Indiana Jones 5 bombs epically at Box Office

I can't imagine anyone wanting to see this.
I saw the trailer and the facial CGI is terrible.
Harrison is 80 years old.
Trying to make him look 40 is absurd, and doesn't work. So the audience is suppose to ignore that and pretend they don't notice.
The de-aging is for one small scene.
Well, Kathleen ”the force is female” Kennedy has destroyed yet another franchise:
Star Wars - check
MCU - check
Indiana Jones - check!

$300 million budget barely makes $60m domestic. It’s bombing in China too.

Turns out Doomcock was right, it’s obvious this movie was reshot and edited so many times.
The original ending was to have Indy die and Fleabag Phoebe Waller was supposed to take over as Indy in the past. Luckily since that ending was leaked and caused an uproar, they reshoot the movie and practically re-wrote the script to save Indy from that fate. It didn’t stop Kennedy from projecting her Feminist self into the movie as Fleabag in order to emasculate Indy and do everything better than him, because she is a sTrOnG iNdEpEnDaNt WyaMaN!

Go woke, go broke.

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It bombed because Indy is too old/not sexy
If Harrison Ford is elected by the board to go run Paramount at 80 years old, more power to him. He may be great just like Joe Biden.
Because diversity hires can’t get it done?
It bombed because Indy is too old/not sexy
It bombed because the story sucked and characters were terrible.

Fleabag the know-it-all feminist that does everything better, and tired old white guy that no one respects.
Like somebody said ....

They shoot too many pictures and not enough actors over there in Hollyweird!:laugh:haaaaaaaaaaaa
I enjoyed the movie. I thought it was pretty good actually. Did I think it was good as Raiders or Temple of Doom? No not as good, but still a very enjoyable film.
Temple of Doom sucked.
I actually think "Temple of Doom" was by far my favorite Indiana Jones film, I liked it even better than raiders. It was by far the darkest of all the Indiana Jones films, that is what I loved so much about it. As a kid I fell in love with the Temple and people being thrown in a firepit with their hearts ripped out.
Holy Shit.

I had been planning to go see this one. . . but it is pretty much getting universally panned. They are even saying that D&D movie is better. :oops:

Indiana Jones And The Destruction Of Legacy​

I actually liked Crystal Skull
You know, I didn't when it first came out, because of the shadow of the first three.

But after I saw it two more times, it grew on me. I had to view it in that context.

I feel that same about Lucas' pre-quels. I like them now, not as much as the original trilogy, but they are real Star Wars movies to me now. That shit Disney calls, "Star Wars," after Lucas sold the rights? IMO? That stuff is just trash.

IMO? I think the writers, producers, and directors of this last one, were fools for not making a great story with the use of Shia LaBeouf, just b/c he made the mistake of talking plane. He has always had emotional problems. Folks in Hollywood know that about him.


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