In the defense of white folks


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
If you didn't care what people thought of you then why wouldn't you just come out and say you were a racist rather than pretending and looking like a racist and a coward?
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
Agree. It’s like the Emperor’s New Clothes. We’re supposed to throw up our hands and bemoan the plight of the poor, oppressed blacks. In the meantime, everywhere I go, I see plenty of blacks enjoying an affluent lifestyle - in expensive stores, in upscale steakhouses, in neighborhoods or $1 million homes, you name it. Add in that blacks are prioritized over whites for admission to colleges and grad programs, and favored for job promotions, and they have it very good.

The only exception is the black “underclass” - a minority of blacks - who are killing each other in the ghettos, looting when the opportunity presents itself, and dropping out of school in 10th grade. But whites have nothing to do with that. That’s the life the black underclass has chosen.
If you didn't care what people thought of you then why wouldn't you just come out and say you were a racist rather than pretending and looking like a racist and a coward?

My words prove I'm not a racist. Only a non racist, apparently, can understand what "equality" actually means. It's not one side over the other. It's not blacks getting the upperhand over whites. It's both whites and minorities being on the same level.
The left and the race hustlers are trying to put blacks above whites. And that's not equality.

And the sad part of this, there's probably some rich white people, who support communism, that have a $1 bet to see how much of it they can get away with.
I don't get why white liberals are fighting for racist groups like BLM, when BLM has labeled all whites as racist. They're talking about white liberals too. Even if you are taking up for BLM. They don't care.
There was a business in Kenosha that put lettering on their sign out front that said "Black Livers Matter." And it was burned to the ground.
They don't care. If you're white, you're not black. And you're not one of them. (According to them)
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If you didn't care what people thought of you then why wouldn't you just come out and say you were a racist rather than pretending and looking like a racist and a coward?

What did he write that was racist? Seems to me everything he pointed out is 100% truth. I know how the left hates truth.

And do tell, how long would the media be giving coverage to a white guy who went out of his way to a black neighborhood because he wanted to kill as many blacks as possible, ran over 46 killing 6 of them? The media dropped that story in less than a week.

So don't say it's racist to point out the obvious. Look up the definition of the word first before using it.
My words prove I'm not a racist. Only a non racist, apparently, can understand what "equality" actually means. It's not one side over the other. It's not blacks getting the upperhand over whites. It's both whites and minorities being on the same level.
The left and the race hustlers are trying to put blacks above whites. And that's not equality.
Only an ignorant racist could believe that blacks have ever been getting the upper hand on whites. That simply shows a complete ignorance of history. Advocating for justice for previous injustice isn't advocating for inequality.
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
So your position is that systemic racism doesn't exist?

What white dude is going to prison for defending himself?

We see unarmed blacks getting murdered by cops. How many of you cons would be okay with it if your white kid was running away from the cops and they shot him in the back? I know, "don't run from the cops" is what you'll say but the law says the cops shouldn't shoot someone who's simply running away. So why is it ok when it's a black guy?

Who can watch this video and say what the cop did was right? And the only reason he was charged with murder is because it was caught on tape

I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
Why do you folks treat equality like oppression so much then??

And by the way.....if you folks think minorities have had it so easy in this country -- why are you so scared to death of becoming one??
The media has been manipulating us for YEARS. It is so obvious that a person would have to be an absolute dullard not to recognize it.

My natural inclination is to ask why, but if there is one thing that all the leftists in this forum have in common, it lies in their being utterly incurious. They do not want to know WHY anything is the way it is because they cannot understand much of anything to begin with.

They just want to be told what's what and then march in lockstep.
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
How do you expect anybody to take you seriously when you can’t accurately recall facts and events? A cop didn’t go to prison because a violent thief died of fentanyl. The cop went to prison because he kneeled on the mans back until he died and then continued to pin him down.

how do you expect anybody to take your opinions seriously when you lie and spin the way you do?! Grow up and do better.
So your position is that systemic racism doesn't exist?

What white dude is going to prison for defending himself?

We see unarmed blacks getting murdered by cops. How many of you cons would be okay with it if your white kid was running away from the cops and they shot him in the back? I know, "don't run from the cops" is what you'll say but the law says the cops shouldn't shoot someone who's simply running away. So why is it ok when it's a black guy?

Who can watch this video and say what the cop did was right? And the only reason he was charged with murder is because it was caught on tape

Forensics would have shown exactly what happened.

Just as many unarmed whites are shot and killed by police as blacks, and blacks makeup the majority of violent crime in this country per capita so they have more interaction with police. That's besides the fact there is no law in any state that says you can only use deadly force against an armed person. That's a leftist lie they promote.

So how is it you don't know these things? Because the media controls your mind, that's why. They never show a situation of a white getting gunned down by police because we whites would just shrug our shoulders and say "the asshole probably deserved it!" However get the blacks riled up, they protest, they riot, it's media fodder for months. The more riots, burning down of businesses, people getting killed, the better as far as they're concerned.
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.

I wish I could say I'm not racist, but I am, now. I spent over 40 years not being racist but today's society is turning me into one. I don't want to even be around blacks anymore, unless they are 45 years or older. Older blacks seem to be alright from my experince.

But all this constant shitting on white people, white privilege, praising blacks, letting blacks get away with crimes all the time, assholes like Al sharpton running around, destroying America's history because of whites and so on has finally worn me down. Now I wish all the blacks were gone, I wish they would go find their own country.

It shames me to feel that way but I do. Just 2 or 3 years ago I never felt that way.
So your position is that systemic racism doesn't exist?

What white dude is going to prison for defending himself?

