In the 1950's Sen McCarthy could prosecute communists....

Eddie: are you suggesting that McCarthy suggested that Jefferson and Washington were communists? I kinda thought that too, particularly when Jefferson said; "the are of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

here you go champ, right out of the libcommie manifesto:

"You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants when children are hungry in this country," Sanders told John Harwood
That is not a link, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

So when libcommie Sanders says we don't need 23 deodorant brands while children go hungry he is really saying he's into capitalism?? Ever think of college??
Oh for Christ's sake one flip comment makes him a communist. You're a goddamn idiot.
It was hardly one flip comment he has supported many communists and many communist ideas throughout his life. Marx conceived of socialism as a steppingstone to communism. Sanders like Hitler Stalin and Mao is far too smart to announce his real intention at this point .
How many forms of socialism were there when Marx came up with his Scientific Socialism? I counted twenty or more. How did Marx's Scientific Socialism differ from the many Utopian forms?
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

here you go champ, right out of the libcommie manifesto:

"You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants when children are hungry in this country," Sanders told John Harwood
That is not a link, dupe.
and certainly doesn't mean he's a communist

So when libcommie Sanders says we don't need 23 deodorant brands while children go hungry he is really saying he's into capitalism?? Ever think of college??
Oh for Christ's sake one flip comment makes him a communist. You're a goddamn idiot.
It was hardly one flip comment he has supported many communists and many communist ideas throughout his life. Marx conceived of socialism as a steppingstone to communism. Sanders like Hitler Stalin and Mao is far too smart to announce his real intention at this point .
Actually, always Democratic socialism is what stops Communist Revolution always violent from happening... If you believe that Hitler was a socialist you are immediately known as a brainwashed functional idiot. The book liberal fascism is idiotic drivel, for Mindless Dupes only.
Actually, always Democratic socialism is what stops Communist Revolution always violent from happening..
100% wrong of course. Socialism is a stepping stone to communism according to Marx and common sense. If socialism works why wouldn't communism work better? Ever seen a libcommie who believed govt was big enough? isn't learning fun?
. If you believe that Hitler was a socialist you are immediately known as a brainwashed functional idiot..

Actually Hitler was in fact a National Socialist. He, Stalin, and Mao each got about 60 million killed with their big govt schemes. Our Founders made them all illegal here and didn't nitpick about trivial differences between monarchists, socialists and communist big govt schemes. I love the way you imagine yourself to be better than Nazis and Communists. Do you think the Nazis and Communist of the 1930 thought they too were good guys,....before they saw the ultimate result of their anti-American ideas? Ever think of college??
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.....the untouchable, founding fathers...such enlightened men weren't they?
obviously not, it's mere coincidence that they gave us freedom and we became the greatest country in human history by far and mere coincidence that China just copied us and instantly eliminated 40% of all the poverty on the planet.
It all came to a head when they decided to give non-land owning males the vote...

it came to a head most clearly when liberals tried to help blacks but instead destroyed the black family and black children and turned their cities into Chi Raq.
Since manufacturers went overseas to find lower labor costs.....what does that have to do with corporate taxes?
this is kindergarten stuff. corporations need the lowest possible prices to survive. high taxes raise the prices they must charge and threaten their survival. Moving to China helps them survive. Simple enough for even a liberal-right?
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.....the untouchable, founding fathers...such enlightened men weren't they?
obviously not, it's mere coincidence that they gave us freedom and we became the greatest country in human history by far and mere coincidence that China just copied us and instantly eliminated 40% of all the poverty on the planet.
It was not mere coincidence it was the result of events that had been taking place since the 1500's if not earlier. Your posts scream "lack of history."
and that was in a Republican capitalist Christian economy that grew at 3% for decades. Today liberals have shipped 30 million jobs to China with their taxes, unions and budget deficits; they have destroyed the families, schools, and religion of America rendering many unqualified and unfit for the rigors of work, and they have invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and drive down wages still further..

Look at the change. In the 1950's Joe McCarthy could prosecute communists, today you have whole TV networks(MSNBC) that are communist and Bernie Sanders, an open communist, openly leads the Democratic Party. Is it any surprise that we are getting soviet growth levels from our increasingly collectivist economy and have record suicide and overdose deaths??

