Incoming national security adviser's son spreads fake news about D.C. pizza shop


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The fox watching the hen house, the underbelly of America is now in charge

The son of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s pick for national security adviser, embraced a baseless conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton on Sunday after a man who claimed to be investigating the hoax fired a rifle inside a pizza parlor in Northwest Washington, D.C., on Sunday.

The man, 28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch of Salisbury, North Carolina, entered the restaurant, D.C. police said, to “self-investigate 'Pizza Gate' (a fictitious online conspiracy theory)." After firing his gun inside the establishment, he was arrested and charged with assault with a dangerous weapon. No one was injured.

The baseless online conspiracy theory in question, spread by supporters of President-elect Donald Trump, holds that the pizza shop, Comet Ping Pong, is actually a front for a child sex ring led by Clinton, the Democratic nominee.

Incoming national security adviser's son spreads fake news about D.C. pizza shop

Published On 12/05/2016 | By infostormer | Featured Articles, News, U.S. News

In light of the bizarre incident at the DC Comet Ping Pong pizza joint where a man with a gun allegedly entered the restaurant, CNN has spent a good amount of time covering Pizzagate this morning. As expected they say that everything related to the scandal is fake news without debunking a single piece of information. They further claim that fake news is dangerous and causes violence. Here are some of the clips.

"This is particularly outrageous considering CNN itself has been exposed as a fake news network for years. This is a network that got everything about the 2016 election wrong and hyped all sorts of disinformation. In fact, they’ve been faking news since at least the early 1990s. Perhaps the most outrageous example was Charles Jaco’s Gulf War coverage complete with fake palm trees. See the below clip."

CNN Claims Pizzagate Is Fake News And Causes Violence

CNN is fake news. Politico is fake news.

Just stay open to more than the fake news MSM.

Just keep watching.

I know Grandma. If it is true, you would be fine with all the kids being molested if your leftists are protected by the fake MSM media.

For you?

It's about the narrative, not the truth and certainly not the protection of children.

Hell, late term abortions are fine to you lefties.

Strangling them before they take their first breath is fine too, right?
You're not stuck on dumb.

You're stuck on stupid and melty.

One question: Did you vote for Trumple?
If so, you have no right calling anybody dumb. Anybody who voted for him is a special kind of dumb...

You ran out of here crying. Until then, I thought you had stones.

You have no questions. Only whines.

Time to drain the media swamp.


You ran out of here crying. Until then, I thought you had stones.

You have no questions. Only whines.A]

oh,god now you're linking to Sean "I'll Give Trump As Many Blow Jobs as he Wants" Hannity.

Look, Dopey, talking of whining, don't come dribbling to me and crying when Trump fucks you up the arse (and he will, just watch). Don't look at me, because I'll gladly give you a dose of "I told you so's"...

You ran out of here crying. Until then, I thought you had stones.

You have no questions. Only whines.A]

oh,god now you're linking to Sean "I'll Give Trump As Many Blow Jobs as he Wants" Hannity.

Look, Dopey, talking of whining, don't come dribbling to me and crying when Trump fucks you up the arse (and he will, just watch). Don't look at me, because I'll gladly give you a dose of "I told you so's"...

Nice chicken avatar. Rooster, meh, they swing just as fast as a chicken. You never were intense. Just a whiner.


Mr. Trump! Drain that media swamp.
Nice chicken avatar. Rooster, meh, they swing just as fast as a chicken. You never were intense. Just a whiner.

Ah, couldn't help yourself, I knew you would never leave Intense. You can't hide Syntax. You use Kellyanne Conway to back up your POV? RATFLMAO! You're such a tool...
Nice chicken avatar. Rooster, meh, they swing just as fast as a chicken. You never were intense. Just a whiner.

Ah, couldn't help yourself, I knew you would never leave Intense. You can't hide Syntax. You use Kellyanne Conway to back up your POV? RATFLMAO! You're such a tool...


Outed like a dirty shirt.

You run so fast.

It was quite entertaining.


Best return ever.

Best election cycle ever.

I am pleased.
Best return ever.

Best election cycle ever.

I am pleased.

And one of the last. This is the conservatives last stand.....

The US is now an official joke (politically). We're laughing our arses off that so many morons voted for Trump. Still, the good news is more people - a lot more people - wanted Hillary as their CIC...that means there is still hope..
Yes, best return ever.


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