Informant for Disgraced US Atty. Rod Rosenstein Outed by Sharyl Attkisson — One Week Later He Died


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Hmmm? Mighty convenient, eh?

I wish I were making this up. In my ongoing lawsuit over the govt. spying on my computers, I submitted this document to the court. It proved that one agent who admitted spying on me (and many others) had, indeed, worked as an informant for US Atty. Rod Rosenstein, as he’d claimed.

About a week later, the informant was reported dead. Which of course means he can’t provide more details of the operation. And the historic clerk’s default I received against him in my lawsuit– the first known such decision in a case of govt. spying on a journalist–pretty much will go nowhere.

Hmmm? Mighty convenient, eh?

What did he die of, a bullet, poison, hit by a truck, terminal syphilis, what??
They tried to download child porn to Attkisson's laptop to frame her.
Thread Moved to Conspiracy theory as without cause of death, it is nothing but conspiracy theory.

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