Indicting Democrats as .......'Intellectuals'!

For clarity, the term 'intellectual' does not mean the same thing to both sides of the aisle.

As explained earlier in the thread, it is not .....not....a term of approbation to the Right, and is applied in a somewhat snide manner.
As explained earlier, everything positive that the Right lacks is disparaged in a somewhat snide manner by the insanely jealous Right.
Get it "Einstein?"

You're back for another lesson?
Why not....after all a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal.

Now...take notes so you don't look so foolish again....

9. Every totalitarian view...Socialist, communist, Fascist, Liberal, Progressive, and Nazi, ...originated in Germany, with Hegel..... The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule.

As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest”
Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany

The 'Shameful Six'- Socialist, communist, Fascist, Liberal, Progressive, and Nazi,- all have the same demand of submission to government as their doctrines.

Americans, quite the opposite.
In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.” the above....take your time, I understand you're not as bright as some of us....
.....and I'll continue with the explanation what 'intellectual' has come to mean, and why.
Repeating your lies does not make them any less of a lie, but only exposes you as a serial liar.
Thank you.

I never you've proven: you gave no example of any.
Clearly, this is your way of begging for another lesson...

OK....Ok....calm down.
Here it is...and, just as you expect, it will be undeniable.

10. Progressives rushed to study in Germany during the 19th century, where they were infected with Hegel's philosophy of bowing to government, .....and Bismarck's ideas of the welfare state.


"....universities—notably Johns Hopkins and the University of Chicago—were being founded along Germanic lines. ....

Then, in the 1930s and 1940s, the intelligentsia received a huge boost from an infusion of large numbers of refugees from Nazi Europe, [welcomed in by none other than Edward R. Murrow....]

.... it was only after World War II that the American intelligentsia really came into its own.

"More than 70 years of this social sorting have given us a distinctive, insular, and powerful intellectual elite, shaped by the prejudices, anxieties, and affectations of the faculty lounge [think Barack Obama]; separated from the rest by ever-greater social, economic, and cultural distance; and hardening into a self-perpetuating caste. This ruling intelligentsia—or “educationdom,” ....[is our Liberal establishment]...

A good working definition may be a class of educated people who, like Lewis Carroll’s White Queen, are able to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Intelligentsia Elegy

The Liberals' demigod, Franklin Roosevelt did everything he could to made certain that communism survived WWII.
His Party took up the effort after he passed
As seen in this thread, the Democrats incorporated every one of the traits that the Bolshevik intelligentia evinced.

It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals!

√ an obsession with egalitarian social justice
√ paralyzes the love of and interest in truth
√ hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other;
√ and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse
√ fervent rejection of Christianity √ a hatred of the will of the people √ lacking any serious need for moral courage, √ increasingly at odds with the workings of democracy
√ hatred of its own history and the confusion of that hatred with a “passionate ethical impulse”
Intelligentsia Elegy

Compare this checklist with every Democrat/Liberal proclamation.
Never a met bible beating creationist who thought book learning was good thing

There's only one book we need to read and thats bible right hillbillies?

I’m the God-fearing, gun-toting, flag-waving conservative you were warned about.

Let me know when you're ready to compare education résumés.
Im sure youve read the bible a lot. The bible is a great way to get you illiterate inbred hillbillies to read, just maybe try another book once in awhile

Let me know when you're ready to compare education résumés.
I dont think anyone who loves anne coulter can claim they have an education

Did they actually award you a diploma at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College????
The first and second posts in this thread are ABSOLUTELY and COMPLETELY 100% TRUE and of the best caliber I have seen at this forum. THE FACT is democrat voters and liberals are MURDERERS, ENABLERS of communist radical insurgents in this country, and above all TREASONIST. FACTS have no place in their life. The FACT is they are the mirror image of the indoctrinees that followed hitler and their leaders have exactly the same agenda as hitler. The players are different, the game is the same. In this country it started just after 1940, and almost fell in the 50's but the communist PRESS. and the communist infiltrators in the government did the same thing they are doing NOW attacked the people trying to remove the spies and treasonist from our government. This is for all the cards and they know it. IF we can get rid of all the people oshitscumass hired in all of the critical offices in government we MAY have a chance to prevent the takeover of our government by communist and Remove them from our midst. If the dimshits ever get control AGAIN, the freedoms we enjoy now are gone and we will be under a government like the one in France. That is just a small step from a dictatorship.
Clearly, this is your way of begging for another lesson...

OK....Ok....calm down.
Here it is...and, just as you expect, it will be undeniable.

10. Progressives rushed to study in Germany during the 19th century, where they were infected with Hegel's philosophy of bowing to government, .....and Bismarck's ideas of the welfare state.


"....universities—notably Johns Hopkins and the University of Chicago—were being founded along Germanic lines. ....

Then, in the 1930s and 1940s, the intelligentsia received a huge boost from an infusion of large numbers of refugees from Nazi Europe, [welcomed in by none other than Edward R. Murrow....]

