Indesputable Proof Typical Twoofer is a Moron - Zogby Poll


sorry, youy didnt make the text in your pic small enough. i was still able to read "Scripps" and "2006" which would mean it is the survery that said 1/3 of americans believe that federal officials may have been involved.

i dont know what the other numbers are because your pic is hard to read but the 77 percent is....

"But the new survey found that 77 percent say their friends and acquaintances have become angrier with government recently and 54 percent say they, themselves, have become angrier _ both record levels."

thats certainly not saying 77 percent think like you do!! :lol: it doesnt mean they think that 9/11 was an inside job.

Third of Americans suspect 9-11 government conspiracy | ScrippsNews

the 9/11 commission didnt investigate it because it had no reason to investigate it. it wasnt attacked on 9/11 and there is no evidence it was. most people answering they should have investigated it doesnt mean they think it was an inside job.

you really are a fucking moron for posting this shit without thinking about it first. that actually is somewhat reflective of society...Clinton should get 100% of the blame actually but I can see where some blame Bush. I know you libs hate him for beating the living shit out of Gore and Kerry in two straight elections.

I'm Republican and support all wars regardless. I honestly believe we need to strike Iran's enrichment facilities, etc............I'm just calling a spade a spade.
Notice how the soucrces posted by the treasonous twoofers are all either old, or from sources hostile to the good ole USA, or both.

The twoofers are getting smaller in number, the only ones left are the ones that wish harm to the USA.

That's why the twoofers are treasonous.......

I have posted several challenges to them to dispute the 911 commission report. Thus far, the only responses I get are falling into two distinct catagories;
1)the delusional anti-boooosh rantings of lunatics
2)treasonous statements against the US Govt.

Sad really.
I wish to introduce a couple new acronyms;

TT=Treasonous twoofers
LF=Lunatic fringe
TS=Terral Syndrome, a form of delusional paranoia

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