Infowars reporters Alex Jones & Owen Shroyer crash DC women's march Shroyher removed after asking w

The sons of Americans are being treated as animals. That is what they are moving to act like. Do not protect these women. Let them get raped. Let them assualted and even killed. They are not your friends. And when they dominate the Asians who are ruled by men will swoop in and be the dominant ones on earth. A couple of decades more. Guaranteeeeedd!
Alex Jones is a "reporter" now?
I thought he was a Performance Artist.
Yaaay your CNN indoctrination worked you thought just what they taught you too. lmfao omg and u don't even recognize any of it.
His lawyer said he was a Performance Artist.

Why so defensive?

You do kinda pick on alex but it's ok below I said he was an asshole sometimes too... I was just being more of smart ass to the incident &was being a silly kinda smart ass " when I said you too" .. sry if it seemed something else. xxx
In the context of a civil rights march, Epstein and his trafficking has absolutely nothing to do with the enormous issues being dealt with. It is well known that the orange whore, pigpence, and their filthy minions hate women whom they can't push around and screw at will. These two bimbo boys were trying to deflect. Nothing more.

This sort of patronizing bullshit behavior is common with "men" who claim to be heterosexual and hate women at the same time. These are the same cowards who put forth the who try to tell women that we should not protest the disgusting conduct of filth like trump and pigpence because we should be happy and grateful not to live in a Muslim country. These guys are slimy.
Are you dealing with an issue larger than that of the young women who are thrown into slavery as lifetime concubines and sex dispensers for global sex traffickers?

As the sixth or seventh "gentleman caller" of the day shows up for some slave to service or even another woman who also loves the young girls I hope these victims find out one day how your hate for the President was so pathologically great that their living hell couldn't even be mentioned at this collection of deranged witches and psychopaths.

What made you such a fucked up monster?
In the context of a civil rights march, Epstein and his trafficking has absolutely nothing to do with the enormous issues being dealt with. It is well known that the orange whore, pigpence, and their filthy minions hate women whom they can't push around and screw at will. These two bimbo boys were trying to deflect. Nothing more.

This sort of patronizing bullshit behavior is common with "men" who claim to be heterosexual and hate women at the same time. These are the same cowards who put forth the who try to tell women that we should not protest the disgusting conduct of filth like trump and pigpence because we should be happy and grateful not to live in a Muslim country. These guys are slimy.
Are you dealing with an issue larger than that of the young women who are thrown into slavery as lifetime concubines and sex dispensers for global sex traffickers?

As the sixth or seventh "gentleman caller" of the day shows up for some slave to service or even another woman who also loves the young girls I hope these victims find out one day how your hate for the President was so pathologically great that their living hell couldn't even be mentioned at this collection of deranged witches and psychopaths.

What made you such a fucked up monster?

You are one sick human being. If you paid attention to the women's movement on the path to freedom against filth like the orange whore and pigpence, graham and his whores, you would know that all trafficking is important, as are all assaults on women, including those of your orange whore and the pigpence. Don't "victim" bullshit me.

What have you ever done to stop "Christian" men grooming their own daughters to be left uneducated and fucked as child brides? What have you done for all the people now calling out in the "Me, Too" movement what, exactly happened to them? And what happened to me, too? What are you doing against this guy who said, in a TV interview, that he was in this "Southern Baptist" cult and he won all arguments with this woman whom he said was his wife because he has a penis and she does not? What are you doing about this shame?
You are one sick human being. If you paid attention to the women's movement on the path to freedom against filth like the orange whore and pigpence, graham and his whores, you would know that all trafficking is important, as are all assaults on women, including those of your orange whore and the pigpence. Don't "victim" bullshit me.
The trafficking problem is so important to hypocrite ideologues like you one cannot even bring up Jeffery Epstein's name around your pointless gathering without being ejected.
Don't victim bullshit me.You are an ideologue and hypocrite before anything else.

What have you ever done to stop "Christian" men grooming their own daughters to be left uneducated and fucked as child brides? What have you done for all the people now calling out in the "Me, Too" movement what, exactly happened to them? And what happened to me, too? What are you doing against this guy who said, in a TV interview, that he was in this "Southern Baptist" cult and he won all arguments with this woman whom he said was his wife because he has a penis and she does not? What are you doing about this shame?
I oppose such things whenever I encounter them which has been never for me. I have two daughters who have college degrees and families of their own now.
My life is not driven by stupid hate and rage.
Alex Jones is a "reporter" now?

I thought he was a Performance Artist.

Alex Jones is definitely a journalist. He broke a lot of big stories, and the fact that the Main Stream Media denigrates the man tells me he is largely spot-on.
You are one sick human being. If you paid attention to the women's movement on the path to freedom against filth like the orange whore and pigpence, graham and his whores, you would know that all trafficking is important, as are all assaults on women, including those of your orange whore and the pigpence. Don't "victim" bullshit me.
The trafficking problem is so important to hypocrite ideologues like you one cannot even bring up Jeffery Epstein's name around your pointless gathering without being ejected.
Don't victim bullshit me.You are an ideologue and hypocrite before anything else.

What have you ever done to stop "Christian" men grooming their own daughters to be left uneducated and fucked as child brides? What have you done for all the people now calling out in the "Me, Too" movement what, exactly happened to them? And what happened to me, too? What are you doing against this guy who said, in a TV interview, that he was in this "Southern Baptist" cult and he won all arguments with this woman whom he said was his wife because he has a penis and she does not? What are you doing about this shame?
I oppose such things whenever I encounter them which has been never for me. I have two daughters who have college degrees and families of their own now.
My life is not driven by stupid hate and rage.

Your assertion that this was a "pointless gathering" shows who and what you are. Epstein and his supposed "murder" (internet conspiracy theory) has nothing to do with a civil rights march that deals with the freedoms of one-half of the population, which includes hundreds of issues. These two scumbags were there to try and deflect attention from the legitimate issues that female people have. The other headlines (Google "Alex Jones women's march") refer to this jones as "storming" this civil rights march.

What have you done in opposition to child marriage, the cults' grooming of little girls for marriages ruled by males? What have you done to make birth control available to all who wish it? What have you done in opposition to religious cults that insist that all heterosexual relationships be dominated by male persons and their sexual needs? What have you done to support Planned Parenthood? What have you done to support heterosexual couples?


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