Independence (Day) from fossil fuels

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Wonder if the conservatives realize that the U.S. only has @ 4% of the worlds oil resrves? You can only "drill baby drill" for so long. Why do they "cling" ;) to oil at the expense of seeking out alternative sources?

Wonder if the conservatives realize that the U.S. only has @ 4% of the worlds oil resrves? You can only "drill baby drill" for so long. Why do they "cling" ;) to oil at the expense of seeking out alternative sources?


I wonder if the hand-wringers, that would be you, realize that if we could marginalize the liberals and rely on can-do folks, that would be conservatives, we could solve the so-called 'energy quandary.'

The United States is the Saudi Arabia of coal...
•Supply over 100 years of electricity to the entire nation
•Yield upwards of a trillion barrels of oil using coal-to-liquid technology – over 125 years of current consumption
•Provide over 2,000 trillion cubic feet of substitute natural gas – lasting a century at present rates of usage

Coal has been and will continue to be the steady workhorse for our electricity supply. And, through the process of coal conversion it can also help relieve our oil and natural gas constraints. Unlike any other nation, America’s coal creates an energy advantage that is abundant, secure and uniquely ours.
Yes, America is the Saudi Arabia of Coal - Coal Can Do That

Step one would be to quarantine the Lefties of 'Big Green.'
Why are most of the 0bama stickers on SUVs?

Granted there are a lot less of those stickers (and a lot more scrape-off resedue), but still...

You guys talk a good game,
Do you have a car that runs on natural gas and how eager do you think the coal concerns are to install the necessary equipment to "scrub" the waste clean that they spew out such as mercury? Will the Republicans embrace EPA regulations? LOLOL

After Long Battle, EPA to Unveil Rules for Cutting Smog from Coal Plants | Reuters
Power plants are the country's largest source of sulfur dioxide and mercury in addition to being the biggest stationary source of nitrogen oxide, McCarthy said. Her agency figures that the mix of smog, soot and other toxic pollutants contributes to one in 20 deaths occurring prematurely nationwide.
Of course conservatives won't flinch when it comes to sending troops into the Persian Gulf (I've been there) area to secure the transport route of Arabian oil and bankrolling monarchies in the process.
Yes, just imagine if we could get the leftists to quit squandering money on horribly inefficient enrgy plans like wind energy. Solar is fine for small installations like I have at home but on a large scale they become horribly inefficient. Coal is the cheapest best and most efficient source of energy in the whole world. With modern technology it is no more polluting then natural gas and forget about the CO2 nonsense.

CO2 is NECCESSARY and NOT A POLLUTANT. That is a fraud. The more CO2 the better plants grow. Look at the fossils of long ago when CO2 levels were 20 times higher then today....everything was bigger, the plants, the animals, the insects, everything. It was a paradise.
Of course conservatives won't flinch when it comes to sending troops into the Persian Gulf (I've been there) area to secure the transport route of Arabian oil and bankrolling monarchies in the process.

Yes and your leftists demagogues shut down domestic oil production and give it to foreign countries like your pal Obama did with Brazil. Doesn't Soros own a huge chunk of Petrobras? Connection? Nahhh that would be too easy.
Come on, tree-huggers!

Get in your VOLTs and convoy on down to Washington DC...

You haven't had a good protest since your loss in Wisconsin...

Do it!
Yes, just imagine if we could get the leftists to quit squandering money on horribly inefficient enrgy plans like wind energy. Solar is fine for small installations like I have at home but on a large scale they become horribly inefficient. Coal is the cheapest best and most efficient source of energy in the whole world. With modern technology it is no more polluting then natural gas and forget about the CO2 nonsense.

CO2 is NECCESSARY and NOT A POLLUTANT. That is a fraud. The more CO2 the better plants grow. Look at the fossils of long ago when CO2 levels were 20 times higher then today....everything was bigger, the plants, the animals, the insects, everything. It was a paradise.
So power companies and republicans are ready to embrace clean air regulations? You're funny :lol:
Do you have a car that runs on natural gas and how eager do you think the coal concerns are to install the necessary equipment to "scrub" the waste clean that they spew out such as mercury? Will the Republicans embrace EPA regulations? LOLOL

After Long Battle, EPA to Unveil Rules for Cutting Smog from Coal Plants | Reuters
Power plants are the country's largest source of sulfur dioxide and mercury in addition to being the biggest stationary source of nitrogen oxide, McCarthy said. Her agency figures that the mix of smog, soot and other toxic pollutants contributes to one in 20 deaths occurring prematurely nationwide.
I notice how none of the conservative posters have addressed the national security issues associated w/ relying on importing oil from the Middle East. This action, by proxy, also enriches people like Wahabbist's in Saudi. Of course the Repubs have no problem w/ Islam? :eusa_eh: :lol:
I'll take the left seriously when they start walking the walk....
I'm sure they do everything in hopes of gaining your approval. :rolleyes: HEY!!! Who you gonna vote for, Romney or Bachmann? :)
Of course conservatives won't flinch when it comes to sending troops into the Persian Gulf (I've been there) area to secure the transport route of Arabian oil and bankrolling monarchies in the process.

