Indictment Of Denny Hastert Shows Us A Couple Of Things About Washington That Should Be Obvious


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Obama's Justice Department indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert on corruption charges. The administration wasn't very specific at first about why he was being charged, but they claimed it was over blackmail payouts he was paying to a perpetrator that will not be charged as part of the investigation.


Isn't blackmail a felony?

Apparently not according to this administration.


I don't know which situation makes me more sick. It appears that the former speaker was being blackmailed because of something he did when he was a high school wrestling coach in the friggen 70s. You see, the administration claims that this came to their attention because Hastert was making several $9000 withdrawals that were, according to the bank, suspicious. How they put two and two together merely from this is difficult to believe. If you believe that BS then you'll believe that Global Warming is the gravest threat to the United States, or that a disgusting video was the real cause of an attack in Benghazi.

The point being not only was Hastert a scumbag but because he's a Republican he is being watched by the Obama Administration. Using the Patriot Act, the Obama Administration feels they can record emails and listen to phone conversations without a warrant. Nothing is private to this administration.
Obama doesn't just go after Republicans though. One Democrat who tried to buck the administration came under indictment simply because he wouldn't do what he was told. I'm sure everyone has heard of Robert Menendez.

How many other politicians are out there currently on the verge of indictments if they dare to do or say anything Obama doesn't like????

This indictment does two brings up another Mark Foley type situation.....and it also keeps Republicans, and even Democrats (with similar pasts or just something they don't want made public) quiet, or at least keeps them from going after Obama like they normally would have. The purpose is subtle but predictable. Hillary is looking bad in the press, so a Republican needed to be targeted to balance things out. If they can make a Republican look like a pervert, it stains the entire party....even though this didn't happen while he was in office. As a result, Hillary's current and past activities don't look so bad. The fact that that she's selling us out to foreign interests and is about as phony as they come doesn't really matter in comparison.

Does it matter that the possibility exists that Hillary wouldn't be in this fix if emails to Sidney Blumenthal, a close Clinton confidant, hadn't been "leaked" to the press?

Far as I can see, this is the essence of political corruption. It means the powers that be want us to lower our standards because they want to give us the impression that everybody is why not elect the lying piece of shit that promises the most goodies.

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mud is obviously, now, a paid hack for the far right.

He gets Benghazi into the Haster issue. Give him brownie points.
This whole thing seems really fishy. Why would they just let the blackmailer get away with his crime?
mud is obviously, now, a paid hack for the far right.

He gets Benghazi into the Haster issue. Give him brownie points.

I think he could have slipped climate change and gun control in there too if he just tried a little harder.
mud is obviously, now, a paid hack for the far right.

He gets Benghazi into the Haster issue. Give him brownie points.

His analogy referencing Benghazi and "it was the video don't you know" is spot on.

What's the problem Jake?
mud is obviously, now, a paid hack for the far right.

He gets Benghazi into the Haster issue. Give him brownie points.

His analogy referencing Benghazi and "it was the video don't you know" is spot on. What's the problem Jake?
td, you have already been corrected by several on your lack of geo-politics expertise in the ME. The problem is the far right and the libertarian wings are losing power, at least for them. For the good center of America, we have hopes for the future of America.
This stinks to high heaven. Man is being blackmailed and lies of course to try to cover it up and he's the target by Bam Bam's Justice Department.

Obviously no problem with the blackmailer. Must be a Democrat blackmailer.
mud is obviously, now, a paid hack for the far right.

He gets Benghazi into the Haster issue. Give him brownie points.

His analogy referencing Benghazi and "it was the video don't you know" is spot on. What's the problem Jake?
td, you have already been corrected by several on your lack of geo-politics expertise in the ME. The problem is the far right and the libertarian wings are losing power, at least for them. For the good center of America, we have hopes for the future of America.

My understanding, my comprehension of the ME and the Ukraine and foreign policy blunders made by this mad man called Obama and his fucked up administration are undeniably bang on the money honey.

You keep saying I have been corrected. Do tell. Show me where I have been corrected sir.
mud is obviously, now, a paid hack for the far right.

He gets Benghazi into the Haster issue. Give him brownie points.

His analogy referencing Benghazi and "it was the video don't you know" is spot on. What's the problem Jake?
td, you have already been corrected by several on your lack of geo-politics expertise in the ME. The problem is the far right and the libertarian wings are losing power, at least for them. For the good center of America, we have hopes for the future of America.

My understanding, my comprehension of the ME and the Ukraine and foreign policy blunders made by this mad man called Obama and his fucked up administration are undeniably bang on the money honey.

You keep saying I have been corrected. Do tell. Show me where I have been corrected sir.
Vent and breathe deeply, and you will come out of your fit.

Breathe, breathe dip.

The neo-cons have little say about the policy other than to vent.

That's a good thing.
This whole thing seems really fishy. Why would they just let the blackmailer get away with his crime?

I do believe we are witnessing a political witch hunt in the here and now.

This prosecutor is fucking out to lunch and obviously has a hard on for Hastert.

