Infrastructure Week Finally Here! House passes $1.3T bill.

citygator Too bad the bill is a lie and most of the money is earmarked for non-infrastructure spending.
More money to Launder........more solar panels to replace the whole grids taken out by a HAIL storm in

They went without power for weeks because of IT.

Once the storm had passed, the industry learned that it had left behind the largest weather-related single-project loss in its history. More than 400,000 of the plant’s 685,000 Hanwha Q cell modules were damaged or destroyed; insurance losses totaled $70 million, and most everyone involved endured at least a few sleepless nights.
Great news for America! Sadly, Manchin and Sinema will probably kill the BBB bill in the Senate.

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I am not so sure that the Biden team couldn't pick off Romney and Murkowski if they really tried. Utah and Alaska, for example, get a shit load of money from their national parks. In 2019, the national parks in Utah contributed $1.2B. Alaska, relative to it's population, did better...$278M. Unlike many other programs, the President can expand the parks pretty much at their whim. Cedar Breaks in Utah is begging for such designation IMHO. It is designated as a National Monument but to get the "real" tourists dollars, a place needs a National Park designation (think Yosemite, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon).


There are places in Alaska that seldom explored because getting there is a real pain in the neck. Making that easier would boost tourism; thus more monies.

What is really bewildering about Biden is that he's supposed to be one of the "old school" pols who come from the "scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" era... There seems to be a sad adherence to going it alone from him. If he could get this would send a message to both Sinema and Mancin that they won't hold legislation hostage. It will also signal to the squad that they have some leverage but it can disappear as well.

Our dollar gonna be toilet paper soon. And the Globalist will hit the reset button.............but your side has to destroy us to save us lol

Same ole song of asshat socialist going full fascist as always in history. The end will be the same.

You sound frustrated...and pathetic.
I'm curious, does anyone ever actually track where all this money goes, if it is spent, how much is spent, is there any left over and if so, where does that money go?

Just seems like every couple of years they pass these infrastructure and spending bills, and they give us over 2000 pages of jargon that nobody, including those in congress, reads, but once it's passed, nothing else is ever said about it again.

Shouldn't we get a report of all the things that were completed as a result? Shouldn't there be someone out there watching that money to make sure it is used properly, and not for things not intended, and if any money is left over, it doesn't get thrown into someone's general budget where it gets spent on other stuff that it was not intended for?

All this money and no accountability, at least not to the taxpayer.
That is a good question. When getting an oil change a while back, the manager informed me they never saw a dime with the "Cash for Clunkers" program. Said they had to eat the cost of all the vehicles they took in under it.
So has everyone just forgot the government passed a gas tax, it’s about 50 cents a gallon now, that the feds and states could use to keep up roads and bridges. It’s times like this that make me wonder where all of that money went. Doesn’t matter though. By the time the federal grifters get some, the state grifters get some, county etc. that 1.3 trillion will be gone and the roads will still need fixed.
So has everyone just forgot the government passed a gas tax, it’s about 50 cents a gallon now, that the feds and states could use to keep up roads and bridges. It’s times like this that make me wonder where all of that money went. Doesn’t matter though. By the time the federal grifters get some, the state grifters get some, county etc. that 1.3 trillion will be gone and the roads will still need fixed.
In Alabama it' 28 cents Federal and 18 cents Alabama tax. 46 cents total.

California state tax is 70 cents. plus 28 Federal. 98 cents
So basically the same bill Trump wanted to pass but the Dem lunatics resisted for four years. It’s the same shit with the vaccines. It was Trumps warp speed program and pre ordering of hundreds of millions of vaccines that saved the US, but in comes epic fail Biden and acts like he did it all. Not the first time the known plagiarist took credit for what other people said or did.
So basically the same bill Trump wanted to pass but the Dem lunatics resisted for four years. It’s the same shit with the vaccines. It was Trumps warp speed program and pre ordering of hundreds of millions of vaccines that saved the US, but in comes epic fail Biden and acts like he did it all. Not the first time the known plagiarist took credit for what other people said or did.
I question that the vaccine saved us at all

While the left trashes him he is known as the FATHER of the mRNA vaccines. HE INVENTED IT.

He doesn't agree and many others Ive heard don't either. They warn in rising spread of a virus to NOT VACCINATE as the virus will Mutate to survive and go around the vaccine.

