Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. comes out supporting issuing reparations to the black community

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
This will seal Biden's fate, or any other democrat who takes his place if he steps down. This should solidify NO conservative, let alone (R), votes moving from Trump to RFK.

This will seal Biden's fate, or any other democrat who takes his place if he steps down. This should solidify NO conservative, let alone (R), votes moving from Trump to RFK.

What a liberal suck up!
A desperate campaign calls for desperate tactics. It's bad news for old Brandon though and might draw off some of the crazy democrat base.
No conservative will vote to force white people give money to blacks they didn’t earn, which means he will not peel off Trump voters.

He may, however, peel off 5% of Democrats who despise Trump but don’t want to vote for man with rapidly advancing dementia, enabled a crime wave, funded a terrorist regime, and opened our borders.

Translation: Trump wins.
And all the respect I'd had for him went right out the window with just one comment.

Up till now I'd had a lot of respect for him and listened to what he said. But this? He can go suck an egg for all I care.
This will seal Biden's fate, or any other democrat who takes his place if he steps down. This should solidify NO conservative, let alone (R), votes moving from Trump to RFK.

Well, he's a self-described lifelong Democrat, so it's no surprise that he's a racist, I guess.
Where's Biden's reparations task force. Remember that. 😜 that campaign promise? Is Kamala on that.

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