In the 1950's Sen McCarthy could prosecute communists....

Actual socialist countries are Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Canada. Ireland.
Youre just getting laughed at.
wrong of course. We have higher corporate taxes than all of them and depend more on top 1% for revenue than all of them.
Further, Bernie Sanders did not honeymoon in Norway but rather USSR
Our liberals did not spy for Norway but rather USSR
Obama( "you didn't build that" ) voted to left of Sanders, an open libcommie who said it is silly to have 23 deodorant companies when people are going hungry!! Do you understand?
US corporate taxes are same as other comparable countries.
And you seem to have an infatuation with USSR.
One of the saddest political scenes for me, was at the conclusion of the House hearings with Welch. Welch had destroyed McCarthy. Above the laughter of the committee and as it packed up to leave, McCarthy's voice could still be heard above the din doing his usual communist speech, and no one was listening. It was the end of Joe.
and that was in a Republican capitalist Christian economy that grew at 3% for decades. Today liberals have shipped 30 million jobs to China with their taxes, unions and budget deficits; they have destroyed the families, schools, and religion of America rendering many unqualified and unfit for the rigors of work, and they have invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and drive down wages still further.?

So its the 'liberals' - the American capitalist who have moved production from the United States to China?

Tell us more about how most of the American manufacturers who left the United States were all liberals.

Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world so it is a liberals who are responsible when are corporations move offshore to China and other places with lower taxes. Do you understand now?
and that was in a Republican capitalist Christian economy that grew at 3% for decades. Today liberals have shipped 30 million jobs to China with their taxes, unions and budget deficits; they have destroyed the families, schools, and religion of America rendering many unqualified and unfit for the rigors of work, and they have invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and drive down wages still further..

Look at the change. In the 1950's Joe McCarthy could prosecute communists, today you have whole TV networks(MSNBC) that are communist and Bernie Sanders, an open communist, openly leads the Democratic Party. Is it any surprise that we are getting soviet growth levels from our increasingly collectivist economy and have record suicide and overdose deaths??

You are such a moron. You really are. No, capitalists exported the jobs to China where they could utilise cheap labour and make record profits.
One of the saddest political scenes for me, was at the conclusion of the House hearings with Welch. Welch had destroyed McCarthy. Above the laughter of the committee and as it packed up to leave, McCarthy's voice could still be heard above the din doing his usual communist speech, and no one was listening. It was the end of Joe.
Yes it was the end of Joe but we know now that he was right all along and the many liberals were spying for the communists. Why do you think they took the fifth amendment? Nowadays it doesn’t even matter you can be an open communist like Sanders and beloved openly by the Democrats.
Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world so it is a liberals who are responsible when are corporations move offshore to China and other places with lower taxes. Do you understand now?

So companies shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes? These companies CHOOSE not to stay in the US. They would still make a shit load of money, but they want more. Why? Because they are greedy fucks. That's why. Why are they greedy fucks? They're conservatives. Conservatives are all about "me, me, me, mine, mine, mine".
and that was in a Republican capitalist Christian economy that grew at 3% for decades. Today liberals have shipped 30 million jobs to China with their taxes, unions and budget deficits; they have destroyed the families, schools, and religion of America rendering many unqualified and unfit for the rigors of work, and they have invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and drive down wages still further..

Look at the change. In the 1950's Joe McCarthy could prosecute communists, today you have whole TV networks(MSNBC) that are communist and Bernie Sanders, an open communist, openly leads the Democratic Party. Is it any surprise that we are getting soviet growth levels from our increasingly collectivist economy and have record suicide and overdose deaths??

You are such a moron. You really are. No, capitalists exported the jobs to China where they could utilise cheap labour and make record profits.
Hey little Econ 101 for you. You don’t make more money by moving to China even though the labor is cheaper. Your competitors are free to move too therefore you must lower your price sftet moving to China if you want to stay competitive and survive. Do you understand this concept now?
Hey little Econ 101 for you. You don’t make more money by moving to China even though the labor is cheaper. Your competitors are free to move too therefore you must lower your price sftet moving to China if you want to stay competitive and survive. Do you understand this concept question

Econ 101 for you. I pay a US worker $40 an hour to put together my iPhone and sell it for $400 to a wholesaler. I move to China and pay a Chinese worker $5 an hour and still sell it for $400 to a wholesaler. Do I need to go through the maths with you?
Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world so it is a liberals who are responsible when are corporations move offshore to China and other places with lower taxes. Do you understand now?

So companies shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes? These companies CHOOSE not to stay in the US. They would still make a shit load of money, but they want more. Why? Because they are greedy fucks. That's why. Why are they greedy fucks? They're conservatives. Conservatives are all about "me, me, me, mine, mine, mine".
This is far too complicated for a liberal or to understand but corporations don’t pay taxes they merely pass on the cost of them to their customers exactly the way they pass on any other cost. Do you understand? Do you realize that if a car has a steering wheel for example that they pass on the cost of that steering wheel to you as a buyer. Corporations are tax collectors they are not tax payers.
Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world so it is a liberals who are responsible when are corporations move offshore to China and other places with lower taxes. Do you understand now?

