Inflation accelerates 7.5% in January, hitting a fresh 40-year high

Who cares about the wealthy? I am focused on the harm being done to regular middle income Americans who are being squeezed hard at the grocery store and gas station.
You walked yourself into a trap and now you're trying wriggle out of it. You know very well that it has nothing to do with caring about the wealthy.
The last thing Biden should be doing is pumping more money into the economy - the “too much money” side of the equation,
The only thing America needs is more money being pumped to the working class (the demand side of the economy) and it being funded by the very wealthy.
The second to the last thing he should be doing is disrupting the supply side further by demanding truckers be vaxxed, and giving people so much money that refuse to work.
the vaccines are another of your attempts to bail your ass out of your mistake. Due to the pandemic, the time has never been so 'right' to soak some wealth out of the very wealthy. Contrary to your submission of it being the wrong time. Pay attention to the statistics!
Are you willing to admit that your socialist hatred of “the wealthy” is blinding you to the damage the Democrats are doing to America?

I couldn't give a lick on which of America's political parties is doing the damage. They're both establishment and American way parties that aren't offering any of the much needed social change.

You're beyond learning Lisa, and now trapped into denial, of your own doing. You offer nothing in the way of logical discussion and are incapable of understanding due to your dogma.
The government in it's infinite wisdom has made it unprofitable to work. Almost $4 trillion being dumped into an economy has back fired. Inflation, supply shortages, we are now starting to see economic indicators turn cooler and slow down, this trend will continue into summer.

The Dems see the need to shake it up or they will be losing lots of seats this coming fall.
You walked yourself into a trap and now you're trying wriggle out of it. You know very well that it has nothing to do with caring about the wealthy.

You were the one who introduced “the wealthy” into the discussion. I never give them consideration one way or the other.
The only thing America needs is more money being pumped to the working class (the demand side of the economy) and it being funded by the very wealthy.
Nope, and this just shows how socialists don‘t understand basic economics. The LAST thing the working class needs when we are in a period of high inflation is additional handouts. They need to get to work, and go back to the part-time jobs at restaurants and retail that they quit, and stop blocking up the supply end.
the vaccines are another of your attempts to bail your ass out of your mistake. Due to the pandemic, the time has never been so 'right' to soak some wealth out of the very wealthy. Contrary to your submission of it being the wrong time. Pay attention to the statistics!

”Soak some wealth out of the wealthy?” Do you even hear yourself? In your hate toward the wealthy, you are so determined to “soak them” that you are willing to bring on more inflation. Because news flash: the wealthy don’t have the trillions needed for the handouts Biden wants.
I couldn't give a lick on which of America's political parties is doing the damage. They're both establishment and American way parties that aren't offering any of the much needed social change.

You're beyond learning Lisa, and now trapped into denial, of your own doing. You offer nothing in the way of logical discussion and are incapable of understanding due to your dogma.

And YOU have all the arrogance of a leftist - going onto the sites Of other countries and criticizing their citizens. Didn’t your socialist leader cutie boy make enough of a problem there that you can stick to Canadian sites? We have a word for you in Yiddish: chutzpah!
Butter on sale used to be $2.00 lb..
Now on sale, it's $3.50 lb..

Figure overall cost of living averages out to about 20% greater now with Joe Blow in office. Every dollar you spend now only cost you about 83¢ under Donald Trump-- -- another glorious triumph by the leftwing.

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