Infrastructure Week Finally Here! House passes $1.3T bill.

Everyone who voted for this wet dream should be impeached for lying and undermining our country. This bill will cost over 4 trillion in the end. Giving this kind of money to congress is like giving your irresponsible teen your maxed out credit card and saying "go ahead and have at it".
So has everyone just forgot the government passed a gas tax, it’s about 50 cents a gallon now, that the feds and states could use to keep up roads and bridges. It’s times like this that make me wonder where all of that money went. Doesn’t matter though. By the time the federal grifters get some, the state grifters get some, county etc. that 1.3 trillion will be gone and the roads will still need fixed.
Frustration noted.

Afghanistan pullout, vaccine distribution, infrastructure...Biden is succeeding where you blob failed time and time again. I'd be pissed too if I were in your cult.
Afghans are terrorists who are related to the mastermind of the alleged 9/11 thing. Most black and brown "countries" have a particular male to inseminate the females which is one reason why they are so ugly. Vaccines that paralyze some folks and fuck up the immune systems of some who head to the ER with assorted issues like blood clots, etc. is really great. :cry: Infrastructure? :heehee:
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Joe Biden completed the first step of another key piece of legislation tonight. A much needed and long time coming shot in the arm of America’s failing infrastructure.

House passes $1.3T bipartisan hard infrastructure bill just minutes ago at 11:30 on Friday night.

House is voting on the infrastructure bill
1. it is wasting tax $$$$$--that includes YOUR tax $$$$
2. it's another nail in the coffin of the US--we are in MORE than massive debt
3. you are being fkd--and you are GLAD/enjoy being fkd = you are stupid
Another win for the good guys.
It’s not a win for the people and there are no good guys. This is yet another right wing bill passed by Ds. Trump might as well be potus. No difference. No change.
Guys. This is the bipartisan “hard” infrastructure deal. It has republicans support. It fixes roads and bridges. It’s not if we have to do this, it’s when. And the when is now. You shouldn’t be spewing your US Message Board filth on this bill. The other bill is the controversial one.

I swear I think you guys might be a little bit unfair to Joe and the Democrats.
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Yep, a real infrastructure Bill, not the "social infrastructure" nonsense.
How much do you think the dems can spend before they lose the House next year?
Here's what's in it that the senate voted 69-31 for:
  • $110 billion for roads and bridges. More than 45,000 bridges nationwide are rated in poor condition. The bill also includes $16 billion for major projects that are too large or complex for traditional funding.
  • $66 billion for Amtrak for passenger and freight rail. The bill aims to eliminate Amtrak’s maintenance backlog and to modernize the Northeast Corridor.
  • $65 billion to expand broadband internet access. The White House estimated as many as 40 million Americans lack broadband access. Biden initially sought $100 billion.
  • $65 billion to rebuild the electric grid with renewable energy and thousands of miles of new power lines.
  • $55 billion to upgrade water systems, with a goal of replacing the country’s lead service pipes.
  • $42 billion for airports, waterways and port infrastructure. Airports would receive $25 billion.
  • $39 billion for public transit. The bill aims to repair and upgrade transit systems and make stations more accessible to elderly and passengers with disabilities.
  • $7.5 billion for charging stations for electric vehicles and $7.5 billion for electric buses.
If the US plans to go with "electric vehicles" we need a lot more electric capacity to avoid blackouts and brownouts.
Brandon is kicking it into high gear!

$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
550,000 new jobs last month
Stock Market at RECORD highs

1. already a thread on it
2. you people are HAPPY that this is destroying the US and wasting tax $$$$--YOUR tax $$$ = you people are stupid

They report on it. lol They just don't tell you all who are Laundering money off of it.
I thought about the GAO, but they only really watch congress themselves, right? All of this money is going to other states and projects, many of them outside of government. Does that mean the tracking is lost at that point?
You be sure to do your due diligence and post what the good guys do with the money.

Well, if they manage to not bail out the LA Lakers...they will have done better than your blob.

From April 2020:

Yep, a real infrastructure Bill, not the "social infrastructure" nonsense.
How much do you think the dems can spend before they lose the House next year?
Here's what's in it that the senate voted 69-31 for:
  • $110 billion for roads and bridges. More than 45,000 bridges nationwide are rated in poor condition. The bill also includes $16 billion for major projects that are too large or complex for traditional funding.
  • $66 billion for Amtrak for passenger and freight rail. The bill aims to eliminate Amtrak’s maintenance backlog and to modernize the Northeast Corridor.
  • $65 billion to expand broadband internet access. The White House estimated as many as 40 million Americans lack broadband access. Biden initially sought $100 billion.
  • $65 billion to rebuild the electric grid with renewable energy and thousands of miles of new power lines.
  • $55 billion to upgrade water systems, with a goal of replacing the country’s lead service pipes.
  • $42 billion for airports, waterways and port infrastructure. Airports would receive $25 billion.
  • $39 billion for public transit. The bill aims to repair and upgrade transit systems and make stations more accessible to elderly and passengers with disabilities.
  • $7.5 billion for charging stations for electric vehicles and $7.5 billion for electric buses.
If the US plans to go with "electric vehicles" we need a lot more electric capacity to avoid blackouts and brownouts.

A RECORD Infrastructure Bill for Brandon!
Brandon is kicking it into high gear!

$1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill
550,000 new jobs last month
Stock Market at RECORD highs

The graduates of the Hannity/Breitbart School of Economics™ aren't gonna like this post, not on a Trumpster site!

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