Incompetence, Stupidity, Or Treason? Biden State Dept Tells World How Many Nukes US Has

STFU - you have no idea what I am feeling or doing, so save your false accusations and your failed attempts to speak FOR me. I just explained what my thread was about, which was not about nukes or why classified information should remain classified. Your response to that was to attack me again, claim I am 'raging'. I have tried calmly explaining to you what this thread is about, how discussion boards are about DISCUSSING issues, and again you falsely accuse me of 'raging'. I have tried to treat you like an adult, and so far you continue to prove I have been wrong to do so.

As YOU said, it's time for you to move on. Have a good weekend.

Top Secret NO MORE...

Maybe our top nuke sites were on the list of our 18 'infrastructure targets' Biden begged Putin not to attackwith cyber warfare...
I'm not so sure this information was really that secret. It wasn't too long ago that we were in treaties with Russia and we knew how many nukes each other had. I doubt this revelation was really all that revealing.

Top Secret NO MORE...

Maybe our top nuke sites were on the list of our 18 'infrastructure targets' Biden begged Putin not to attackwith cyber warfare... believe that.....................:heehee:

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