;)
another good reason to switch up.
Women are different from men.

Yes women are different than men physically but the need of passive sexuality is present in both men and women, fortunately for girls and women it is satisfied by boys and men's sexuality, whereas these bitches become self-obsessed and even though they can do it, out of spite and jealousy they don't and this pride is the cause of adverse, cruel, evil and wicked situation for boys and men's passive sexuality. Why are so you interested in excusing girls and women's wickedness. You have a hatred for men, out of your heterosexual attraction, you sympathizing with women and not willing to call out their wickedness.

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