Incompetence, Stupidity, Or Treason? Biden State Dept Tells World How Many Nukes US Has

You can Google the UNCLASS number
Great. Then we already have enough nukes to destroy every major city in the world

At this very moment, there are 15,000 nuclear weapons on planet Earth. It would take just three nuclear warheads to destroy one of the 4,500 cities on Earth, meaning 13,500 bombs in total, which would leave 1,500 left.Apr 2, 2019

What would the classified ones do, then?
Great. Then we already have enough nukes to destroy every major city in the world

At this very moment, there are 15,000 nuclear weapons on planet Earth. It would take just three nuclear warheads to destroy one of the 4,500 cities on Earth, meaning 13,500 bombs in total, which would leave 1,500 left.Apr 2, 2019

What would the classified ones do, then?
The entire point of my thread was how once again criminal, Marxist, Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats continuously violate laws, regulations, & rules regarding handling, safeguarding, and protecting Classified.

Democrats gave Pakistanis access to House computers and files, to classified data from the Intel Committee, on other nations, etc.....these Pakistanis downloaded GIGA-bytes of data. The Democrats hired them and gave them this access without doing a thorough background check. Had they done one they would have found out the Awan Brothers were under investigation for murdering their father and holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money. They would have learned the Awans had ties to terrorists.

CIVILIAN Hillary Clinton had her own private, illegal, unencrypted, unsecured server on which she illegally had both classified and unclassified information. Some of the Classified information she had on her server was classified as TOP SECRET SPECIAL COMPARTMENTALIZE INFORMATION (TS/SCI) - some of THE most classified US information that would seriously damage the US if leaked. When she left the State Dept she signed a document releasing her from the TS/SCI realm, meaning she could no longer have access to TS/SCI information. Having her own unencrypted unsecured server with classified information on it was illegal, TS/SCI even more so. Hillary was guilty of over a dozen crimes - to include espionage. Former FBI Director Comey was FORCED to admit publicly she broke laws.

Years ago Kerry deliberately read from a classified report on the floor of Congress (illegal), and during his speech he exposed an undercover CIA agent in harms way, A CIA director in the room was forced to jump up and run out of the room to pass the word that Agent was to pull out and escape immediately. Kerry's crime put an American in danger.

Classified information is CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, no matter how insignificant you feel that information is or feel it caused no damage, it is illegal, it is espionage, it is treason....
The entire point of my thread was how once again criminal, Marxist, Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats continuously violate laws, regulations, & rules regarding handling, safeguarding, and protecting Classified.

Democrats gave Pakistanis access to House computers and files, to classified data from the Intel Committee, on other nations, etc.....these Pakistanis downloaded GIGA-bytes of data. The Democrats hired them and gave them this access without doing a thorough background check. Had they done one they would have found out the Awan Brothers were under investigation for murdering their father and holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money. They would have learned the Awans had ties to terrorists.

CIVILIAN Hillary Clinton had her own private, illegal, unencrypted, unsecured server on which she illegally had both classified and unclassified information. Some of the Classified information she had on her server was classified as TOP SECRET SPECIAL COMPARTMENTALIZE INFORMATION (TS/SCI) - some of THE most classified US information that would seriously damage the US if leaked. When she left the State Dept she signed a document releasing her from the TS/SCI realm, meaning she could no longer have access to TS/SCI information. Having her own unencrypted unsecured server with classified information on it was illegal, TS/SCI even more so. Hillary was guilty of over a dozen crimes - to include espionage. Former FBI Director Comey was FORCED to admit publicly she broke laws.

Years ago Kerry deliberately read from a classified report on the floor of Congress (illegal), and during his speech he exposed an undercover CIA agent in harms way, A CIA director in the room was forced to jump up and run out of the room to pass the word that Agent was to pull out and escape immediately. Kerry's crime put an American in danger.

Classified information is CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, no matter how insignificant you feel that information is or feel it caused no damage, it is illegal, it is espionage, it is treason....
so we go from nukes to the DNC server.

look, I agree our gov is doing strange ass shit these days. but I also feel people make mountains out of every molehill they find to prove a point.

I also agree no one is getting prosecuted as they should or would 20 years ago. but that's a collective gov issue we won't fix by getting mad at every opportunity.

I'd rather focus on solutions vs screaming LOOK THEY DID IT AGAIN.

But I am as frustrated as you as I don't know a good solution. we've taken our differences too far to simply wake up one day tired of fighting.
What the holy hell???

The 3,750 warheads number he disclosed doesn't match up with the numbers Wikipedia is showing. They are stating that we have 1,700 deployed and 5,550 total.

Russia on the other hand has 1,600 deployed and 6,257 total. China's number isn't even known.

