Indiana clinic denies treatment to a child with an infection because unvaxxed

These medical people are cultists. They are also instant fascists who go from nice to Nazi in no time flat. Since when, in our America, have simpleton medical employees gained the power to supersede our constitutional rights?

A law which reflects common sense and common decency, and reflects badly on society only because such a law is needed to establish what ought to have been a given.

If some faggot shows up at a hospital with a ruptured colon, nothing in this law suggests that any physician should not treat him, nor do I think any physician would have good reason to so refuse.

On the other hand, some faggot demanding that his junk be surgically mutilated and that he be further mutilated to promote some delusion that he's actually a woman, any doctor should have every right to refuse to have any part of that; and I would have to seriously question the ethics and moral character any any doctor that would not refuse.

Likewise, some pregnant whore demanding that a doctor murder her unborn child.

It's sad that there is any need for a law to protect doctors from being forced to perform procedures which are blatantly immoral.
Bob and dave, of course I completely disagree that the vaccines are fake. I'll leave it at that!
It shouldn't. The unvaxed was warned. They are the reason we haven't achieved herd immunity. They are responsible for the variants. They are the ones spreading our doctors thin. 75% of the ICU beds are filled with unvaccinated schmucks..
IT SHOULD!!! YOU are the liar!!! In ONE state the max Covid takes 30% of capacity. This is AFTER a 36% INCREASE IN CAPACITY since the pandemic started!!!

See if you can understand this graphic you lying idiot!! If it's 20% now overall in the US then frankly I am overestimating!!

IT SHOULD!!! YOU are the liar!!! In ONE state the max Covid takes 30% of capacity. This is AFTER a 36% INCREASE IN CAPACITY since the pandemic started!!!

See if you can understand this graphic you lying idiot!! If it's 20% now overall in the US then frankly I am overestimating!!


Excuse me?

States requesting federal help to combat latest surge in COVID-19 patients​

Mississippi officials have requested the use of a military hospital ship.

Several states are requesting or beginning to discuss future asks for federal help in battling COVID-19 surges, according to a new federal document obtained by ABC News.

Mississippi, Florida and Louisiana are among those reporting staffing and hospital capacity concerns as the number of COVID-19 patients rise, according to an internal U.S. Department of Health and Human Services planning document obtained Wednesday.

So now are you going to accuse Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana of being in on the conspiracy?
These medical people are cultists. They are also instant fascists who go from nice to Nazi in no time flat. Since when, in our America, have simpleton medical employees gained the power to supersede our constitutional rights?
The medical community is divided on this issue just like everywhere else in the world

This woman is very radical and no doubt a real bitch in her personal life too
Bob and dave, of course I completely disagree that the vaccines are fake. I'll leave it at that!

If the mRNA injections were not fake, then they would not slowly decrease in efficacy over time, until after 4 months they are essentially worthless.
From my understanding, it appears that all they do is to temporarily stimulate antibody production, but do nothing to long term T-cell immune system memory.
And that seems fairly obvious because all these mRNA injections do is promote spike protein growth.
That can never enter T-cell memory because our own exosome already have to use those same spike proteins in order to access ACE2 receptors.
It shouldn't. The unvaxed was warned. They are the reason we haven't achieved herd immunity. They are responsible for the variants. They are the ones spreading our doctors thin. 75% of the ICU beds are filled with unvaccinated schmucks..

The unvaxed are the ones getting REAL immunity from recovery.
It is only the unvaxed who will achieve herd immunity.
The vaxed only get a temporary boost in antibody production, which just reduces symptoms, but does nothing towards immunity.
If the mRNA injections were not fake, then they would not slowly decrease in efficacy over time, until after 4 months they are essentially worthless.
From my understanding, it appears that all they do is to temporarily stimulate antibody production, but do nothing to long term T-cell immune system memory.
I think that's mostly true and is even granted by the professional medical experts. Everybody who truly cares is doing the best they can with vaccines and other protective measures.

Trump did his best too, albeit that best included bleach, bright lights, and horse dewormer.

When you start off with an attempt to spam the issue, you're always going to get back in return some uncomfortable truths.

When you decide to talk to me Rigby, you don't start off by trying to cause a fight.
Your assertion that the vaccines are fake can't qualify as something we can consider to be sincere. We crossed that bridge when Biden stole Trump's election! LOL
The unvaxed are the ones getting REAL immunity from recovery.
It is only the unvaxed who will achieve herd immunity.
The vaxed only get a temporary boost in antibody production, which just reduces symptoms, but does nothing towards immunity.
You're so fucking wrong

There are two main paths to herd immunity for COVID-19 — infection and vaccines.

Natural infection​

Herd immunity can be reached when enough people in the population have recovered from a disease and have developed protective antibodies against future infection.

However, there are some major problems with relying on community infection to create herd immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19:

  • Reinfection. It’s not clear how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have antibodies, you could get COVID-19 again.
  • Health impact. Experts estimate that in the U.S., 70% of the population — more than 200 million people — would have to recover from COVID-19 to halt the pandemic. This number of infections could lead to serious complications and millions of deaths, especially among older people and those who have existing health conditions. The health care system could quickly become overwhelmed.


Herd immunity also can be reached when enough people have been vaccinated against a disease and have developed protective antibodies against future infection. Unlike the natural infection method, vaccines create immunity without causing illness or resulting complications. Using the concept of herd immunity, vaccines have successfully controlled contagious diseases such as smallpox, polio, diphtheria, rubella and many others.

Herd immunity makes it possible to protect the population from a disease, including those who can't be vaccinated, such as newborns or those who have compromised immune systems.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved one COVID-19 vaccine and given emergency use authorization to a handful of COVID-19 vaccines.

But reaching herd immunity through vaccination against COVID-19 might be difficult for many reasons. For example:

  • Vaccine hesitancy. Some people may object to getting a COVID-19 vaccine because of religious objections, fears about the possible risks or skepticism about the benefits. If the proportion of vaccinated people in a community is below the herd immunity threshold, a contagious disease could continue to spread.
albeit that best included bleach, bright lights, and horse dewormer.
It is clear you were never taught to tell the truth, duck. Try linking your lies. You won't. You never do. You just spout shit about the US with no substantiation even though you are a lousy canuck. Typical leftist troll.
This is outlandishly sick covidian practioner nurse who pulled this chit refusing a child medication for an infection and threatening mom needs her license pulled.

RediMed North
315 East Cook Road
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
(260) 458-3800

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God, that bitch has got crazy in her eyes! I think the mom and child might be lucky to NOT be receiving care from that monster. That's the kind of ghoul who is so caught up in drama that they make medical mistakes.

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