Ingraham/O'Reilly lament not opposing Patriot Act


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
Better late than never, I suppose.

Some of us on the left tried to generate opposition to the Patriot Act when it was first proposed, but few on the right were interested. They were scared of "Islamoterrorist's" and trusted George Bush.

Now that our warnings have been proven correct, they've suddenly seen the light. Or, is it just that Obama is now involved in doing the same things Bush was doing and that's bad?

I hate to say it but.....we told you so.

Now...maybe we can all get together and eliminate the Patriot Act.

Laura Ingraham: Ignoring Patriot Act ?a mistake? - Hadas Gold -
Liberal loons opposed it because they were told to, not because they were concerned about it being used by tyrannical bureaucrats for nefarious purposes. Don't even try to feed me that.

If the legislation was limited to targeting Islamic radical jihadists you bed wetters would have howled about racism. The republicrats were too stupid and incompetent to put sunset clauses in it, and the democrooks were all too happy too use this new authority once they took control.
Liberal loons opposed it because they were told to, not because they were concerned about it being used by tyrannical bureaucrats for nefarious purposes. Don't even try to feed me that.

If the legislation was limited to targeting Islamic radical jihadists you bed wetters would have howled about racism. The republicrats were too stupid and incompetent to put sunset clauses in it, and the democrooks were all too happy too use this new authority once they took control.

Bullshit. I was there for that debate.
Liberal loons opposed it because they were told to, not because they were concerned about it being used by tyrannical bureaucrats for nefarious purposes. Don't even try to feed me that.

If the legislation was limited to targeting Islamic radical jihadists you bed wetters would have howled about racism. The republicrats were too stupid and incompetent to put sunset clauses in it, and the democrooks were all too happy too use this new authority once they took control.
It did have sunset provisions in it, but authoritarians loathe to give up their power to snoop on the peasants.
There's a different between going after TERRORIST and a massive spying on the population of this country. BIG DIFFERENCE.

There is no difference between what Bush and Obama did. NO DIFFERENCE.

Anyone who believed law enforcement wanted the Patriot Act just to chase terrorists was one naive idiot. It is chock full of a law enforcement wish list for domestic use. They had that list in their pocket, and when 9/11 happened, they were afforded the perfect opportunity to get their wish list enacted. That's why it took no time at all to write.

It should have been called RICO II.

I would not be surprised if there was another law enforcement wish list somewhere, waiting for the next big terror attack on us.

Patriot Act II: This Time We're REALLY Burning the Constitution.

And all the rubes will be donning even bigger flag pins and yellow ribbons. "You're against Patriot Act II? YOU TERRORIST LOVER!!! Look at all these dead Americans!"

(cue mass email Powerpoint slide show)
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Liberal loons opposed it because they were told to, not because they were concerned about it being used by tyrannical bureaucrats for nefarious purposes. Don't even try to feed me that.

If the legislation was limited to targeting Islamic radical jihadists you bed wetters would have howled about racism. The republicrats were too stupid and incompetent to put sunset clauses in it, and the democrooks were all too happy too use this new authority once they took control.

Bullshit. I was there for that debate.

Yeah right...

And you're soooo obviously disgusted by the democrooks and your moonbat messiah's abuse of these powers you're using some sort of reverse psychology by defending these incompetent sociopathic criminals on every issue.

Silly me, I thought you were just an idiot bed wetter.
It doesn't matter. Abuse of power is abuse of power. If it wasn't this, it would be something else. Or, nothing at all, obama would have simply abused his power without any basis. He'd just do it.
Liberal loons opposed it because they were told to, not because they were concerned about it being used by tyrannical bureaucrats for nefarious purposes. Don't even try to feed me that.

If the legislation was limited to targeting Islamic radical jihadists you bed wetters would have howled about racism. The republicrats were too stupid and incompetent to put sunset clauses in it, and the democrooks were all too happy too use this new authority once they took control.

Bullshit. I was there for that debate.

Well, heres a new angle.

If it were so bad during Bush, why are Liberals defending their behavior now? How come Obama didn't do anything to stop this? Instead, he has chosen to abuse this program. It's isn't bullshit, Obama took advantage of it. Obama could have stopped this right here and now.

Now, prove me wrong.
There is no difference between Obama and Bush when it comes to the War on Terra.


The piss drinkers on the right got so rock hard engorged there was no blood left in their brains to consider that one day all this totalitarian shit they were inventing and cheerleading would be handed to the other party.

There's a different between going after TERRORIST and a massive spying on the population of this country. BIG DIFFERENCE.

There is no difference between what Bush and Obama did. NO DIFFERENCE.

Anyone who believed law enforcement wanted the Patriot Act just to chase terrorists was one naive idiot. It is chock full of a law enforcement wish list for domestic use. They had that list in their pocket, and when 9/11 happened, they were afforded the perfect opportunity to get their wish list enacted. That's why it took no time at all to write.

It should have been called RICO II.

I would not be surprised if there was another law enforcement wish list somewhere, waiting for the next big terror attack on us.

Patriot Act II: This Time We're REALLY Burning the Constitution.

And all the rubes will be donning even bigger flag pins and yellow ribbons. "You're against Patriot Act II? YOU TERRORIST LOVER!!! Look at all these dead Americans!"