The nature of jobs have changed. Unskilled jobs have moved overseas. The jobs of today require more knowledge than the jobs that are gone. The fact is that these jobs are gone. Some have been moved overseas and some have been lost to increased productivity. That is not going to change. We need to prepare people for the jobs of today and we need to find ways to encourage employers to hire older workers and retrain them. That is how it has to be done.
The point is that ....surprise....surprise it wasn't a loud mouthed republican but the Truman administration and the democrat party that was dedicated to uncovering communist infiltration into society. H'wood even helped out at first with a series called "I led three lives" and a Duke Wayne movie about HUAC investigators in Hawaii. . The Senate and the House committies had no power other than to subpoena suspected communists and the subpoenaed people had a 5th Amendment right not to answer questions. When democrats won the majority in congress midway into Bush's 2nd term the first thing on their agenda was a McCarthy like circus of subpoenas of professional Baseball players in a substance abuse investigation. Professional Baseball players were subject to social ridicule and they only thing democrats came up with was some poor Hall of Fame pitcher.

Today Bernie is an open communist.In the 1950's he would have been traitor.
You are quite mad, brainwashed functional moron. He's not for the state owning all business and industry ridiculous.
Sanders said “very silly to have 23 deodorant companies while people are going hungry“. Do you think healthcare in deodorant industry are only two industries that libcommie Sanders wants to control ???
The problem is so many people going hungry, dingbat... Not the 23 deodorant companies d u h.
this is kindergarten stuff. corporations need the lowest possible prices to survive. high taxes raise the prices they must charge and threaten their survival. Moving to China helps them survive. Simple enough for even a liberal-right?

no, they move to China because they want cheap labour. So the $280 BILLION that Apple has in the bank - yes, the bank - is them suffering under too much tax? Fuck off, Elmo. They, like most corporations, are just greedy bastards.
and that was in a Republican capitalist Christian economy that grew at 3% for decades. Today liberals have shipped 30 million jobs to China with their taxes, unions and budget deficits; they have destroyed the families, schools, and religion of America rendering many unqualified and unfit for the rigors of work, and they have invited in 30 million illegals to take the remaining jobs and drive down wages still further..

Look at the change. In the 1950's Joe McCarthy could prosecute communists, today you have whole TV networks(MSNBC) that are communist and Bernie Sanders, an open communist, openly leads the Democratic Party. Is it any surprise that we are getting soviet growth levels from our increasingly collectivist economy and have record suicide and overdose deaths??

this was never a "christian" country, idiota.

and McCarthy was a disgusting vile man.... if you knew anything about history that wasn't written by kkk'ers you'd know that.
The point is that ....surprise....surprise it wasn't a loud mouthed republican but the Truman administration and the democrat party that was dedicated to uncovering communist infiltration into society. H'wood even helped out at first with a series called "I led three lives" and a Duke Wayne movie about HUAC investigators in Hawaii. . The Senate and the House committies had no power other than to subpoena suspected communists and the subpoenaed people had a 5th Amendment right not to answer questions. When democrats won the majority in congress midway into Bush's 2nd term the first thing on their agenda was a McCarthy like circus of subpoenas of professional Baseball players in a substance abuse investigation. Professional Baseball players were subject to social ridicule and they only thing democrats came up with was some poor Hall of Fame pitcher.
You are out of your tiny mind McCarthy was a republican it got worse under Eisenhower and Democrats were half the people they were going after you stupid idiot...
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington.....the untouchable, founding fathers...such enlightened men weren't they?
obviously not, it's mere coincidence that they gave us freedom and we became the greatest country in human history by far and mere coincidence that China just copied us and instantly eliminated 40% of all the poverty on the planet.

What do you mean the greatest country? How are you measuring that? You can't by wealth because wealth 1500 ago was not what it is worth today. You could argue the Roman Empire was the greatest 'country' in the world. Maybe even the Ottomans or Persians. Maybe the Chinese. Greatest country in human history my arse. Even if you do believe that, which you are certainly entitled to do, you reached your Apex in the 50s. It's been downhill ever since.
It all came to a head when they decided to give non-land owning males the vote...

it came to a head most clearly when liberals tried to help blacks but instead destroyed the black family and black children and turned their cities into Chi Raq.

Damn freeing those ungrateful negroes!
Society was working pretty good before reaganism Pander the rich bulshit... About to get even worse with this new tax plan...
It all came to a head when they decided to give non-land owning males the vote...

it came to a head most clearly when liberals tried to help blacks but instead destroyed the black family and black children and turned their cities into Chi Raq.

Damn freeing those ungrateful negroes!
Society was working pretty good before reaganism Pander the rich bulshit... About to get even worse with this new tax plan...
Trump is removing idiotic moronic incentives liberals gave to corporations to move our jobs offshore. 1+1 = 2
It all came to a head when they decided to give non-land owning males the vote...

it came to a head most clearly when liberals tried to help blacks but instead destroyed the black family and black children and turned their cities into Chi Raq.

Damn freeing those ungrateful negroes!
Society was working pretty good before reaganism Pander the rich bulshit... About to get even worse with this new tax plan...
Actually before Reagan was the carter malaise which feature 20% interest rates. It pays to go to college. Did you ever think of it

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