In the 1950's Sen McCarthy could prosecute communists....

Name one great civilization in history that didn't have a government investing in science or infrastructure. You can't..Most that don't have or much of a government are very poor and backwards places like Somalia, central African republic. They're places you don't want! I'd advise against going down this road as it is dumb.
Name one great civilization in history that didn't have a government investing in science or infrastructure. You can't..Most that don't have or much of a government are very poor and backwards places like Somalia, central African republic. They're places you don't want! I'd advise against going down this road as it is dumb.
Nobody said anything about government investing in science or infrastructure??? Do you even know what the subject of this thread is??
Edward, please stop with Sanders. He is a democratic socialist, which means he sees government as the umpire between business and labor.

That is not the type of stalinist socialist you misrepresent him as being.
He was an alcoholic who consistently violated citizen's Constitutional rights, was eventually disgraced, made politically impotent and died not long afterwards from acute hepatitis due to his alcoholism. He was able to get away with it for so long because of the Red Scare but eventually he went after the military, that's when public opinion turned against him.
...But damn near EVERY MOTHERFUCKER he named turned out to be a fUCKING COMMIE. He was right.

We need a Joseph McCarthy-style inquisition and execution panel.

Then, after we have exterminated the commies, we can go back to living free.

Kill a commie for mommy.
First of all that’s a lie. He accused many innocent people and destroyed theirs lives.
Of course that doesn’t matter to you.
2nd...So tell me again why having a different political philosophy is so threatening to you as I️t was to that broken down drunk, McCarthy?
Having a different philosophy when that philosophy is communism and that philosophy slowly starved 120, million innocent souls to death is very threatening to me and all reasonable people.
No American who chose communism as their ideology ever starved a single soul. You're so far out in right field you can't even see the batter or umpire.
There are too many Republicans still in America so that a few Communists are not in a position to starve millions and millions to death. Do you understand?

There's also the Second Amendment in the way of the Progressive Utopia. That's why every Socialist paradise, like the USSR, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Chavez Venezuela, Fidel's Cuba and KJU's North Korea starts with gun confiscation.

American Progressive Communists were one SCOTUS vote away from that!
...But damn near EVERY MOTHERFUCKER he named turned out to be a fUCKING COMMIE. He was right.

We need a Joseph McCarthy-style inquisition and execution panel.

Then, after we have exterminated the commies, we can go back to living free.

Kill a commie for mommy.
First of all that’s a lie. He accused many innocent people and destroyed theirs lives.
Of course that doesn’t matter to you.
2nd...So tell me again why having a different political philosophy is so threatening to you as I️t was to that broken down drunk, McCarthy?
Having a different philosophy when that philosophy is communism and that philosophy slowly starved 120, million innocent souls to death is very threatening to me and all reasonable people.
No American who chose communism as their ideology ever starved a single soul. You're so far out in right field you can't even see the batter or umpire.
There are too many Republicans still in America so that a few Communists are not in a position to starve millions and millions to death. Do you understand?

There's also the Second Amendment in the way of the Progressive Utopia. That's why every Socialist paradise, like the USSR, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Chavez Venezuela, Fidel's Cuba and KJU's North Korea starts with gun confiscation.

American Progressive Communists were one SCOTUS vote away from that!
Only China belongs on that list. The others are only dysfunctional states and/or dictatorial. Actual socialist countries are Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Canada. Ireland.
Youre just getting laughed at.
First of all that’s a lie. He accused many innocent people and destroyed theirs lives.
Of course that doesn’t matter to you.
2nd...So tell me again why having a different political philosophy is so threatening to you as I️t was to that broken down drunk, McCarthy?
Having a different philosophy when that philosophy is communism and that philosophy slowly starved 120, million innocent souls to death is very threatening to me and all reasonable people.
No American who chose communism as their ideology ever starved a single soul. You're so far out in right field you can't even see the batter or umpire.
There are too many Republicans still in America so that a few Communists are not in a position to starve millions and millions to death. Do you understand?

There's also the Second Amendment in the way of the Progressive Utopia. That's why every Socialist paradise, like the USSR, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Chavez Venezuela, Fidel's Cuba and KJU's North Korea starts with gun confiscation.

American Progressive Communists were one SCOTUS vote away from that!
Only China belongs on that list. The others are only dysfunctional states and/or dictatorial. Actual socialist countries are Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Canada. Ireland.
Youre just getting laughed at.

