Infrastructure Bill Found To Be Ripe For Fraud

It’s still going to be a while before we find out the full extent of all of the poison pills that are buried in the recently passed $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill.

Such an informative sentence.
The analyst who arrived at these figures, Jetson Leder-Luis, highlights a variety of ways that aspiring fraudsters typically fleece the taxpayers, concluding that $150 billion or more will end up going to people who should not be getting that money. One of the more common methods he highlights involves the inevitable awarding of a huge number of lucrative contracts to private companies. Far too many of these deals wind up being given out on either a no-bid basis or with very few bidders being approved. That allows the contractors to vastly inflate their estimates and overcharge for both materials and labor. The infrastructure bill offers no serious provisions with any teeth in them to ride herd over the process.

Another unfounded retort without any factual basis.
These are being constructed in a similar fashion to the Paycheck Protection Program found in the original COVID relief bill. As we’ve discussed here before, a staggering number of those PPP loans were awarded to companies that didn’t even exist except on paper. One clever California man cashed in on more than $5 million in PPP money, supposedly to keep his struggling (but nonexistent) employees on the payroll. He used the money to buy a massive collection of vintage automobiles until his lavish excesses finally led to him being exposed.

Yet, Trump signed them anyway...
Jetson Leder-Luis estimates that 15% of all of the PPP loans that were approved are suspected of being fraudulent. That adds up to more than $76 billion in fraudulently wasted taxpayer dollars. And this new infrastructure bill does not include any new fraud prevention programs to stop this from happening.

Trump signed the bill and didn't seem to care.

Names of Small-Business Borrowers From Paycheck Protection Program Won't Be Released, Mnuchin Says​

The Trump administration doesn’t plan to release details about companies that received billions of dollars through a high-profile federal coronavirus-relief initiative, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said this week — reversing earlier guidance.

Your source is definately a pro-rightist rag.
I also noticed you brainiacs never offerred any substantial rebuttal or retorts about the actual article posted in the OP.
Democrats never do what their message says they're doing. It is always about power, division and bullshit to them.

I support hard infrastructure investment as I believe America needs to continue to be a first world developed country, but I realize that the democrats are a party that packs such bills full of crt, division and anti-Americanism.
We've all seen what Biden and his people are capable of. They're shameless. So when they try to make believe they're serious about improving the welfare of the American people, you can be sure they're lying. The only thing they ever do is try to improve their political power and wealth, and it always comes at the expense of the American people. Don't buy their spending bullshit for a second.
Grampa Murked U
I agree. Many pockets will be lined with those tax dollars. I sure hope the country can survive another three years of that walking, talking incompetent disaster.

2022 and 2024 can't get here fast enough. Good Lord.

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