.... it was only after World War II that the American intelligentsia really came into its own.

"More than 70 years of this social sorting have given us a distinctive, insular, and powerful intellectual elite, shaped by the prejudices, anxieties, and affectations of the faculty lounge [think Barack Obama]; separated from the rest by ever-greater social, economic, and cultural distance; and hardening into a self-perpetuating caste. This ruling intelligentsia—or “educationdom,” ....[is our Liberal establishment]...

A good working definition may be a class of educated people who, like Lewis Carroll’s White Queen, are able to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Intelligentsia Elegy

The Liberals' demigod, Franklin Roosevelt did everything he could to made certain that communism survived WWII.
His Party took up the effort after he passed
As seen in this thread, the Democrats incorporated every one of the traits that the Bolshevik intelligentia evinced.

It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals!

√ an obsession with egalitarian social justice
√ paralyzes the love of and interest in truth
√ hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other;
√ and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse
√ fervent rejection of Christianity √ a hatred of the will of the people √ lacking any serious need for moral courage, √ increasingly at odds with the workings of democracy
√ hatred of its own history and the confusion of that hatred with a “passionate ethical impulse”
Intelligentsia Elegy

Compare this checklist with every Democrat/Liberal proclamation.
Lies, all lies.
Nancy Pelosi the top Democrat in congress, in a display of her intellectual superiority, today proclaimed that she could not work with President Bush. :laugh::laugh::laugh: Those standing behind her looked baffled, but dared not correct her.
The first and second posts in this thread are ABSOLUTELY and COMPLETELY 100% TRUE and of the best caliber I have seen at this forum. THE FACT is democrat voters and liberals are MURDERERS, ENABLERS of communist radical insurgents in this country, and above all TREASONIST. FACTS have no place in their life. The FACT is they are the mirror image of the indoctrinees that followed hitler and their leaders have exactly the same agenda as hitler. The players are different, the game is the same. In this country it started just after 1940, and almost fell in the 50's but the communist PRESS. and the communist infiltrators in the government did the same thing they are doing NOW attacked the people trying to remove the spies and treasonist from our government. This is for all the cards and they know it. IF we can get rid of all the people oshitscumass hired in all of the critical offices in government we MAY have a chance to prevent the takeover of our government by communist and Remove them from our midst. If the dimshits ever get control AGAIN, the freedoms we enjoy now are gone and we will be under a government like the one in France. That is just a small step from a dictatorship.

You are very kind.
Thank you for those sentiments.
Clearly, this is your way of begging for another lesson...

OK....Ok....calm down.
Here it is...and, just as you expect, it will be undeniable.

10. Progressives rushed to study in Germany during the 19th century, where they were infected with Hegel's philosophy of bowing to government, .....and Bismarck's ideas of the welfare state.


"....universities—notably Johns Hopkins and the University of Chicago—were being founded along Germanic lines. ....

Then, in the 1930s and 1940s, the intelligentsia received a huge boost from an infusion of large numbers of refugees from Nazi Europe, [welcomed in by none other than Edward R. Murrow....]

.... it was only after World War II that the American intelligentsia really came into its own.

"More than 70 years of this social sorting have given us a distinctive, insular, and powerful intellectual elite, shaped by the prejudices, anxieties, and affectations of the faculty lounge [think Barack Obama]; separated from the rest by ever-greater social, economic, and cultural distance; and hardening into a self-perpetuating caste. This ruling intelligentsia—or “educationdom,” ....[is our Liberal establishment]...

A good working definition may be a class of educated people who, like Lewis Carroll’s White Queen, are able to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Intelligentsia Elegy

The Liberals' demigod, Franklin Roosevelt did everything he could to made certain that communism survived WWII.
His Party took up the effort after he passed
As seen in this thread, the Democrats incorporated every one of the traits that the Bolshevik intelligentia evinced.

It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals!

√ an obsession with egalitarian social justice
√ paralyzes the love of and interest in truth
√ hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other;
√ and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse
√ fervent rejection of Christianity √ a hatred of the will of the people √ lacking any serious need for moral courage, √ increasingly at odds with the workings of democracy
√ hatred of its own history and the confusion of that hatred with a “passionate ethical impulse”
Intelligentsia Elegy

Compare this checklist with every Democrat/Liberal proclamation.
Lies, all lies.

Gee....I searched for any seem to have forgotten....or been include any examples of same that you could point to.

Afraid I'm gonna have to give you a failing grade again.

You must be used to that by now, huh?
Clearly, this is your way of begging for another lesson...

OK....Ok....calm down.
Here it is...and, just as you expect, it will be undeniable.

10. Progressives rushed to study in Germany during the 19th century, where they were infected with Hegel's philosophy of bowing to government, .....and Bismarck's ideas of the welfare state.


