In re January 6, 2021

Are you really this gullible? Trump started planning January 6th the moment the election was called for Biden. His appointments to the Pentagon 3 days later are proof positive of that. All three played key roles in keeping the National Guard sitting on buses at their base for 5 hours.

It's when he pardoned all of his criminal buddies so he could get the band all back together again - Flynn, Bannon, Stone. All of the people who want Trump to form a fascist authoritarian government in the USA, and end democracy as you know it.

If that's not what they were doing, their documents should prove they weren't trying to seize power, shouldn't they?

Please be aware that Kash Patel, on of the Three Amigos at the Pentagon, is fully cooperating with the Committee.
Hilarious you Leftards really think a few dozen unarmed protesters can topple the US government.
Hilarious you Leftards really think a few dozen unarmed protesters can topple the US government.

Their intent was to stop Congress from doing its Constitutional job

What would they have done if they managed to capture a Congressman or God Forbid…Mike Pence?
"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.
This is a lie.

The committee’s investigation into the 1/6 terrorist attack is perfectly appropriate and warranted – particularly with regard to Trump’s role in the attack.
Hilarious you Leftards really think a few dozen unarmed protesters can topple the US government.
That's the funny part. As many people as were there that day, if they had wanted to they could have torn the Capitol Building apart with their bare hands and dragged the criminals out by their neckties. What cute pseudo-intellectual masturbation the lefties enjoy.
Good point! Release all Obama records related to him handing Iranian terrorists billions in hard cash in the middle of the night without Congressional approval, his involvement in the IRS illegally denying 401c status to conservative groups, and his involvement in the Russia hoax.

If there was anything THERE, Trump would have released them. That was simply Obama returning the Iranian's own money to them - the money the USA froze in American banks during the hostage crisis. No Congressional approval was required, because no American taxpayer funds where involved.

Your lie about the IRS has been thoroughly debunked. Non-profits cannot promote a political party. It's the law. No conservative groups were denied status, but they were required to provide further information before getting it. 4 left wing groups were denied status, however, which makes your lie quite laughable. And don't get me started on Jeff Sessions phony apology and cash settlement. Those cases were going nowhere until Trump was elected.

Obama's Russian Investigation emails were all released. I guess you weren't tuned into FOX that day. They didn't say what you thought they said.

Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally​

If there was anything THERE, Trump would have released them. That was simply Obama returning the Iranian's own money to them - the money the USA froze in American banks during the hostage crisis. No Congressional approval was required, because no American taxpayer funds where involved.

Your lie about the IRS has been thoroughly debunked. Non-profits cannot promote a political party. It's the law. No conservative groups were denied status, but they were required to provide further information before getting it. 4 left wing groups were denied status, however, which makes your lie quite laughable. And don't get me started on Jeff Sessions phony apology and cash settlement. Those cases were going nowhere until Trump was elected.

Obama's Russian Investigation emails were all released. I guess you weren't tuned into FOX that day. They didn't say what you thought they said.
Like Obama would have had the IRS check Trumps taxes?
"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump argued Wednesday that the pursuit of his White House records by a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol could have long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency.

"The [committee’s] clear disdain for President Trump is leading them to a course of action that will result in permanent damage to the institution of the presidency," Trump's attorneys wrote in a brief filed in federal court.

"In reality, their success would gut the protections afforded presidential communications of any just and uniform standard. An incumbent president would always be able to condemn the actions of a former president from a rival party and permit confidentiality to be broken to further political ends,” they wrote."

Is this a valid argument?

Do you believe that President Trump said w.s. are very fine people?
Hilarious you Leftards really think a few dozen unarmed protesters can topple the US government.

Hilarious that you think you can continue to lie about this with impunity. A few dozen? 702 people have been charged.

They also had people in place with the Capitol police, the FBI, and the Pentagon, to keep any kind of help from getting to the Capitol for more than 5 hours. The Maryland National Guard arrived at the Capitol to provide assistance BEFORE the DC National Guard got there.

It takes a whole lot of people and a whole lot of planning for the most heavily policed city in the world not to send assistance to a riot.
You're not going to find anything incriminating. It just looks like the left trying to go through Trump's laundry in an attempt to create more scandals. It's kind of desperate. You people should probably move on.
The baseless “long-lasting, harmful effects on the presidency” argument has been used by Republicans since the Andrew Johnson impeachment; indeed, the Republican Senate’s failure to remove Johnson from office using that inane ‘argument’ as ‘justification’ is the cornerstone of what became the aberration that is the Imperial Presidency.

Moreover, this ‘argument’ is not only being made in an effort to defend Trump, but to defend the Imperial Presidency Republicans cherish – so the next Republican president can rule like an autocratic dictator, his tyranny unchecked by Congress and the people.

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