In tiny NC town cops pepper spray children and handicapped woman in a Rascal

Video didn't show anyone getting pepper sprayed.

Clearly you didn't read the link. Here's another for the homeskoooled :)


Why doesn't the story jibe with the video?

The video my last link shows the pepper spray you insufferable moron.
They were told to get out of the road. They all should lose their government programs or be shot. Time to get rid of the filth of this country. I'm tired of paying for it.
This was an entirely peaceful protest for voting rights.
NO excuse for this kind of thug behavior.

The video does not support your headline

Yes it does

I did not see any pepper spray being used though it might have been

whats missing is the actual pepper spray and the context for its being used
Never would it dawn on me to take a kid to a protest. Especially given how quickly circumstances can erode into violence. Piss Poor Parenting. Link says one woman had a 3 year old there. Seriously?WTF!!!

Nor would I even have the time to waste to protest and yell at strangers. I have work to do while the slackers go whine and bitch.
In 2020, no cops are stupid enough to abuse any protesters.

And certainly not if the protesters are of a certain ethnicity.

The word "children" no longer elicits sympathy from most people. This summer we have seen plenty of "children" grinning with satisfaction as they looted stores and destroyed their owners' livelihoods.
So thugs and their spawn are pepper sprayed because the thugs put their children in that situation. Irresponsible parenting is now another excuse for liberal whining? How sad.
She doesn't look too handicapped. What do you expect the Police to do when a citizen becomes disruptive? Nobody seemed to complain when Police were ordered to arrest a Preacher for holding services without a mask.
This was an entirely peaceful protest for voting rights.
NO excuse for this kind of thug behavior.

What a bunch of STUPID WHINEY people protesting---------You aren't helping your cause Drlove showing this.

Afro-american flag flowing all over the place with a group of people who clearly show that their average iq is well below 70 is pretty stupid.
Video didn't show anyone getting pepper sprayed.

Clearly you didn't read the link. Here's another for the homeskoooled :)


Read the link? There's only a youtube video in your OP. :dunno:
Video didn't show anyone getting pepper sprayed.

Clearly you didn't read the link. Here's another for the homeskoooled :)


Looks like they're spraying the ground to me.
This was an entirely peaceful protest for voting rights.
NO excuse for this kind of thug behavior.

Pigs being pigs is reason enough for sovereign citizens of the police state...

If this were truly a "police state," you would be living in nations like China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mali and Sudan. Instead, you are in a nation that has individual states that while they can make state laws, are limited by the federal government's U.S. Constitution.
As for protesters being arrested, if they were arresting "peaceful protesters," the entire crowd would have been rounded up and taken away. Any "rational" individual with at least a three digit IQ, that they only go after those that don't cooperate with their orders, or act in an aggressive or violent manner.
Last, the protest isn't about "voting rights." Any CITIZEN that is registered to vote, is allowed to vote. The BLM movement is an admitted Marxist organization, if you want to see an actual "police state," then having a Marxist run nation is the way to go.

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