So companies shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes? These companies CHOOSE not to stay in the US. They would still make a shit load of money, but they want more. Why? Because they are greedy fucks. That's why. Why are they greedy fucks? They're conservatives. Conservatives are all about "me, me, me, mine, mine, mine".
This is far too complicated for you to understand the corporations don’t pay taxes they merely pass on the cost of them to their customers exactly the way they pass on any other cost. Do you understand?
So what's the answer? No taxes for corporations. And no, they just don't 'pass it on'. It is a lot more complicated than that. And going by your own argument there is nothing to pass on because they all pay their taxes overseas. Make up your mind.
Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world so it is a liberals who are responsible when are corporations move offshore to China and other places with lower taxes. Do you understand now?

So companies shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes? These companies CHOOSE not to stay in the US. They would still make a shit load of money, but they want more. Why? Because they are greedy fucks. That's why. Why are they greedy fucks? They're conservatives. Conservatives are all about "me, me, me, mine, mine, mine".
The pure beauty of Republican capitalism is that it makes it impossible to be greedy. If a corporation makes too much profit a competitor can settle for less profit and drive the greedy guy out of business. Do you understand this concept. I pride myself on being able to make things simple enough for even a liberal to understand.
Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world so it is a liberals who are responsible when are corporations move offshore to China and other places with lower taxes. Do you understand now?

So companies shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes? These companies CHOOSE not to stay in the US. They would still make a shit load of money, but they want more. Why? Because they are greedy fucks. That's why. Why are they greedy fucks? They're conservatives. Conservatives are all about "me, me, me, mine, mine, mine".
This is far too complicated for you to understand the corporations don’t pay taxes they merely pass on the cost of them to their customers exactly the way they pass on any other cost. Do you understand?
So what's the answer? No taxes for corporations. And no, they just don't 'pass it on'. It is a lot more complicated than that. And going by your own argument there is nothing to pass on because they all pay their taxes overseas. Make up your mind.
Correct, the answer is no taxes so that corporations would be free to conduct business in the most efficient way possible without wasting time energy and money trying to stay alive by dodging taxes. Can you imagine the inefficiency and expense of having to move to China when there might be No need to be doing it at all. Instead of having low wages and unemployment our economy could be booming right now but liberalism or libsocialism is doing what it always does that is killing our economy
Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world so it is a liberals who are responsible when are corporations move offshore to China and other places with lower taxes. Do you understand now?

So companies shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes? These companies CHOOSE not to stay in the US. They would still make a shit load of money, but they want more. Why? Because they are greedy fucks. That's why. Why are they greedy fucks? They're conservatives. Conservatives are all about "me, me, me, mine, mine, mine".
This is far too complicated for you to understand the corporations don’t pay taxes they merely pass on the cost of them to their customers exactly the way they pass on any other cost. Do you understand?
So what's the answer? No taxes for corporations. And no, they just don't 'pass it on'. It is a lot more complicated than that. And going by your own argument there is nothing to pass on because they all pay their taxes overseas. Make up your mind.
again this is way too complicated for a liberal but no they don’t pay all their taxes overseas. Thanks to our genius liberals they have to pay taxes in China and in America too. This is why there is all the talk about repatriating $2 trillion to America that corporations Like apple are keeping and investing offshore to stimulate economies of other countries. Do you understand at all?
Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world so it is a liberals who are responsible when are corporations move offshore to China and other places with lower taxes. Do you understand now?

So companies shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes? These companies CHOOSE not to stay in the US. They would still make a shit load of money, but they want more. Why? Because they are greedy fucks. That's why. Why are they greedy fucks? They're conservatives. Conservatives are all about "me, me, me, mine, mine, mine".
This is far too complicated for you to understand the corporations don’t pay taxes they merely pass on the cost of them to their customers exactly the way they pass on any other cost. Do you understand?
So what's the answer? No taxes for corporations. And no, they just don't 'pass it on'. It is a lot more complicated than that. And going by your own argument there is nothing to pass on because they all pay their taxes overseas. Make up your mind.
yes they pass the tax cost and all other costs on to consumers or they don’t make a profit. This is why a simple screw for example costs far less than a Rolls-Royce. The price of something always reflects all the costs in something and very little more. Was that a great and simple explanation?
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Ed you do realize that Nixon was a republican? He opened us up to China. You do realize that nearly every trade deal with voted on and supported by the republican party??? Including Reagan and Both Bushes.