List of states with nuclear weapons - Wikipedia
IsNtreals not mentioned due to a blockage of antisemitic commentaries
so we go from nukes to the DNC server.
Because you have missed the main focus of this topic is how Democrats continue to leak classified, violate laws, regs, and rules regarding the the safeguarding of classified. I am sorry I did not spell that out for people in the 1st post. My bad.
Because you have missed the main focus of this topic is how Democrats continue to leak classified, violate laws, regs, and rules regarding the the safeguarding of classified. I am sorry I did not spell that out for people in the 1st post. My bad.
sigh. because I disagree your current actions will change anything, I don't understand your point?

also, I never insulted your intelligence, just questioned the expected outcome of the actions.

these days if we disagree with someone, both sides go into attack mode as a defense.

I didn't miss a thing. I'm simply looking at a bigger picture.
look, I agree our gov is doing strange ass shit these days. but I also feel people make mountains out of every molehill they find to prove a point.
Of course you don't see my point. Let's try THIS:

This was not a case of the government doing 'strange ass shit' - it was a case of leaking / releasing classified information. It was a crime, a violation of laws designed to safeguard classified information and protect this country. Perhaps you believe we should just ignore some crimes, pick and choose what laws we will enforce and those we don't.

Democrats already do that. They have decided the laws they break are insignificant and that they do not apply to Democrats.

Of course you don't see my point. Let's try THIS:

This was not a case of the government doing 'strange ass shit' - it was a case of leaking / releasing classified information. It was a crime, a violation of laws designed to safeguard classified information and protect this country. Perhaps you believe we should just ignore some crimes, pick and choose what laws we will enforce and those we don't.

Democrats already do that. They have decided the laws they break are insignificant and that they do not apply to Democrats.

again, my not agreeing with you does not equal my not understanding you. by logic i own, i'd have to understand what you are saying before i can agree or disagree.

can we please stop attacking each others intelligence and stick to the topic?

yes, i have said i DO agree far too many get away with things that 20 years ago they would be playing hard to get at the prison dances and finding out how many packs of cigs they are truly worth. you seem to miss this part of what i have agreed with so you can focus on where i disagree.

my stance on the # of nukes - from what i understand, you can look up #'s all over the place. you seem to say there is a public number and a classified private number. why not go into the private number that was apparently given up recently to spawn your anger. why not explain to me that while yes, i can google nuke total, this isn't the whole story and HELP ME UNDERSTAND your point vs. bitch at me that i don't.

instead, you ran to the DNC and went on a tirade of how bad the dems are and should all be locked up, citing various crimes in your eyes. do you expect me to respond to each of those also? for the record, no. arguing pakastani dnc servers wasn't my expectation when i come into a HE GAVE NUKE SECRETS thread. to a point, you derailed your own topic. but hey, it's your topic, have fun.

now, while i agree far too many politicians all around get away with shit they should not, bitching about random secrets that apparently NOT a secret isn't going to get them in jail. it isn't going to change anything. people who mock you before will mock you for this because that is what they do.

i am trying to talk to you about the issue and instead of that, you keep saying i don't get it.

i do. there are a lot of points you make i agree with but i don't get what you want the outcome to be. arrested? great. me too. but saying it should happen in USMB where all the usual suspects will say the same shit, different thread, won't get to that goal.

this is tantamount to when i was in the corp world and we had big issues. there was always someone in the meeting who would pound their fist on the table and scream SOMETHING MUST BE DONE - but had no idea of what said something should be.

ARREST THEM would be your next statement, i am guessing. great. i agree but how? the system is pretty forgiving and biased, isn't it? it's like your arguing about the 2nd step on a 20 step stairway to me.

the fundamental problems we have today have nothing to do with the vast majority of what we bitch and complain about here. you see, in here we do not talk solutions, we bitch, then bitch at each other for not understanding.

so yea, i get it. totally.

but now what? you seem to be missing the fact that while i agree, blind forum rage isn't going to fix it.

now, you can slow your roll a bit and try to understand what i am saying, or keep telling me i don't understand cause in fact, you don't get what *i* am coming back with. its' ok, not many people get me when i say "now what"?

so you can either back up to square 1 and explain to me why the # released is a crime when we can google nuke power per country. whether you choose to believe these #'s or not doesn't change it can still be done and must be coming from somewhere or gov's would be making people take that offline.

why is the # given in this instance different than the one i can google and a "secret nuclear bomb stash" that needs to stay classified?

educate me on this. im already on record as saying we need to enforce existing law, but screaming that on a forum won't accomplish that.

or rage on and i can move on to something else.
again, my not agreeing with you does not equal my not understanding you. by logic i own, i'd have to understand what you are saying before i can agree or disagree.

