In the name of 'research'.......uh-huh

It's one class that I highly doubt it is a requirement for any degree. If someone wants to learn about body image and sexuality instead of pottery or art, or any of the other 101 random classes you can take, then let them. It's their money and their time.

Yep. However, if I was paying my childs tuition, I woudl be pissed!

Be pissed about all the stupid classes you have to take that having nothing to do with your degree, and the classes you pay for where the teacher hardly ever shows up, or the $600 no trade in book that you had to buy for the code in the back.
Seems our educators could serve the public better by encouraging money management and fiance rather than the frequency and intensity of a woman's orgasm.
Alas, learning the latter is more fun than the former.
Now if there was a correlation to committed marriages and a lower divorce rate, they may be onto something. :)

i'm going to guess you didn't go to university.

they tend to offer different things. one doesn't preclude the other. and it's not like you're pointing to anything that would indicate anything is neglected for one fun lecture.

if i read you correctly, you are saying they should only teach what *you* want them to?

on the other hand, if they teach money management, perhaps rightwingers would learn that cutting taxes while running two wars leads to huge deficits.


now instead of being dishonest, why don't you just say you don't like the topic?

at least then the issue of why you hate the topic would be addressed.

or do you only want to discuss this with people who say "oh yes, how terrible, they used the word orgasm'... the ho's.
Actually, I DID go to university, full time while working full time.
So that means I PAID for it myself(no loans) and didn't have time for fluff classes like the aforementioned.
If one wishes to take personal enrichment classes as opposed to getting an education to make them employable I don't want to hear any whining about flipping burgers at McDonald's.

seems you're the only one complaining.

and given that you aren't doing an analysis of the classes given at that particular university, once again, i'd ask you to be honest about the REASON you don't like it.

p.s. most of us went to college and lived there and had a damn good time.

i did a double major and went on to post graduate education.

so as i said, perhaps you should be honest about THIS topic.
"If they have time for this, they are not challenged enough"

meh... they do a lot of things in college to keep their students amused.

i remember seeing the film "Pink Flamingos" in the lecture hall at SUNY B. It was the grossest film ever made.

which most of us didn't know when we went to see it.

but it wasn't a big deal. we also saw The Cabinet of Dr Caligeri. *shrug*

Never heard of either. I must be young? lol
"If they have time for this, they are not challenged enough"

meh... they do a lot of things in college to keep their students amused.

i remember seeing the film "Pink Flamingos" in the lecture hall at SUNY B. It was the grossest film ever made.

which most of us didn't know when we went to see it.

but it wasn't a big deal. we also saw The Cabinet of Dr Caligeri. *shrug*

Never heard of either. I must be young? lol

more likely that you didn't take a film class in college. lol.

i didn't like either film, btw.
So serious.
Actually, my initial reaction was what about the guys?
Where is a class for them? ;)

I wonder if they offer refresher material on how not to get pregnant?
It could really screw up their plans.
meh... they do a lot of things in college to keep their students amused.

i remember seeing the film "Pink Flamingos" in the lecture hall at SUNY B. It was the grossest film ever made.

which most of us didn't know when we went to see it.

but it wasn't a big deal. we also saw The Cabinet of Dr Caligeri. *shrug*

Never heard of either. I must be young? lol

more likely that you didn't take a film class in college. lol.

i didn't like either film, btw.

That I did not lol
So serious.
Actually, my initial reaction was what about the guys?
Where is a class for them? ;)

I wonder if they offer refresher material on how not to get pregnant?
It could really screw up their plans.

Have you ever heard of a 18 year old boy having a problem hitting orgasm? LOL
So serious.
Actually, my initial reaction was what about the guys?
Where is a class for them? ;)

I wonder if they offer refresher material on how not to get pregnant?
It could really screw up their plans.

Have you ever heard of a 18 year old boy having a problem hitting orgasm? LOL

Then they're inferring girls are slow learners.;)

no. that's what *you're* inferring.

again. you still haven't acknowledged that it's the topic that offends you.

can't you defend your pov?

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