Your Gospel, HuffPo, states otherwise

"Bernie Sanders would like the United States to model itself after Denmark. Not the real Denmark, mind you, but a romanticized version of what its government does, and of how well it does it.

As Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen himself put it, in reaction to this fictionalized vision of his country: "I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.""

Denmark: Not As Socialist (Nor As Successful) As You Think

In any event, you are correct that dysfunction is an inevitable result of Socialism
Actual socialist countries are Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Canada. Ireland.
Youre just getting laughed at.
wrong of course. We have higher corporate taxes than all of them and depend more on top 1% for revenue than all of them.
Further, Bernie Sanders did not honeymoon in Norway but rather USSR
Our liberals did not spy for Norway but rather USSR
Obama( "you didn't build that" ) voted to left of Sanders, an open libcommie who said it is silly to have 23 deodorant companies when people are going hungry!! Do you understand?
The point is that ....surprise....surprise it wasn't a loud mouthed republican but the Truman administration and the democrat party that was dedicated to uncovering communist infiltration into society. H'wood even helped out at first with a series called "I led three lives" and a Duke Wayne movie about HUAC investigators in Hawaii. . The Senate and the House committies had no power other than to subpoena suspected communists and the subpoenaed people had a 5th Amendment right not to answer questions. When democrats won the majority in congress midway into Bush's 2nd term the first thing on their agenda was a McCarthy like circus of subpoenas of professional Baseball players in a substance abuse investigation. Professional Baseball players were subject to social ridicule and they only thing democrats came up with was some poor Hall of Fame pitcher.

Today Bernie is an open communist.In the 1950's he would have been traitor.
You are quite mad, brainwashed functional moron. He's not for the state owning all business and industry ridiculous.
Sanders said “very silly to have 23 deodorant companies while people are going hungry“. Do you think healthcare in deodorant industry are only two industries that libcommie Sanders wants to control ???
never said it, dupe.
never said it, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

here you go champ, right out of the libcommie manifesto:

"You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants when children are hungry in this country," Sanders told John Harwood
That is not a link, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

oh so you think health care and deodorant are only 2 industries the libcommie Democrats wants to control?? See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
So he thought his own party was communist when they built the highways, started nasa and enforced anti-trust laws. jesus you're dumb ed.
never said it, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

here you go champ, right out of the libcommie manifesto:

"You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants when children are hungry in this country," Sanders told John Harwood
That is not a link, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

So when libcommie Sanders says we don't need 23 deodorant brands while children go hungry he is really saying he's into capitalism?? Ever think of college??
and that was in a Republican capitalist Christian economy that grew at 3% for decades. Today liberals have shipped 30 million jobs to China with their taxes, unions and budget deficits; they have destroyed the families, schools, and religion of America rendering many unqualified and unfit for the rigors of work, and they have invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and drive down wages still further.?

So its the 'liberals' - the American capitalist who have moved production from the United States to China?

Tell us more about how most of the American manufacturers who left the United States were all liberals.

That's simply not true. Senator McCarthy was a republican in a democrat senate majority. He had no power to try anyone for crimes or alleged crimes and he wasn't even a member of a committee. Democrats created HUAC which had subpoena power only. The U.S. government never blacklisted a person because they didn't have the power to blacklist anyone. Hollywood blacklisted it's own because they were afraid of losing money during the backlash against communism. You almost gotta laugh that they didn't blame president Truman for the anti-communist rhetoric even though he was in charge, the bigoted media blamed an obscure republican.
You must be very young or not well informed if you think that's how little power he had, he ruined many life's over nothing.
Ed you do realize that Nixon was a republican? He opened us up to China. You do realize that nearly every trade deal with voted on and supported by the republican party??? Including Reagan and Both Bushes.

The republican party did everything in its power to promote free trade and sell out the workers. Do you realize that the only ones that supported the Unions and the American worker were men like Bernie sanders and the far left??? That have been bitching about this for decades.
never said it, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

here you go champ, right out of the libcommie manifesto:

"You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants when children are hungry in this country," Sanders told John Harwood
That is not a link, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

So when libcommie Sanders says we don't need 23 deodorant brands while children go hungry he is really saying he's into capitalism?? Ever think of college??
Oh for Christ's sake one flip comment makes him a communist. You're a goddamn idiot.

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