can we please stop attacking each others intelligence and stick to the topic?

yes, i have said i DO agree far too many get away with things that 20 years ago they would be playing hard to get at the prison dances and finding out how many packs of cigs they are truly worth. you seem to miss this part of what i have agreed with so you can focus on where i disagree.

my stance on the # of nukes - from what i understand, you can look up #'s all over the place. you seem to say there is a public number and a classified private number. why not go into the private number that was apparently given up recently to spawn your anger. why not explain to me that while yes, i can google nuke total, this isn't the whole story and HELP ME UNDERSTAND your point vs. bitch at me that i don't.

instead, you ran to the DNC and went on a tirade of how bad the dems are and should all be locked up, citing various crimes in your eyes. do you expect me to respond to each of those also? for the record, no. arguing pakastani dnc servers wasn't my expectation when i come into a HE GAVE NUKE SECRETS thread. to a point, you derailed your own topic. but hey, it's your topic, have fun.

now, while i agree far too many politicians all around get away with shit they should not, bitching about random secrets that apparently NOT a secret isn't going to get them in jail. it isn't going to change anything. people who mock you before will mock you for this because that is what they do.

i am trying to talk to you about the issue and instead of that, you keep saying i don't get it.

i do. there are a lot of points you make i agree with but i don't get what you want the outcome to be. arrested? great. me too. but saying it should happen in USMB where all the usual suspects will say the same shit, different thread, won't get to that goal.

this is tantamount to when i was in the corp world and we had big issues. there was always someone in the meeting who would pound their fist on the table and scream SOMETHING MUST BE DONE - but had no idea of what said something should be.

ARREST THEM would be your next statement, i am guessing. great. i agree but how? the system is pretty forgiving and biased, isn't it? it's like your arguing about the 2nd step on a 20 step stairway to me.

the fundamental problems we have today have nothing to do with the vast majority of what we bitch and complain about here. you see, in here we do not talk solutions, we bitch, then bitch at each other for not understanding.

so yea, i get it. totally.

but now what? you seem to be missing the fact that while i agree, blind forum rage isn't going to fix it.

now, you can slow your roll a bit and try to understand what i am saying, or keep telling me i don't understand cause in fact, you don't get what *i* am coming back with. its' ok, not many people get me when i say "now what"?

so you can either back up to square 1 and explain to me why the # released is a crime when we can google nuke power per country. whether you choose to believe these #'s or not doesn't change it can still be done and must be coming from somewhere or gov's would be making people take that offline.

why is the # given in this instance different than the one i can google and a "secret nuclear bomb stash" that needs to stay classified?

educate me on this. im already on record as saying we need to enforce existing law, but screaming that on a forum won't accomplish that.

or rage on and i can move on to something else.

'bitching about random secrets that apparently NOT a secret'

Do you SERIOUSLY believe that out SECRET / TOP SECRET information can be found on Google? If you do, which by this remark makes iut seem you do, you aren't as smart as you claim to be.
'bitching about random secrets that apparently NOT a secret'

Do you SERIOUSLY believe that out SECRET / TOP SECRET information can be found on Google? If you do, which by this remark makes iut seem you do, you aren't as smart as you claim to be.
no way you had time to read my entire post and try to fathom what i was saying. i asked you plain as day to explain the difference between the # provided improperly vs. what i can google. you see - that is the issue.

not attacking me for asking.

don't believe i ever claimed to be much of anything, btw.

peace out.
educate me on this. im already on record as saying we need to enforce existing law, but screaming that on a forum won't accomplish that.
I thought one of the main purposes of a discussion board is to discuss issues and give one's opinion. You seem to suggest no issue should be brought up for discussion if A solution / action can not be affected. People discussing issues is how support is gained, ideas are shared, and possible solutions are come up with. Discussing issues, voicing disagreement with or outrage over an issue is not a waste of time or effort. IMO, if you believed that you wouldn't waste your time on message / discussion boards. If you don't like my thread pointing out and discussing how politicians and agencies continually leak classified then leave the discussion instead of continuing to attack me for bringing this up for discussion. I am not the thread topic.
I thought one of the main purposes of a discussion board is to discuss issues and give one's opinion. You seem to suggest no issue should be brought up for discussion if A solution / action can not be affected. People discussing issues is how support is gained, ideas are shared, and possible solutions are come up with. Discussing issues, voicing disagreement with or outrage over an issue is not a waste of time or effort. IMO, if you believed that you wouldn't waste your time on message / discussion boards. If you don't like my thread pointing out and discussing how politicians and agencies continually leak classified then leave the discussion instead of continuing to attack me for bringing this up for discussion. I am not the thread topic.
i gave my opinion and asked you to expand upon yours so i could better understand.

you went into attack mode.