"....universities—notably Johns Hopkins and the University of Chicago—were being founded along Germanic lines. ....

Then, in the 1930s and 1940s, the intelligentsia received a huge boost from an infusion of large numbers of refugees from Nazi Europe, [welcomed in by none other than Edward R. Murrow....]

.... it was only after World War II that the American intelligentsia really came into its own.

"More than 70 years of this social sorting have given us a distinctive, insular, and powerful intellectual elite, shaped by the prejudices, anxieties, and affectations of the faculty lounge [think Barack Obama]; separated from the rest by ever-greater social, economic, and cultural distance; and hardening into a self-perpetuating caste. This ruling intelligentsia—or “educationdom,” ....[is our Liberal establishment]...

A good working definition may be a class of educated people who, like Lewis Carroll’s White Queen, are able to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Intelligentsia Elegy

The Liberals' demigod, Franklin Roosevelt did everything he could to made certain that communism survived WWII.
His Party took up the effort after he passed
As seen in this thread, the Democrats incorporated every one of the traits that the Bolshevik intelligentia evinced.

It's a checklist for the Democrats and Liberals!

√ an obsession with egalitarian social justice
√ paralyzes the love of and interest in truth
√ hypnotic faith in its own ideology and intolerance for any other;
√ and the adoption of “hatred as a passionate ethical impulse
√ fervent rejection of Christianity √ a hatred of the will of the people √ lacking any serious need for moral courage, √ increasingly at odds with the workings of democracy
√ hatred of its own history and the confusion of that hatred with a “passionate ethical impulse”
Intelligentsia Elegy

Compare this checklist with every Democrat/Liberal proclamation.
Lies, all lies.

Gee....I searched for any seem to have forgotten....or been include any examples of same that you could point to.

Afraid I'm gonna have to give you a failing grade again.

You must be used to that by now, huh?
What don't you understand about the word "all?"
11. " Lewis Carroll’s White Queen, are able to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Here, in no particular order, is a full day’s worth:

colleges are hotbeds of rape culture;
Cuba has excellent health care;
the New York Times has no partisan bias;
Islamophobia is a meaningful word; poverty causes crime;
poverty causes terrorism; global warming causes terrorism;
gender is a social construct;
capitalism causes racism;
racism causes crime;
racism causes poverty;
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia; and so on.

At least in the Soviet case, complicity in a soul-crushing system of official lies was coerced at the point of a bayonet. It is disturbing that, with our intelligentsia, these beliefs are self-inflicted."
Intelligentsia Elegy

The romance with totalitarian governance by Liberals/Democrats, may be explainable.....even understandable.....

...but it isn't American.
While the Left, the Liberals and Democrats imagine that 'intellectual' is the sort of title that they demand for their side.....and every GOP, Republican, or conservative is immediately classified as 'stooooopid,'....the facts are very, very dispositive....and in the very opposite direction.

"The election of Barack Obama was the singular triumph of this class. .... But among the intelligentsia, this ecstasy was heightened considerably because he was One Of Us. His imminent canonization as a secular saint is best understood in the context of the arrival of the intelligentsia at the apex of American political power.

Obama was only the second professional intellectual to be elected president, the first being Woodrow Wilson.

It is probably not a coincidence that these two presidents have been temperamentally our least democratic."
Intelligentsia Elegy

Woodrow segregation and that Democrat creation, Jim Crow, to the federal government.

And Barack Obama, clearly the most unmitigated failure in both domestic and foreign policy in neigh on a hundred years.

"he was a handsome man
and what i want to know is
how do you like your blue-eyed boy
Mister Death"
ee cummings

'intellectuals'??? 'Intelligentia' ????
One more failed view in a constellation of failures by the Left.
Last night on CNN, Ted Cruz debated Bernie Sanders, and actually posited something that was in post #23 yesterday:

" In the Soviet intelligentsia of his own day, Solzhenitsyn saw only a spiritually spent shadow of its pre-revolutionary predecessor—subverted by the Soviet state and stripped of the few virtues that the old class possessed.

Where before the intelligentsia felt a sense of obligation to and repentance before “the people,” now there was only a sense that it was the people who were guilty and stubbornly refused to repent. "

Explaining the erratic behavior of the Democrats since the election loss, Crus said:
"Sen. Ted Cruz said Sen. Elizabeth Warren was “lashing out” at the American people Tuesday because she’s angry about the November election.

Mr. Cruz said Mrs. Warren was “lashing out at Jeff Sessions and, really, lashing out at the American people [because] she’s angry about the election.”

“We’re seeing in the Senate the Senate Democrats objecting to every single thing,” he said. “They’re foaming at the mouth, practically.”

“They’re angry with the voters. ‘How dare you vote in a Republican president, a Republican Senate, a Republican House?’” he said."
Ted Cruz: ‘Angry’ Elizabeth Warren ‘lashing out at the American people’

More proof of the thesis of this thread.


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