The coal is right here, Dotty.

"Although 90 percent of the country's coal reserves are concentrated in 10 states, coal in mined in 27 states and can be found in even more. Montana has the most coal, 25 percent of demonstrated reserves. Wyoming, third among states with the most coal, is first in coal output, accounting for 18 percent of annual production."
27 Coal-Mining States

27 states....that means only 30 other states for the Obamunists....

Just jettison this President and untie the hands of the American people.
i notice how none of the conservative posters have addressed the national security issues associated w/ relying on importing oil from the middle east. This action, by proxy, also enriches people like wahabbist's in saudi. Of course the repubs have no problem w/ islam? :eusa_eh: :lol:

c-o-a-l i-s r-i-g-h-t h-e-r-e...
i notice how none of the conservative posters have addressed the national security issues associated w/ relying on importing oil from the middle east. This action, by proxy, also enriches people like wahabbist's in saudi. Of course the repubs have no problem w/ islam? :eusa_eh: :lol:

c-o-a-l i-s r-i-g-h-t h-e-r-e...

coal is also a fossil fuel and you failed to address my previous post:
Power plants are the country's largest source of sulfur dioxide and mercury in addition to being the biggest stationary source of nitrogen oxide, McCarthy said. Her agency figures that the mix of smog, soot and other toxic pollutants contributes to one in 20 deaths occurring prematurely nationwide.
Wonder if the conservatives realize that the U.S. only has @ 4% of the worlds oil resrves? You can only "drill baby drill" for so long. Why do they "cling" ;) to oil at the expense of seeking out alternative sources?

Oh dam -- I don't know -- why don't you give us the exhaustive list of "alternative sources" and then I'll tell you..

You might want to read this first..

The entire list of "alternatives" has severe restrictions and problems. SOME of these problems have environmental consequences. But By all means -- educate us.. Don't make us do all the work...
i notice how none of the conservative posters have addressed the national security issues associated w/ relying on importing oil from the middle east. This action, by proxy, also enriches people like wahabbist's in saudi. Of course the repubs have no problem w/ islam? :eusa_eh: :lol:

c-o-a-l i-s r-i-g-h-t h-e-r-e...

coal is also a fossil fuel and you failed to address my previous post:
Power plants are the country's largest source of sulfur dioxide and mercury in addition to being the biggest stationary source of nitrogen oxide, McCarthy said. Her agency figures that the mix of smog, soot and other toxic pollutants contributes to one in 20 deaths occurring prematurely nationwide.

Haven't you noticed that these studies are rarely worth much more than the paper they are written on.

I have difficulty believing their import, and won't, until the undue influence of Big Green is obviated.

"...Her agency figures that the mix of smog, soot and other toxic pollutants contributes to one in 20 deaths ..."
These folks also say CO2 is a pollutant.
Did you notice that the Chinese aren't dropping like flies?

If you are interested in broadening your horizon, you might take a look at James Delingpole's "Watermelons: The Green Movement's True Colors."

Green on the outside, but red on the inside.
I wonder if the hand-wringers, that would be you, realize that if we could marginalize the liberals and rely on can-do folks, that would be conservatives, we could solve the so-called 'energy quandary.'

The United States is the Saudi Arabia of coal...

Whenever a poster starts with "liberals = bad; cons = good," rest assured some horseshit is about to follow. This one didn't disappoint.

Every time I see you contribute here, junior Coulter, I feel dumber for having absorbed your latest pap.

Do you have any idea of the different grades of coal? I guess if most of your figures are peat/lignite, barely enough to light a fart's worth of flame, no matter. There's trillions of cubic meters of it!!!!

Back to reality, read a book.

Study - World's 'Peak Coal' Moment Has Arrived -

Bottom line, say the paper's co-authors, Tadeusz Patzek, a University of Texas engineering professor, and Greg Croft, a St. Mary's College of California earth science professor, is that the 7 billion tons of coal the world is now mining and burning each year is about the best it can do.

"Our ability to produce this resource at 8 billion tons per year, in my mind, is a dream," Patzek said.

Coal reality:

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