Indelible Propaganda Images


Sep 23, 2010
Before television (BTV) liberals controlling publishing and motion picture content made sure that everyone knew that Nazi Germany tested weapons, equipment, and tactics in the Spanish Civil War. Not once did anyone on the Left ever mention this about Spain:

Courtois and Panne added: "The country became a kind of laboratory where the Soviet authorities not only applied new political strategies and tactics, but also tried out techniques that would be used during and after World War II."


The technique proved successful in France, under the presidency of Leon Blum, then in Spain, leaving the impression in the West that communists were fitting partners of democratic socialists.


Also during this period the Soviets realized the value of seizing the narrative. Their propaganda machine cranked out just enough half-truths to impress the West that the communists were the real democrats, and that anyone who would support Franco was an unadulterated fascist. It was a lie Franco was never able to live down.

This lie that caught fire let them recruit young, idealistic youth who formed groups with names like the "Abraham Lincoln Brigade" and who claimed they were standard bearers of democracy in the name of communism.


The Soviets' propaganda captured the imagination of the Western intelligentsia, and "the distorted view it spread so skillfully in the Western democracies still carries weight in academia and the media," Crozier wrote.


These leftist ideologues still hold sway in much of Latin America, demonstrating that it doesn't take armies to win wars, just a few proxies, a captive intelligentsia and an effective spiel of propaganda. The success continues among the useful idiots to this day.

Stalin's Propaganda Push Marched In Spanish Civil War
Posted 05/12/2014 05:33 PM ET

Stalin's Propaganda Campaign Reached Heights In Spanish Civil War -

I’ll wager that folks my age cannot think of Spain’s civil war without calling up an indelible newsreel image of Stukas bombing cities in Spain long after the civil war ended. To this day if you see a documentary about Spain’s civil war it will include the sound of the terrifying scream Stukas made when they were into a steep dive. It is still part of the Left’s overall propaganda message.

[ame=]stuka (siren sound) - YouTube[/ame]​

In the years after WWII ended Socialists/Communists posing as Democrats added to their grip on publishing and motion picture content —— TELEVISION —— the most effective propaganda apparatus ever developed. With that awesome machinery in their hands they are getting away with telling the same lies they’ve been telling since 1936: Communism is good because Fascism is so bad.
Personnel at the NYT must have come and gone many times since the 1920s and ‘30s'. So it is astounding that the current staff is no different than Communism’s lovers of yesteryear after all of the brutality Communists practiced in the last century:

The Iron Curtain collapsed more than a quarter century ago. But time can’t kill the Old Gray Lady’s infatuation with her fallen love.

The New York Times on Wednesday eulogized the last veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Delmer Berg, who died earlier this week at 100. Describing Berg’s enlistment to fight for Stalinist forces (after buying his way out of the National Guard stateside) in Spain as “quixotic,” Sam Roberts with unintentional irony quotes a friend: “He was always attached to just causes.”

The N.Y. Times Eulogizes Another ‘Starry-Eyed’ Stalinist
Tools of murderous Joe Stalin still described as “always attached to just causes.”
By Daniel J. Flynn – 3.4.16

The N.Y. Times Eulogizes Another ‘Starry-Eyed’ Stalinist

My personal opinion of Franco and the Spanish Civil War is that Spain, and the world, would have been the worst for it had the Communists won. That is not the same as saying I am in favor of fascist government.

Back in 2008 an article blew me away. I could not believe that Nancy Pelosi’s Fruitcakes erected a monument to American Communists who fought in Spain’s Civil War. Here’s the link to some pictures of the weird looking monument after it was vandalized.

Photos of vandalism at the artwork for the Abraham Lincoln Brigade : Indybay

The Lincoln Brigade was made up of volunteers who went off to fight in Spain. They fought on the wrong side politically, philosophically and militarily. Communists and assorted do-gooders since then learned a lesson from the Lincoln Brigade: Don't go off to foreign lands and fight for Communism in the company of like-minded crusaders; get others to do it for you. I am referring to sending American troops to countries that are not, and never will be, a threat to the American people. Obviously, Korea and Vietnam were very real threats as is every country that can be shown to be an unquestioned danger to the US if it is left unattended. Iran & Allies, China, North Korea, Russia, and piss ant Cuba leap to mind. The overwhelming majority of countries do not threaten the US.

The San Francisco monument shows the Left praising members of Lincoln Brigade for fighting for what they believed in. At the same time the Lincoln Brigade is praised by American Communists they vilify everyone who believes in fighting against Communism as in Korea and Vietnam.

American saviors should rekindle the willingness that sent Lincoln Brigade members off to go and join the fighting rather than sending others. Nothing is preventing today's saviors from going to any country they want to save by fighting on the side that pleases them. I would also love to ask everyone of them one question: Why should loyal Americans die so foreign Communists can live?

Young people would do well to ask themselves the following variation of the question I posed above before they get suckered into nation-building, fighting in foreign civil wars or revolutions that do not affect the US no matter how the propagandists present it: Do I want to sacrifice my life so that people I do not know can live?

Parents with young children would do well to identify those people in government who are laying the groundwork for future touchy-feely military interventions à la Syria. Identify them and get them out of power. It’s easy. Just vote against Democrats.

Every parent should take a good look at their child and ask: Am I investing my love in this child just so some Democrat in Washington can send him/her off to die when my country is NOT threatened?

This article from 2008 supplies the important details about the Lincoln Brigade. Notice that the New York Times is right about one thing. American Communists love their “veterans” while neither the Clintons nor the current president ever cared for American veterans who did not fight for Communism under the flag of the United Nations:

The Left's Good Warriors
By Daniel J. Flynn
Published 4/4/2008 12:08:21 AM

The Left's Good Warriors

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