Indiana clinic denies treatment to a child with an infection because unvaxxed

Fired for telling the truth. People need to ban these medical facilities off their go to for care as they are exposed for what they are and are doing.

St. Lukes in Boise had my dad for the ten days while he was bleeding to death internally. After his ten days of insurance was up they booted him to go home and die of internal bleeding. He had another six to ten days before he would be fully bled out. He wasn't ready to die and when we got home with him he asked me to find a way to stop the bleeding. Got the bleeding stop with herbs. That was over ten years ago and I had a lot to learn about herbs. He lasted an extra year but that could have been extended and with better results for him if he had someone who was knowledgeable in herbs, nutrition and the natural to care for him back then.

The ghouls need to be stopped.
Apparently the "doctor is known in the community for being somewhat aggressive in public.

"Hicks says the doctor in question also has children at her school district. According to the people who contacted Hicks, they say that the doctor was also present at one of the meetings where people were holding up signs on various street corners. The doctor lashed out at a group of people and “got up in their faces yelling at them.” Hicks said that the woman was so disruptive and aggressive that police had to intervene."

It is clear you were never taught to tell the truth, duck. Try linking your lies. You won't. You never do. You just spout shit about the US with no substantiation even though you are a lousy canuck. Typical leftist troll.
Are you kidding? We listened to Trump float these ridiculous ideas. We saw the doctor sitting there shocked as Trump said these stupid things.

US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body.
He also appeared to propose irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing.
Another of his officials had moments earlier said sunlight and disinfectant were known to kill the infection.
Disinfectants are hazardous substances and can be poisonous if ingested.
Even external exposure can be dangerous to the skin, eyes and respiratory system.

What did President Trump say?​

"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light," the president said, turning to Dr Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response co-ordinator, "and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it.
"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting," the president continued.

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

"So it'd be interesting to check that."
Pointing to his head, Mr Trump went on: "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what."

He turned again to Dr Birx and asked if she had ever heard of using "the heat and the light" to treat coronavirus.
"Not as a treatment," Dr Birx said. "I mean, certainly, fever is a good thing. When you have a fever, it helps your body respond. But I've not seen heat or light."
"I think it's a great thing to look at," Mr Trump said.

Apparently the "doctor is known in the community for being somewhat aggressive in public.

"Hicks says the doctor in question also has children at her school district. According to the people who contacted Hicks, they say that the doctor was also present at one of the meetings where people were holding up signs on various street corners. The doctor lashed out at a group of people and “got up in their faces yelling at them.” Hicks said that the woman was so disruptive and aggressive that police had to intervene."

Obama Says "Argue With Neighbors, Get In Their Face"​ › watch

Sep 18, 2008 — Barack Obama tells a crowd of supporters - I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to ...
Excuse me?

States requesting federal help to combat latest surge in COVID-19 patients​

Mississippi officials have requested the use of a military hospital ship.

Several states are requesting or beginning to discuss future asks for federal help in battling COVID-19 surges, according to a new federal document obtained by ABC News.

Mississippi, Florida and Louisiana are among those reporting staffing and hospital capacity concerns as the number of COVID-19 patients rise, according to an internal U.S. Department of Health and Human Services planning document obtained Wednesday.

So now are you going to accuse Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana of being in on the conspiracy?
Ah, Sealy? Florida has some of the lowest Covid rates in the country! Get your head out of CNN's ass!
The unvaxed are the ones getting REAL immunity from recovery.
It is only the unvaxed who will achieve herd immunity.
The vaxed only get a temporary boost in antibody production, which just reduces symptoms, but does nothing towards immunity.
The data is clear: Natural immunity is not better. The COVID-19 vaccines create more effective and longer-lasting immunity than natural immunity from infection.

  • More than a third of COVID-19 infections result in zero protective antibodies
  • Natural immunity fades faster than vaccine immunity
  • Natural immunity alone is less than half as effective than natural immunity plus vaccination
That whirrrring sound is Hippocrates spinning in his grave.
Really….I think he was already spinning from the laws you guys passed allowing people to refuse to give treatment or prescriptions for “moral or religious reasons”.
The data is clear: Natural immunity is not better. The COVID-19 vaccines create more effective and longer-lasting immunity than natural immunity from infection.

  • More than a third of COVID-19 infections result in zero protective antibodies
  • Natural immunity fades faster than vaccine immunity
  • Natural immunity alone is less than half as effective than natural immunity plus vaccination

Apparently the "doctor is known in the community for being somewhat aggressive in public.

"Hicks says the doctor in question also has children at her school district. According to the people who contacted Hicks, they say that the doctor was also present at one of the meetings where people were holding up signs on various street corners. The doctor lashed out at a group of people and “got up in their faces yelling at them.” Hicks said that the woman was so disruptive and aggressive that police had to intervene."


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