We have had at least 4 VARIANTS of this CORONA VIRUS. Malone is worried a more deadly STRAIN will emerge from this.

No...........I do not champion the vaccines for any leader at this point.
I'm curious, does anyone ever actually track where all this money goes, if it is spent, how much is spent, is there any left over and if so, where does that money go?

Just seems like every couple of years they pass these infrastructure and spending bills, and they give us over 2000 pages of jargon that nobody, including those in congress, reads, but once it's passed, nothing else is ever said about it again.

Shouldn't we get a report of all the things that were completed as a result? Shouldn't there be someone out there watching that money to make sure it is used properly, and not for things not intended, and if any money is left over, it doesn't get thrown into someone's general budget where it gets spent on other stuff that it was not intended for?

All this money and no accountability, at least not to the taxpayer.

How do you think Democrats become multi-millionaires once they get to Congress.
As a junior Congress woman AOC is now worth seven hundred thousand dollars. If she is re-elected in 2022 she will certain surpass the million dollar mark, especially if she uses her insider information to buy stocks.
You fuckers have been telling us that the sky was falling for decades
Yes, and we have been right---hyperinflation and sorry dippy but the $$ has lost and continues to lose value quickly. I think the globablists are looking for a different US currency....
Climate change: The bill would deliver nearly $570 billion in tax credits and investments aimed at combating climate change. It would offer tax credits to families that install solar rooftops or buy electric vehicles, for example. The investments are aimed at providing incentives to grow domestic supply chains in solar and wind industries. The legislation also calls for creating 300,000 jobs by establishing a Civilian Climate Corps that works to conserve public lands and bolster community resiliency.

"Climate change" is literally an insane concept. Is it global warming? Is it global cooling? Is it both? The "experts" (idiot liars) think cognitive dissonance works. The thing is science, and we should follow the science, dictates everything living thing adapts to changing conditions. :dunno: A half trillion dollar slush fund is respectable though for total bullshit. :heehee:

Affordable housing: The legislation would funnel $25 billion into the construction, rehabilitation or purchase of affordable homes for low-income people and for the creation and preservation of affordable rental housing. It would provide $65 billion to address the capital needs backlog of public housing and would bolster rental assistance to hundreds of thousands of families.

So welfare folks are insured they never have to pay rent or a mortgage and thus never have to get a job. :heehee:

Affordable housing: The measure would also invest in down payment assistance and in community-led redevelopment projects in under-resourced neighborhoods. And it would provide $24 billion to fund housing vouchers and supportive services. The effort would cost about $155 billion, according to the White House's latest estimate.

"Under-resourced neighborhoods" I guess is code phrase for violent, criminal, black and brown areas where nobody has a job. :dunno: A 155,000,000,000 dollar slush fund for savage areas and yet 401Ks of folks who are law abiding and actually worked to produce their wealth get no relief. :eusa_think:

Curious no news outlet is demanding Sandy Cortez's tax returns. There is no evidence she worked as a bartender, but if she did, did she declare her tip income? :afro:

Quotes are from fake news CNN.
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Another win for the good guys.

That Dems think this is a "win" is why they are losing AND WILL KEEP LOSING

No one cares about this. NO ONE. No one cares. But let Dems keep obsessing about what their idols on Capitol Hill are doing while Americans wonder about their gas, grocery bills, vaccine mandates, their kids school closing all the time, etc, and don't give one fat crap about what the Congress Cretins are voting on. It will work out great for you in the Midterms, yeah
Joe Biden completed the first step of another key piece of legislation tonight. A much needed and long time coming shot in the arm of America’s failing infrastructure.

House passes $1.3T bipartisan hard infrastructure bill just minutes ago at 11:30 on Friday night.

House is voting on the infrastructure bill

I predict your "Infrastructure week" is going to be destroyed by Biden being dx with Covid

And you thought the fake GOP cares about controlling spending
The $$$ mostly all goes to special Interest groups and other leftist causes
Basically your own $$$ just dropped several percentage points in value

“The whole day was a clusterfuck, right?” said senior progressive Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), who helped negotiate the rapprochement with the moderates. “At the end of the day what we all want to do is get the president’s agenda done, and that’s what we’re going to do.”

In the end, Pelosi only lost six Democrats on the infrastructure vote, all progressives. Thirteen Republicans voted in favor, giving Democrats more wiggle room on the floor.

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