We see unarmed blacks getting murdered by cops. How many of you cons would be okay with it if your white kid was running away from the cops and they shot him in the back? I know, "don't run from the cops" is what you'll say but the law says the cops shouldn't shoot someone who's simply running away. So why is it ok when it's a black guy?

Who can watch this video and say what the cop did was right? And the only reason he was charged with murder is because it was caught on tape

You’re still buying all the liberal lies!

1) So whitey doesn’t get sent to prison for defending himself? Well, not for trying. The libs pulled out all the stops to get Kyle sent to prison for life, defaming him as a white supremacist, and now kicking him off his online classes. If he had been black, there would have been no trial at all.

2) In the meantime, the REAL racist and criminal - the BLM thug savage who mowed down 50 innocent whites, killing six, barely gets a peep. Why was the scumbag not in jail in the first place? Because blacks commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, and in order to go easy on blacks, the bail is minimal.

3) As far as cops killing unarmed black men, that whole thing is the biggest lie. It is exceedingly rare, and even within that rare subset, even more rare that the black killed wasn’t being defiant, belligerent, or threatening.
So your position is that systemic racism doesn't exist?

What white dude is going to prison for defending himself?

Travis McMichael
We see unarmed blacks getting murdered by cops. How many of you cons would be okay with it if your white kid was running away from the cops and they shot him in the back? I know, "don't run from the cops" is what you'll say but the law says the cops shouldn't shoot someone who's simply running away. So why is it ok when it's a black guy?

Race has nothing to do with being a bad person or a bad cop. My kid wouldn't run from the police. They have a conscious. And when they do wrong, they've always allowed themselves to be held accountable. Maybe that's something they learned from having a father around all the time. Maybe they're just not thugs.

Who can watch this video and say what the cop did was right? And the only reason he was charged with murder is because it was caught on tape

Bad cop. Not because he was white. Not because Walter Scott was black. But because he was a bad cop. The judge didn't give him chance after chance after chance like they did Darrell Brooks. Brooks got break after break because he was black.
What did he write that was racist? Seems to me everything he pointed out is 100% truth. I know how the left hates truth.

And do tell, how long would the media be giving coverage to a white guy who went out of his way to a black neighborhood because he wanted to kill as many blacks as possible, ran over 46 killing 6 of them? The media dropped that story in less than a week.

So don't say it's racist to point out the obvious. Look up the definition of the word first before using it.
100% truth?! A cop went to jail because a thief died of fentanyl?! When did that happen?!?!
What did he write that was racist? Seems to me everything he pointed out is 100% truth. I know how the left hates truth.
Which part was true?
And do tell, how long would the media be giving coverage to a white guy who went out of his way to a black neighborhood because he wanted to kill as many blacks as possible, ran over 46 killing 6 of them? The media dropped that story in less than a week.
The media gave it plenty of coverage, don't let that victim complex wear you down there guy. Lol.
So don't say it's racist to point out the obvious. Look up the definition of the word first before using it.
Don't cry because no one buys these "I'm not a racist but..." threads. They're the ones that are obvious. Really, you guys just look like racists and cowards. Everyone is saying it. Wouldn't you just rather be seen as racist? I know if I were racist I would. It's so sad. I mean I love it and it amuses me to no end how your lot has to live their lives with their heads down like obedient little cucks pretending they aren't what everyone knows they are, but why in God's name would you choose to do so when you could just be proud racists?
Why in the world is it necessary to defend yourself based on your freaking skin color?
I ain't even going to get into the disclaimers about how I'm not racist. Screw that. I don't care what you think of me.

But this whole racism BS is getting out of hand. Words that whites can't say. The left is lying through their teeth about systemic racism. BLM and Al Sharpton is lying about how so many poor innocent, angel like, unarmed blacks are killed by white cops. College's that whites can't go to. College funds that white's can't qualify for, because they're white.
Some white's refused employment because a minority has to be hired first. 24hr news cycle telling white folks they're racist.
B4 all this crap got started, things weren't 1/2 as bad as they are now. White dude going to prison for defending himself against a thief. His son and friend going to prison for murder too, even though they didn't kill anyone. White cop going to prison because some violent druggy thief dies of fentanyl. Black school principles segregating blacks from whites.

What a load of crap. Especially in a country where whites make up over 60% of the population, having to bow down to blacks who only make up about 12%. This crap has got to stop.

BTW, all you white liberals, when BLM, Al Sharpton, the MSM, race baiters and race hustlers are calling white folks racist. They're talking about you too. Guilty by association.
I'm wondering if some of you folks even understand what "equality" even means.
Slager’s 20-year sentence was one of the longest in recent memory for a police officer for an on-duty killing.

Slager pleaded guilty to a federal civil rights charge for shooting Scott in the back five times on April 4, 2015. Slager had pulled over the 50-year-old Black motorist for a broken brake light.

The shooting itself was captured on video, something Slager didn’t know when he initially told investigators that Scott had charged at him after stealing his Taser.

So you see, we don't even know how many black people have been murdered by cops because most of these murders are not caught on tape. The cop simply tells the boss that the black man went for his gun/taser.
So your position is that systemic racism doesn't exist?

Do you even know what the word systemic means?

The most obvious SYSTEMIC racism in our country is affirmative action, which gives blacks an advantage in educational and employment opportunities. It has been ingrained into our system of doing things for over two generations, now.
Only an ignorant racist could believe that blacks have ever been getting the upper hand on whites. That simply shows a complete ignorance of history. Advocating for justice for previous injustice isn't advocating for inequality.
Because for the last few decades blacks have benefitted from affirmative action and diversity programs, they act like blacks now have the upper hand.

Meanwhile, I go to this manufacturing event in Chicago. You walk in, every exhibitor and attendee is a white male. White males apparently OWN manufacturing. The only women there were eye candy. Models.

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