Dershowitz was blunt in his criticism of the Prosecutor and the Justice Department pointing out that this law was intended to be applied to drug runners and other criminals in society. Not restaurant owners or small businesses or blackmail victim.

You won't believe the number of individuals who didn't even know about this law getting busted and their bank accounts seized by the feds and frozen for years. All because they made a deposit in cash of over $10,000....or a withdrawal.

It's sheer bullshit how the feds are using this law.
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"Indictment Of Denny Hastert Shows Us A Couple Of Things About Washington That Should Be Obvious"

The only thing obvious is that if Hastert were a democrat the OP and others on the right wouldn't be whining about the indictment, nor attempting to propagate ridiculous lies concerning the Obama Administration.
mud is obviously, now, a paid hack for the far right.

He gets Benghazi into the Haster issue. Give him brownie points.

His analogy referencing Benghazi and "it was the video don't you know" is spot on. What's the problem Jake?
td, you have already been corrected by several on your lack of geo-politics expertise in the ME. The problem is the far right and the libertarian wings are losing power, at least for them. For the good center of America, we have hopes for the future of America.

My understanding, my comprehension of the ME and the Ukraine and foreign policy blunders made by this mad man called Obama and his fucked up administration are undeniably bang on the money honey.

You keep saying I have been corrected. Do tell. Show me where I have been corrected sir.
Vent and breathe deeply, and you will come out of your fit.

Breathe, breathe dip.

The neo-cons have little say about the policy other than to vent.

That's a good thing.

Who needs to breathe deeply when I can laugh my ass off at Obama's foreign policy blunders?

Here's Libya.............."we came, we saw, he died" that douche bag Clinton was thrilled with Libyan policy.

You know. The country is now FUBAR'D and Christians and sane Muslims are on boats headed to Italy as I type.

Here's the pool party at your embassy in Tripoli. Swell move by Bam Bam and the douche bag to remove Gaddafi from office and leave a power vacuum eh?

Fucking smart eh?


Fucking morons.
"Indictment Of Denny Hastert Shows Us A Couple Of Things About Washington That Should Be Obvious"

The only thing obvious is that if Hastert were a democrat the OP and others on the right wouldn't be whining about the indictment, nor attempting to propagate ridiculous lies concerning the Obama Administration.

Piss off blanket statement asshole. You know who is screaming loud and proud over this bullshit indictment.

A true liberal. Rare breed. Dershowitz.
Nonsense, td, you aren't giving lessons to anyone on this.

Lesson One is: don't invade Iraq.
Nonsense, td, you aren't giving lessons to anyone on this.

Lesson One is: don't invade Iraq.

Ok here's one for the lesson books because you have to understand I was all in for not only invading Afghanistan and Iraq but for trying to stay there and turn the world around for all my girls there.

I was anti Taliban before you and others knew they existed. I've been pro women in the ME for two decades now my friend. I was thrilled when Benazir Bhutto died. There I said it. She gave the world the Taliban.

To Iraq. I felt Saddam wasn't the issue. Never was.

His sons were. You have to think Iraq at the time Jake. Truly. Saddam's sons were the WMDs that had to be taken out. This was the most opportune moment to do so.

20 20 hindsight? Was it worth the blood of all of our soldiers when Obama is actually negotiating with the Taliban? When that douche bag Hillary says we have to learn to "understand" this enemy?

Was all that blood worth it?

Not now. Not with the bullshit Obama has pulled to allow the very SUNNI ISIS to rule and gain a caliphate.

Obama has undone everything all for his love for the MB and Sunnis.
I knew about the Taliban and its antecedents long time ago, td.

Charlie Wilson and I buddied a lot when he would go around District 2. I sat with him when he gave his final address at Angelina College, shortly before he died.

He was a big protector of the Jews and Israel, but very cautious about neo-conservatism.

The USA cannot changed fundamentally the ME. Flat fact.
"Indictment Of Denny Hastert Shows Us A Couple Of Things About Washington That Should Be Obvious"

The only thing obvious is that if Hastert were a democrat the OP and others on the right wouldn't be whining about the indictment, nor attempting to propagate ridiculous lies concerning the Obama Administration.
I think if Hastert was a Democrat they would have given him a medal and big group hug.
This whole thing seems really fishy. Why would they just let the blackmailer get away with his crime?

I do believe we are witnessing a political witch hunt in the here and now.

This prosecutor is fucking out to lunch and obviously has a hard on for Hastert.

Dershowitz was blunt in his criticism of the Prosecutor and the Justice Department pointing out that this law was intended to be applied to drug runners and other criminals in society. Not restaurant owners or small businesses or blackmail victim.

You won't believe the number of individuals who didn't even know about this law getting busted and their bank accounts seized by the feds and frozen for years. All because they made a deposit in cash of over $10,000....or a withdrawal.

It's sheer bullshit how the feds are using this law.
It's actually worse than you think it is.

Structuring isn't making deposits or withdrawals of over $10,000. It's making deposits or withdrawals of small amounts of money that add up to $10,000. That's how they get these small businesses. A cash based business that makes daily cash deposits will certainly trigger an FBI inquiry.

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