is that how you like to discuss things? attack people who question what you say?

and if you've not noticed, when i get my fill of stupid, i take a break. i don't attack you or anyone for disagreeing with me.

oddly enough, *i* am not the thread topic either. but neither was pakastani crimes and the rest. you went there when i questioned you.

i give up. i've asked you several times to explain the difference between a google search and what was given out in your example and you've not done that. you see, that is sticking to the topic. not attacking me, not the DNC server or the rest of the sideshow topics you pulled in.

you're a good guy that gets just as passionate about your views as the left does theirs. oddly enough, the attacks come from both sides as soon as you question them. so to me, we're not so different in what we do, just why we do it.

i spelled out a TON of this in my war and peace post you chose not to read nor understand and frankly at this point, im tired of being on the defense of your attacks simply because i asked you to "show your work".

rage on. i'll simply not bother to discuss issues with you if all you are after is agreement, not discussion.
i gave my opinion and asked you to expand upon yours so i could better understand.

you went into attack mode.

That is a lie. I explained my thread was not about nukes, that the state department leaking classified information about numbers of nukes had nothing really to do with what classified information (nukes) was leaked but that it was just another example of how classified information continues to be leaked, partially because people shrug, claim doing so was insignificant, and let it slide.

I also used other examples to make this point - the Awan computer breach, Hillary's illegal server / espionage, etc...

"educate me on this. im already on record as saying we need to enforce existing law, but screaming that on a forum won't accomplish that. or rage on and i can move on to something else."

So you did not 'attack ME? Mybe you DO need to move on.

As far as my asking you if you believed our classified information can be found on Google"

"why is the # given in this instance different than the one i can google and a "secret nuclear bomb stash" that needs to stay classified?"

Do you believe our military secrets should NOT be classified? Do you think those secret numbers should be shared with Google so if anyone wants to know US classified info they can just get it from Google?

None of this has anything to do with the real topic of discussion - I ought to know because this is my thread - but you want to talk about this - you asked the question. You asked me to focus on THAT and explain it to you. Sorry, I would rather continue to focus on the thread topic regarding how idiots / criminals leak classified all the time and how doing so is minimalized, how laws governing this are ignored, and no one is held accountable...which is part of the reason why it continued to happen.
That is a lie. I explained my thread was not about nukes, that the state department leaking classified information about numbers of nukes had nothing really to do with what classified information (nukes) was leaked but that it was just another example of how classified information continues to be leaked, partially because people shrug, claim doing so was insignificant, and let it slide.

I also used other examples to make this point - the Awan computer breach, Hillary's illegal server / espionage, etc...

"educate me on this. im already on record as saying we need to enforce existing law, but screaming that on a forum won't accomplish that. or rage on and i can move on to something else."

So you did not 'attack ME? Mybe you DO need to move on.

As far as my asking you if you believed our classified information can be found on Google"

"why is the # given in this instance different than the one i can google and a "secret nuclear bomb stash" that needs to stay classified?"

Do you believe our military secrets should NOT be classified? Do you think those secret numbers should be shared with Google so if anyone wants to know US classified info they can just get it from Google?

None of this has anything to do with the real topic of discussion - I ought to know because this is my thread - but you want to talk about this - you asked the question. You asked me to focus on THAT and explain it to you. Sorry, I would rather continue to focus on the thread topic regarding how idiots / criminals leak classified all the time and how doing so is minimalized, how laws governing this are ignored, and no one is held accountable...which is part of the reason why it continued to happen.
OK man. say you seem to be raging is a horrible attack on my part.

glad to see you don't exaggurate.
OK man. say you seem to be raging is a horrible attack on my part.
STFU - you have no idea what I am feeling or doing, so save your false accusations and your failed attempts to speak FOR me. I just explained what my thread was about, which was not about nukes or why classified information should remain classified. Your response to that was to attack me again, claim I am 'raging'. I have tried calmly explaining to you what this thread is about, how discussion boards are about DISCUSSING issues, and again you falsely accuse me of 'raging'. I have tried to treat you like an adult, and so far you continue to prove I have been wrong to do so.

As YOU said, it's time for you to move on. Have a good weekend.
STFU - you have no idea what I am feeling or doing, so save your false accusations and your failed attempts to speak FOR me. I just explained what my thread was about, which was not about nukes or why classified information should remain classified. Your response to that was to attack me again, claim I am 'raging'. I have tried calmly explaining to you what this thread is about, how discussion boards are about DISCUSSING issues, and again you falsely accuse me of 'raging'. I have tried to treat you like an adult, and so far you continue to prove I have been wrong to do so.

As YOU said, it's time for you to move on. Have a good weekend.
I said SEEM TO BE.

never said I knew.

Peace out.

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