The republican party did everything in its power to promote free trade and sell out the workers. Do you realize that the only ones that supported the Unions and the American worker were men like Bernie sanders and the far left??? That have been bitching about this for decades.
Actually you have an a little backwards as usual the trade deals are not free trade deals and that is trumps objection to them. Do you think that we are able to trade his freely with China as they’re able to trade with us? Trump wants it to be as easy for us to sell to China as it is for China to sell to us. I assume you understand now?
never said it, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

here you go champ, right out of the libcommie manifesto:

"You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants when children are hungry in this country," Sanders told John Harwood
That is not a link, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

So when libcommie Sanders says we don't need 23 deodorant brands while children go hungry he is really saying he's into capitalism?? Ever think of college??
Oh for Christ's sake one flip comment makes him a communist. You're a goddamn idiot.
It was hardly one flip comment he has supported many communists and many communist ideas throughout his life. Marx conceived of socialism as a steppingstone to communism. Sanders like Hitler Stalin and Mao is far too smart to announce his real intention at this point .
Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world so it is a liberals who are responsible when are corporations move offshore to China and other places with lower taxes. Do you understand now?

So companies shouldn't pay their fair share of taxes? These companies CHOOSE not to stay in the US. They would still make a shit load of money, but they want more. Why? Because they are greedy fucks. That's why. Why are they greedy fucks? They're conservatives. Conservatives are all about "me, me, me, mine, mine, mine".
This is far too complicated for you to understand the corporations don’t pay taxes they merely pass on the cost of them to their customers exactly the way they pass on any other cost. Do you understand?
So what's the answer? No taxes for corporations. And no, they just don't 'pass it on'. It is a lot more complicated than that. And going by your own argument there is nothing to pass on because they all pay their taxes overseas. Make up your mind.
again this is way too complicated for a liberal but no they don’t pay all their taxes overseas. Thanks to our genius liberals they have to pay taxes in China and in America too. This is why there is all the talk about repatriating $2 trillion to America that corporations Like apple are keeping and investing offshore to stimulate economies of other countries. Do you understand at all?

They only pay taxes for the money they have earned in those countries. And if they are being taxed twice that's dumb arse US tax laws. And who says liberals are responsible for those?

And if Apple are doing what they are doing it is because they are greedy bastards. "Oh, look we only made $100 billion instead of a $150 billion". Cry me a river...."Oh, but our investors deserve a maximum return!!" Do they? At what cost? So the poor investor can only afford a Mercedes this year instead of a Ferrari because he only received a $2.5 million dividend instead of $3 million. I'm so upset for him! As I said, greedy bastards. Even then, most investors aren't mum and dads any more. They're other corporations and super funds. I don't feel sorry for them one iota. They can still make plenty under the US tax code.
and that was in a Republican capitalist Christian economy that grew at 3% for decades. Today liberals have shipped 30 million jobs to China with their taxes, unions and budget deficits; they have destroyed the families, schools, and religion of America rendering many unqualified and unfit for the rigors of work, and they have invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and drive down wages still further..

Look at the change. In the 1950's Joe McCarthy could prosecute communists, today you have whole TV networks(MSNBC) that are communist and Bernie Sanders, an open communist, openly leads the Democratic Party. Is it any surprise that we are getting soviet growth levels from our increasingly collectivist economy and have record suicide and overdose deaths??

And of course McCarthy was absolutely right. Without that kind of vigilance look what we have...entire Hollywood filled with Marxist sexual predators. They moved left, quit hiding their communist sympathies, beat the MPAA and any decency codes and became an open sewer pouring filth not only into the US but the whole world.

He did warn us didn't he?
and that was in a Republican capitalist Christian economy that grew at 3% for decades. Today liberals have shipped 30 million jobs to China with their taxes, unions and budget deficits; they have destroyed the families, schools, and religion of America rendering many unqualified and unfit for the rigors of work, and they have invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and drive down wages still further.?

So its the 'liberals' - the American capitalist who have moved production from the United States to China?

Tell us more about how most of the American manufacturers who left the United States were all liberals.

Yes, it is liberals who want to burden our corporations with the highest corporate taxes in the world

Since manufacturers went overseas to find lower labor costs.....what does that have to do with corporate taxes?

Why do you hate capitalism?
and that was in a Republican capitalist Christian economy that grew at 3% for decades. Today liberals have shipped 30 million jobs to China with their taxes, unions and budget deficits; they have destroyed the families, schools, and religion of America rendering many unqualified and unfit for the rigors of work, and they have invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and drive down wages still further..

Look at the change. In the 1950's Joe McCarthy could prosecute communists, today you have whole TV networks(MSNBC) that are communist and Bernie Sanders, an open communist, openly leads the Democratic Party. Is it any surprise that we are getting soviet growth levels from our increasingly collectivist economy and have record suicide and overdose deaths??

And of course McCarthy was absolutely right. Without that kind of vigilance look what we have...entire Hollywood filled with Marxist sexual predators. They moved left, quit hiding their communist sympathies, beat the MPAA and any decency codes and became an open sewer pouring filth not only into the US but the whole world.

He did warn us didn't he?

I know what you mean! We now have nigras voting, mixed marriages, same-sex marriage, women having careers in the corporate world. Gawd I wish for the good old days! And you're wrong of course, the whole problem came to a head when they gave women the vote. No, actually, that is wrong, too. It all came to a head when they decided to give non-land owning males the vote...

Ah, the good old days, when only old, white, slave-owning men had their say. Guys like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.....the untouchable, founding fathers...such enlightened men weren't they?

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