(cue mass email Powerpoint slide show)

Horseshit, it's is the Booosh Program on steroids.
Couple that with the "fact" that The Bamster Admin is using it's own "secret interpretation" of the PA and you are doubly full of usual.
You know, it's funny. I used to watch O'Reilly religiously for years.

And it was his and Hannity's relentless cheerleading of totalitarianism which went a long way toward convincing me to stop voting. I was a lifelong Republican. Now I am a man without a party, thanks in large part to douchebags like O'Reilly and Ingraham.
Don't worry, rubes. This is O'Reilly and Ingraham's equivalent to Limbaugh's "water carrier" moment. They'll get over it. Ingraham will be back to her Muslim hatefest in no time.
I remember saying to a conservative at the time it was passed; "you wouldn't trust Clinton with these powers"

I owe him an I told you so.
There's a different between going after TERRORIST and a massive spying on the population of this country. BIG DIFFERENCE.

There is no difference between what Bush and Obama did. NO DIFFERENCE.

Anyone who believed law enforcement wanted the Patriot Act just to chase terrorists was one naive idiot. It is chock full of a law enforcement wish list for domestic use. They had that list in their pocket, and when 9/11 happened, they were afforded the perfect opportunity to get their wish list enacted. That's why it took no time at all to write.

It should have been called RICO II.

I would not be surprised if there was another law enforcement wish list somewhere, waiting for the next big terror attack on us.

Patriot Act II: This Time We're REALLY Burning the Constitution.

And all the rubes will be donning even bigger flag pins and yellow ribbons. "You're against Patriot Act II? YOU TERRORIST LOVER!!! Look at all these dead Americans!"

(cue mass email Powerpoint slide show)

Horseshit, it's is the Booosh Program on steroids.
Couple that with the "fact" that The Bamster Admin is using it's own "secret interpretation" of the PA and you are doubly full of usual.

I don't know how you can even entertain that imbecile. I've never seen him post anything that was remotely factual, or even rational. He's almost as bad as that "truth(doesn't)matter idiot.
There's a different between going after TERRORIST and a massive spying on the population of this country. BIG DIFFERENCE.

There is no difference between what Bush and Obama did. NO DIFFERENCE.

Anyone who believed law enforcement wanted the Patriot Act just to chase terrorists was one naive idiot. It is chock full of a law enforcement wish list for domestic use. They had that list in their pocket, and when 9/11 happened, they were afforded the perfect opportunity to get their wish list enacted. That's why it took no time at all to write.

It should have been called RICO II.

I would not be surprised if there was another law enforcement wish list somewhere, waiting for the next big terror attack on us.

Patriot Act II: This Time We're REALLY Burning the Constitution.

And all the rubes will be donning even bigger flag pins and yellow ribbons. "You're against Patriot Act II? YOU TERRORIST LOVER!!! Look at all these dead Americans!"

(cue mass email Powerpoint slide show)

Horseshit, it's is the Booosh Program on steroids.
Couple that with the "fact" that The Bamster Admin is using it's own "secret interpretation" of the PA and you are doubly full of usual.

Evidence, please, the NSA program under Obama is the Bush program on steroids.

Good luck with that.
There's a different between going after TERRORIST and a massive spying on the population of this country. BIG DIFFERENCE.

2006: NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls

The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY.

The NSA program reaches into homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans — most of whom aren't suspected of any crime. This program does not involve the NSA listening to or recording conversations. But the spy agency is using the data to analyze calling patterns in an effort to detect terrorist activity, sources said in separate interviews.

"It's the largest database ever assembled in the world," said one person, who, like the others who agreed to talk about the NSA's activities, declined to be identified by name or affiliation. The agency's goal is "to create a database of every call ever made" within the nation's borders, this person added.

Among the big telecommunications companies, only Qwest has refused to help the NSA, the sources said. According to multiple sources, Qwest declined to participate because it was uneasy about the legal implications of handing over customer information to the government without warrants.

Qwest's refusal to participate has left the NSA with a hole in its database. Based in Denver, Qwest provides local phone service to 14 million customers in 14 states in the West and Northwest. But AT&T and Verizon also provide some services — primarily long-distance and wireless — to people who live in Qwest's region. Therefore, they can provide the NSA with at least some access in that area.

After searching your phone records, Bush asked Congress to give retroactive immunity to the telecommunications companies which turned over your records:

The Bush administration maintains that the changes are consistent with FISA's intent--that targeting foreign communications doesn't require a warrant--and that a warrant is still required for "targeting a person in the United States." But civil-liberties advocates argue that the government is creating a loophole to monitor Americans' e-mails and phone calls to overseas contacts without the intended court approval.

The new law also immunizes from legal liability the private companies that assist the government with surveillance going forward, but Bush repeated existing calls for making that policy retroactive as well.

"It's particularly important for Congress to provide meaningful liability protection to those companies now facing multibillion-dollar lawsuits only because they are believed to have assisted in efforts to defend our nation, following the 9/11 attacks," Bush said.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which has sued AT&T over its allegedly illegal cooperation with the government, says references to the crippling liability posed by such suits suggest that the scope of the wiretapping is "massive."

Congress passed the law, giving them that immunity.
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There is no difference between Obama and Bush when it comes to the War on Terra.


The piss drinkers on the right got so rock hard engorged there was no blood left in their brains to consider that one day all this totalitarian shit they were inventing and cheerleading would be handed to the other party.


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