In this time of great economic woes what are the liberal plans to make things better?

bla, bla, bla, do you have anything of substance to add cause your last post is lacking.

we people? you mean the USAF? I do not follow you friend.
Neither Republican plan has worked. And they've blocked everything Democrats have tried to do. Republicans got us into this mess to begin with. Time for them to step out of the way and let the professionals handle things.
Neither Republican plan has worked. And they've blocked everything Democrats have tried to do. Republicans got us into this mess to begin with. Time for them to step out of the way and let the professionals handle things.

Professionls?? You call those Clowns in DC professionals??

Professional at what??
Any plan introduced is blocked, filibustered or clotured. Plans like the "Made in America" act introduced by Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur.

It doesn't matter how badly the "liberals" (or the rest of the country) want to see the economy improve. It is in the best interest of the GnOP to ensure it doesn't improve as long as President Obama is in office. They care much more about the politics than the policy.
Any plan introduced is blocked, filibustered or clotured. Plans like the "Made in America" act introduced by Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur.

It doesn't matter how badly the "liberals" (or the rest of the country) want to see the economy improve. It is in the best interest of the GnOP to ensure it doesn't improve as long as President Obama is in office. They care much more about the politics than the policy.

Obama and Co had two years to come up with plans. They did and passed them with minimal GOP support. The result is the economy we see today: no growth, no new jobs, commodity prices soaring. Obama and Co's response is more of the same.
The Made in America Act is the Smoot Hawley of the 21st Century and has already caused retaliation by other countries.
1. Frank/Dodd which over regulates the banks to the point that they won't make loans. Then sue said bank for not making loans and giving people a free pass on their .

2. Maxine Waters and other top Democrats want another trillion dollar stimulus. Didn't work the first time but hey, its someone else's money!

3. Extend unemployment beyond the ridiculous current 99 weeks. Paying someone to sit at home doesn't create new jobs it just pays their basic bills. (with someone else's money).

4. Offer tax credits that don't last and can't come close to competing with the risks of the new hire their intended to help. It's estimated that with taxes and required benefits that a 40k a year employee costs about 65k to sustain.

5. All of the above costs money, money WE DON'T HAVE.

6. In an attempt to divert attention from these failed policies liberals have begun to incorporate the following ideas.

7. If you disagree your a racist.

8. If you disagree your an obstructionist.

9. Whitey wants to hang blacks.

10. We are terrorists.

11. Were barbarians at the gates.

12. Were hostage takers.

13. We can go straight to hell.

14. Liberals admit to being at war with us.

15. They're going to "take us out"

16. Demand civility but offer none.

17. Maxine Waters calls us gangsters.

18. Play games with the supposed "jobs plan". "were gonna release it slowly throughout the fall".

MR OBAMA, over 70% of Americans disagree with the policies and plans you have for our economy. So essentially your also calling all of them all of those names your trying to label us with.


His lack of experience and innability to reflect on his own failures are destroying our great nation.

The plan has never been more clear.

Reagan was a social conservative, dumbshit. You think social conservatives can't govern?

yeesh, first off whats with the name calling? show some respect for crying out loud.

also, I would like a detailed post on how Reagan was able to take office with the American economy owning the fact of being the largest exporter in the world. Why is it when he left office we had magically become the largest importer of goods. strange how a social conservative would promote such anti American policy. look it up and educate yourself sir.

im not a policy maker, no where near however as your average American I would like to see both GOPers and Dems work close and hammer out a bill, that would make me feel like work is being done for the better meant of all of us.

I would also like to see a lot more respect for labor and govt workers who for all intents and purposes don't have intentions of being "leaches" or what ever the right wing has dreamed up. I would like to see respect for teachers and all the public sector workers. ASAP.

just a change in attitude would be welcomed.

I would also like an answer on how a guy like Norquist who was not voted in by anyone could have so much ppower of the GOP. hes not even an elected official, who the hell is this guy and why does he have so much power over elected officials. this guy is scary.

A change in your attitude would be welcome. Namely a change from "I've been to Iraq so I know everything."
The US spent $800B in Iraq. They spend that in a month here on worthless transfer payments and gov't programs like Cashh for Clunkers that did nothing for the economy and hurt car dealers.
How about unions preventing a company like Boeing from opening a new plant in SC? That is the example of where unions are. It's all about me. Gimme Gimme Gimme.
We need to vote out the Gimme People and get the adults back in office.
bla, bla, bla, do you have anything of substance to add cause your last post is lacking.

we people? you mean the USAF? I do not follow you friend.
What I see is nothing but excuses coming from your AO.

This country is fucked up so anything goes from now on???

A poor excuse is better no excuse I suppose.
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ya Steph, sucking 800 billion to try and make up for shady operations over 30 years will get you worked up, meanwhile we have spent god knows what over in the sand box to rebuild Muslim infrastructure yet you don't say a word. people like you need to take a TOD in Iraq, like today.

Obamas stimulus that was intended to help us cost as much as the war and it failed. Where are your cries about that?

Obamas deficit this year is more than the cost of the wars. Where are your cries about that?

Obama spent over 4 times as much as the wars cost in 2 years netting us NOTHING. Where are your cries about that?

Ps. Thanks for serving.
Obama has gotten everything he wanted. Socially he did what he promised he would do. And those social policies are killing our economy. And now I hear he is going to ask for 300 billion more so "teachers and other public employees don't lose their jobs.

He already paid off the unions for his election. As the public sector grows so the private sector shrinks.

Obama has gotten everything he wanted. Socially he did what he promised he would do. And those social policies are killing our economy. And now I hear he is going to ask for 300 billion more so "teachers and other public employees don't lose their jobs.

He already paid off the unions for his election. As the public sector grows so the private sector shrinks.


It's all about JOBS!!!!

If you're with Obama you want JOBS.

If not you're against JOBS.

No more STIMULUS. That word is officially banned.

It's now called investment. Well raising taxes is investment....or revenue. DAMN!!!

This new language is harder to keep track of than a 3 year old.

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