Infuriating government intereference


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.
I have a friend up in Jacksonville, who has a FFL who I purchase weapons from Cheaper than Dirt with. I dont mind having the background check, yeah it takes 15 to 30 minutes to go through all the "loopholes", but during that time we talk about the idiocy of dumbass liberal Floridians who wanted the Socialist Gillum for governor, and how it would of effected the whole state as many of the RICH people would of left it, and the dumbass poor who voted for Gillum would of been left paying the taxes...…...We have such a good time with liberal morons....
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.
I have a friend up in Jacksonville, who has a FFL who I purchase weapons from Cheaper than Dirt with. I dont mind having the background check, yeah it takes 15 to 30 minutes to go through all the "loopholes", but during that time we talk about the idiocy of dumbass liberal Floridians who wanted the Socialist Gillum for governor, and how it would of effected the whole state as many of the RICH people would of left it, and the dumbass poor who voted for Gillum would of been left paying the taxes...…...We have such a good time with liberal morons....
I believe in supporting those who have FFL's because they too need an income.
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.

Wait, you're upset about the government being intrusive, but you want the military sent to US cities to act as police?
I believe in supporting parts manufacturers by building my own, custom weapons of war that the government cannot track.

Do you really think that the government is too stupid to try some shit with well armed people? Last time that happened Harry Reid's forces didnt do very well.

Again let me state the obvious.. If there is a break out of radical liberalism that decides to infringe on the rights of law abiding citizens there will be a call to arms and the military will join our side, because liberals hate the military and so will the police, because the liberals love to assassinate police. There will be a lot of liberal blood shed that day..

Nevada rancher standoff turns on a states’ rights debate
"The BLM is setting a dangerous precedent in announcing that it will pick and choose who has to follow federal laws and who it will reward for violating them," he added.
The main thing is that after all the waiting is done, and all the I's are dotted, and the T's are crossed, we hopefully have prevented a criminal element from "exploiting" the "wanting of no gun regulations" out of an inconvienance caused by such regulations, to then allow that criminal element to get a gun just as easy as the good citizen does when a purchase is made.

I am for gun regulation benefiting or protecting the good citizens from not being in the same category or boat as the bad citizen, otherwise when it comes to easily getting ones hands on a weapon to kill someone with.

I don't think regs should go so far as to equal the good citizens out with the criminals in as far as defending oneself goes, so it's a fine line that needs to be held where as because of the criminal elements in society, somehow the good citizens are denide their rights to defend themselves against those elements in our society ? Should never happen in this way.... We can't hamstring our good citizens due to dumb regulations that benefit the criminals while making it hard on the non-criminals to buy weapons to defend themselves against the bad citizens who are criminals. We must create good regs that benefit the good citizens if we are gonna go down that road at all.

With liberals in charge nothing works right, because you can't trust liberals at all. So here we are in a quagmire on the issue as usual.
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.
/----/ It's all about liability.
The main thing is that after all the waiting is done, and all the I's are dotted, and the T's are crossed, we hopefully have prevented a criminal element from "exploiting" the "wanting of no gun regulations" out of an inconvienance caused by such regulations, to then allow that criminal element to get a gun just as easy as the good citizen does when a purchase is made.

I am for gun regulation benefiting or protecting the good citizens from not being in the same category or boat as the bad citizen, otherwise when it comes to easily getting ones hands on a weapon to kill someone with.

I don't think regs should go so far as to equal the good citizens out with the criminals in as far as defending oneself goes, so it's a fine line that needs to be held where as because of the criminal elements in society, somehow the good citizens are denide their rights to defend themselves against those elements in our society ? Should never happen in this way.... We can't hamstring our good citizens due to dumb regulations that benefit the criminals while making it hard on the non-criminals to buy weapons to defend themselves against the bad citizens who are criminals. We must create good regs that benefit the good citizens if we are gonna go down that road at all.

With liberals in charge nothing works right, because you can't trust liberals at all. So here we are in a quagmire on the issue as usual.
A reasonable, well thought out comment I agree with. People are rightly afraid politicians/government will impose bad regulations willy nilly. NY's implementation of the safe act is a prime example.
If you guys get this girly about government intrusion, ha ha, then you really are some first class pussy's.
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.

Wait, you're upset about the government being intrusive, but you want the military sent to US cities to act as police?

You mean the border?
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.

Wait, you're upset about the government being intrusive, but you want the military sent to US cities to act as police?

You mean the border?

Sure, if St. Louis, Chicago, and New Orleans are all on the border. ;)
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.

Wait, you're upset about the government being intrusive, but you want the military sent to US cities to act as police?

You mean the border?

Sure, if St. Louis, Chicago, and New Orleans are all on the border. ;)

Who the fuck said anything about putting the military in those cities?
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.

Wait, you're upset about the government being intrusive, but you want the military sent to US cities to act as police?

You mean the border?

Sure, if St. Louis, Chicago, and New Orleans are all on the border. ;)

Who the fuck said anything about putting the military in those cities?

Did you not read the OP?

"a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns".
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.

Wait, you're upset about the government being intrusive, but you want the military sent to US cities to act as police?

You mean the border?

Sure, if St. Louis, Chicago, and New Orleans are all on the border. ;)

Who the fuck said anything about putting the military in those cities?

Did you not read the OP?

"a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns".

WTF are you talking about?
The OP never mentioned anything about deploying the military to any of those cities or deploying the military at all.
Are ya fucken retarded?
I took my mother to buy a pistol this morning they were having a black Friday sale at gun shop,first its infuriating a government who CLEARLY doesn't give a shit about gun violence because if they did they would have the troops in St Louis,Chicago,New Orleans etc arresting actual CRIMINALS with guns,anyways she has to fill out an INTRUSIVE form to exercise her 2nd amendment right that turns into a 15 minute wait for someone who was a TEACHER in 2 different states and has had NUMEROUS federal background checks and cleared them all only to be told by government flunky on other end of line that there is a delay! 6 fucking day wait for them at any time to remove their head from their asses and say she can USE her RIGHT to purchase a weapon.

My take. I will NEVER purchase a gun from a shop or someone who does background checks because its NONE of the governments business what I am doing or what I am buying! Its a RIGHT not a privilege! I will purchase the parts and build my own or I will do a private sale. Anyone else get downright PISSED when you have to ask permission to exercise your RIGHT to own and purchase a gun!? Let's hope no one tries breaking into her home in the next 6 days while the government takes its sweet ass time.

I terrorists can forgo the excrutiating 15 minutes your poor old mom had to endure equates to the price of freedom in '18?


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