In US Only 11% of Greenhouse Gases Are From Agriculture. Why Are We Attacking Farmers?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
New fertilizer mandates do one thing and one thing only: devastate food production. If you want to save the planet, ride a bike and insulate your house or apartment from both cold and heat. Electricity is the hog. A well insulated house runs less air conditioning. I am all for cutting pollution, but climate change has been cleverly hijacked by the elites as a cover for our coming engineered food shortages


New fertilizer mandates do one thing and one thing only: devastate food production. If you want to save the planet, ride a bike and insulate your house or apartment from both cold and heat. Electricity is the hog. A well insulated house runs less air conditioning. I am all for cutting pollution, but climate change has been cleverly hijacked by the elites as a cover for our coming engineered food shortages


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Leftist scum want to destroy us.
There are no greenhouse anything, its a fucking fascist political scam, its all lies, all of it! :wink:

Tell you what's NOT a lie.....
MANY Fascist Leftists are raking in massive amounts of cash over all their political scams.

I'm convinced God himself has turned his back on Conservatives and the Right wing and left them to rot and suffer at the hands of the demonic Left. Why shouldn't he? Conservatives have turned a blind eye on porn, child abuse, abortion and the forsaking of his name for over 100 years now. Maybe he's had enough of their failure to defend and obey his word?
New fertilizer mandates do one thing and one thing only: devastate food production. If you want to save the planet, ride a bike and insulate your house or apartment from both cold and heat. Electricity is the hog. A well insulated house runs less air conditioning. I am all for cutting pollution, but climate change has been cleverly hijacked by the elites as a cover for our coming engineered food shortages


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Green Meanies attack every source they can think of

If the target is small they just peel off a few wackos to deal with it and move on to bigger game
The globalist that control the democrats are trying to create food shortages.

I do believe Bill Gates ( a super Elitist himself) for years did speeches on the perils of over population.
Then he became the largest farmland owner in America. And also the biggest vaccine advocate.

It really doesn't take a genius to figure things out. People just don't want to.
The NWO is based on a greatly reduced world population.

It's already begun. Food shortages will speed it up.
New fertilizer mandates do one thing and one thing only: devastate food production. If you want to save the planet, ride a bike and insulate your house or apartment from both cold and heat. Electricity is the hog. A well insulated house runs less air conditioning. I am all for cutting pollution, but climate change has been cleverly hijacked by the elites as a cover for our coming engineered food shortages


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You have answered your own question. According to the Green Cult there are far too many of us breeders inhaling and exhaling countless times per day. Attack food production and reduce the surplus population.
Tell you what's NOT a lie.....
MANY Fascist Leftists are raking in massive amounts of cash over all their political scams.

I'm convinced God himself has turned his back on Conservatives and the Right wing and left them to rot and suffer at the hands of the demonic Left. Why shouldn't he? Conservatives have turned a blind eye on porn, child abuse, abortion and the forsaking of his name for over 100 years now. Maybe he's had enough of their failure to defend and obey his word?

The greatest trick conservative Americans ever played on themselves was in assuming God was automatically on their side. No man is wise. No man is holy. Some men are genuinely good. One must earn his own rectitude over many years; it will never be handed or awarded to him simply by his choice of political party or religion. Sunday only Christians abound. Tens of millions of modern "conservatives" are fine and dandy with the annual murder of hundreds of thousands of unborn children. Millions of "conservatives" are fine with FFLs reporting their addresses to the ATF and local law enforcement when they fail a NICS background check or one is delayed. Similarly, millions of so-called American conservatives have a live and let live attitude with transgender priest surgeons mutilating children or children getting jabbed with poison gene therapies.

God was never automatically on the side of any political party. God lives in the hearts of a very few people these days because they've earned his presence there.
shoot the SCUM demonRATS, and the fake issue will disappear, just like them
The greatest trick conservative Americans ever played on themselves was in assuming God was automatically on their side. No man is wise. No man is holy. Some men are genuinely good. One must earn his own rectitude over many years; it will never be handed or awarded to him simply by his choice of political party or religion. Sunday only Christians abound. Tens of millions of modern "conservatives" are fine and dandy with the annual murder of hundreds of thousands of unborn children. Millions of "conservatives" are fine with FFLs reporting their addresses to the ATF and local law enforcement when they fail a NICS background check or one is delayed. Similarly, millions of so-called American conservatives have a live and let live attitude with transgender priest surgeons mutilating children or children getting jabbed with poison gene therapies.

God was never automatically on the side of any political party. God lives in the hearts of a very few people these days because they've earned his presence there.
When humans get close to Camelot (but with no utopia that is impossible at this point), they always throw it away. We have removed Freedoms and replaced it with Democracy.
I do believe Bill Gates ( a super Elitist himself) for years did speeches on the perils of over population.
Then he became the largest farmland owner in America. And also the biggest vaccine advocate.

It really doesn't take a genius to figure things out. People just don't want to.
The NWO is based on a greatly reduced world population.

It's already begun. Food shortages will speed it up.

People like Gates all have their luxury bunkers ready to go to ride it out while the rest of us starve and eat each other. Then when they come up they have the whole planet to themselves. That's the plan. I think there are probably entire underground cities prepared. A few years back I remember people talking about hearing explosions going off at odd times, like there was dynamiting and digging going on.

You have answered your own question. According to the Green Cult there are far too many of us breeders inhaling and exhaling countless times per day. Attack food production and reduce the surplus population.

That's one way to solve people-made pollution problem. Get rid of people. Now the only question becomes which ones do you get rid of. The elites are making it so that this will be what the world will look like for a while but they can ride it out in their bunkers.

4% of the planet has improvements and population on it
70% is water and Ice
Mother Nature eject daily 100X what Mankind puts up there
It’s a “feel bad about yourself” ruse.
4% of the planet has improvements and population on it
70% is water and Ice
Mother Nature eject daily 100X what Mankind puts up there
It’s a “feel bad about yourself” ruse.

I got no problem with catalytic converters and stuff but food production? Those elite bastards want us all on their mystery meat all from the same source so they can starve us out anytime they want. As long as there are farmers they cannot control us. "You control nations with oil. You control people with food." - Henry Kissinger
New fertilizer mandates do one thing and one thing only: devastate food production. If you want to save the planet, ride a bike and insulate your house or apartment from both cold and heat. Electricity is the hog. A well insulated house runs less air conditioning. I am all for cutting pollution, but climate change has been cleverly hijacked by the elites as a cover for our coming engineered food shortages


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The ruling elite want people to starve.
The ruling elite want people to starve.

Yes and they could not do it without the help of the people themselves, believing the media that it's just a "conspiracy theory.." Otherwise there would be a major pushback and the plan would have to be called off.

Man guards his family from cannibals. Madras famine 1877 in India, during the British Raj
New fertilizer mandates do one thing and one thing only: devastate food production. If you want to save the planet, ride a bike and insulate your house or apartment from both cold and heat. Electricity is the hog. A well insulated house runs less air conditioning. I am all for cutting pollution, but climate change has been cleverly hijacked by the elites as a cover for our coming engineered food shortages


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Because leftists, those who make up the leadership of the democrat party....believe that the world is overpopulated, and that people are hurting the planet.....and the really important part? There are too many people to easily control....... limit the food supply, you limit the number of people who can exist....making them easier to control, and herd into cities..........

This isn't paranoid, it isn't crazy talk.........they want to put people in cities, they want to limit the energy supply, healthcare, and food......

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